Cardiorespiratory Fitness Training Flashcards
Cardio respiratory fitness means?
The ability of circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen-rich blood to skeletal muscles during sustained physical activity.
What is Integrated cardio respiratory training?
Are training programs that progress clients through various stages to achieve optimal levels of physiologic, physical and performance adaptations by placing stress on cardiorespiratory system.
What are the three stages of cardiorespiratory fitness training?
Warm up phase
Conditioning phase
Cool-down phase
What is general warm up?
Low-intensity exercise consisting of movements that do not necessarily relate to the more intense exercise that is to follow. Ex walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bicycle before weight training.
What is a specific warm up?
Low intensity exercise consisting of movements that mimic those that will be included in more intense exercise that is to follow. Ex Dynamic stretches, performing body weight squats and push ups before weight training.
What are the benefits and effects of warm up?
Benefits: -Increased heart and respiratory rate Effects: Capacity to perform work Blood flow to active muscles Increases the Oxygen exchange capacity.
-Increased tissue temperature:
Effects Increases rate of muscle contraction Increases efficiency of opposing muscle Increase metabolic rate Increase soft tissue extensibility.
-Increased psychological
Preparation for bouts of exercise.
Increases the mental readiness of an individual.
How long does the cardiorespiratory portion last?
5-10 min both warm up & cool down
What is the purpose of the warm up?
Increase heart and respiration rates
Increase tissue temperature
Psychologically prepare the individual for higher training intensities.
What is stage one stabilization level for # 3 warm up cardiorespiratory exercises?
5-10 minutes
Treadmill Stationary bicycle Stairclimber Rower Elliptical trainer
What are Static stretches for stabilization phase 1 ,# 2 in warm up process?
Static stretch (30 sec for each muscle)
(Only used in areas that the assessments have determined are tight or overactive.)
Gastrocnemius/ soleus
Tensor fascia latae
Latissimus Dorsi
What is stage one stabilization level for # 1 warm up SMR?
30 seconds for each muscle
(Only used in areas that the assessments have determined are tight or overactive.)
Tensor fascia latae
Latissimus dorsi
Warm up strength level 2,3,4 stage # 1 SMR?
30 seconds for each muscle
(Only used in areas that the assessments have determined are tight or overactive.) Gastrocnemius Adductors Tensor fascia latae Latissimus dorsi
Warm up strength level 2,3,4 stage # 2 Active isolated stretching ?
1-2 seconds,5-10 reps for each muscle
(Only used in areas that the assessments have determined are tight or overactive.)
Tensor fascia latae
Latissimus dorsi
Warm up strength level 2,3,4 stage # 3 cardiorespiratory exercise?
5-10 minutes
Treadmill Stationary bike Stairclimber Rower Elliptical trainer
Warm up power level 5 stage SMR?
30 seconds for each muscle
(Only used in areas that the assessments have determined are tight or overactive.) Gastrocnemius Adductors TFL and lliotibial band Latissimus Dorsi
Warm up power level 5 stage Dynamic stretching?
10 repetitions of each side
Hip swings: side to side Prisoner squats Lunge with rotation Lateral tube walking Medicine ball lift and chop Single-leg squat touch down
What is Conditioning phase ?
Is a low intensity cardiorespiratory exercise will typically result in some improvements in health in well being, but not necessarily any significant improvements in health and well being, but not necessarily any significant improvements in fitness as compared with higher intensity.
What are benefits of conditioning phase?
Lower resting heart rate Reduced risk of heart disease Lower heart rate at given level of work Improved oxygen transport Increase in metabolic rate Reduced risk of obesity or diabetes mellitus
What is the purpose of cool down phase?
Provides the body with a smooth transition from exercise from exercise back to steady state of rest.
What is cool down benefits?
The overarching goal of cool-down is to reduce heart and breathing rate, gradually cool body temperature, return muscle to their optimal length relationships,prevent venous pooling of blood on lower extremities.
Cool down cardio respiratory exercise stage #1?
5-10 minutes
Treadmill Stationary bike Stairclimber Rower Elliptical trainer
Cool down stage # 2 self myofascial release?
30 sec for each muscle
(Only used in areas that the assessments have determined are tight or overactive.) Gastrocnemius Adductors Tensor fascia latae Latissimus dorsi
Cool down stage #3 static stretching?
30 sec each muscle
(Only used in areas that the assessments have determined are tight or overactive.) Gastrocnemius Adductors Tensor fascia latae Latissimus dorsi
What does FITTE stand for?
Frequency Intensity Time Type Enjoyment
What is frequency?
Frequency refers to the number of training sessions in a given timeframe.
What would be an ex of a general aerobic activity recommendations?
Frequency:5 days per a week
Intensity: 40% to <60%
Time 150 minutes per week
Type moderate intensity aerobic activity brisk walking
Enjoyment choose endurance activities that require minimal skill or physical fitness.
What is intensity?
The level of demand the a given activity places on the body.
What is maximal oxygen consumption (vo2max)?
The highest rate of oxygen transport and utilization achieved at maximal physical exertion.
What is oxygen uptake?
The difference between resting and maximal or peak oxygen consumption.
What is rating of perceived exertion (Borg scale)
It’s a scale that determines a persons personal scale of exertion so others can know where you are ,rating by numbers 6 non exertion 15 -hard 11 light etc.
What is a ventilatory threshold?
The point during graded exercise in which ventilation increases disproportionately to oxygen uptake signifying a switch from predominantly arerobic energy production to anaerobic production.
What are methods for prescribing exercise intensity?
Peak V02 VO2 reserve (Vo2R) Peak Met x (%Met) Peak heart rate (HR) Heart rate reserve (HRR) Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) Talk test
What is time?
The length of time an individual is engaged in a given activity.
min 2 hrs 30 min
Mod activity
Brisk walking
What is type?
The type or mode of physical activity that an individual is engaged in.
What is enjoyment?
The amount of pleasure derived from performing a physical activity.
Process of progression with cardiorespiratory time?
- 150 min brisk walk every week
2. 1 hr and 15 min vigorous intensity aerobic activity( I.e jogging or running every week.
Stage one stabilization level cardiorespiratory fitness includes?
Helps sedentary clients
By using target heart rate of 65-75% of HR max or approximately 12 to 13 on rating perceived exertion scale
Use talk test
Clients work up to 30-60 min continuous exercise
If client has never exercised start zone one 5 minutes or reduce the heart rate percentage to general activity recommendations.
Maintain at least 30 min two to three times a week. That way be ready for stage 2, could take up to 2-3 months.
Stage two strength level cardiorespiratory fitness includes?
Work between zone 1 to zone 2 alternate days of week.( alternating sessions every workout)
Interval 1:3 ratio (1 min interval 3 min recovery) then progression 1:2 ratio lastly 1:1work rest ratio
Low to moderate cardio respiratory fitness levels increase workload (speed, incline,level) to help alter heart rate in and out of zone one to two.
Intro to interval training
Warm up zone 5-10 minutes
Start with 1 min interval in zone two, increase work load within a min to reach zone 2 for 1 min, in might take almost 45 sec to reach zone two leaving only 15 sec. Then after 1 min return back to zone 1 for 3 min.
Repeat of client has time and can recover. Back to zone one between the intervals.
Questions for clients
Did the client get into zone 2?
Was it easy?
Could he/she maintain that heart rate and if so for how long?
if client wasn’t able to reach the predicted zone two in 1 min the use the HR he or she was able to reach as there 85%
Take 9% off this number to get lower end of clients readjusted zone. Ex 150 per min was predicted 85%but client could only do 145 during 1 min push 145 should now be considered that clients 85% HR max.
Take 9% off 145% ( 9% of 145 is 13 beats; 145-13 =132) so 132 bpm is the individual 76%of HRMax.
Stage three power level cardiorespiratory fitness includes?
Power level
It is vital to rotate through all three stages
Low,med, high intensity to help minimize overtraining
For advanced clients
Interval within zone 3 should start brief 30-60 sec once improves stage can progress similar to stage 2 decreasing work to rest ratios and increasing the duration of high intensity intervals. Frequency of and duration of intervals in zone two and zone three should be client specific based on their goals needs abilities and tolerance to intense activity.
Increase work load to alter heart rate.
Warm up in zone one for 10 min
Increase workload every 60 seconds until reaching zone three requires slow climb through zone 2 for 2 min
After pushing for another min in zone three decrease the work load, 1 min break, gauge improvement
Drop the client workload down to level he or she was just working in before starting the zone 3 interval. During this min heart rate will drop.
Weeks will take if training heart will drop more quickly the faster the heart rate will drop more quickly. The faster the heart rate drops, the stronger the heart is getting.
If client is not able to drop to appropriate heart rate during one min assume tired about overtrain. Stay in zone one or two for rest of workout. Could be due to hard workout day before , not enough sleep poor nutrition.
If HR does drop to normal rate then overload the body again and go to next zone for line min
After this min go back zone 1 for 5-10 min repeat if desired.
Circuit training for stabilization stage?
Ball dumbbell cheat press Ball dumbbell row Single leg scaption Single leg dumbbell curl Ball dumbbell triceps extension Step-up to balance Rest
Circuit training for strength stage?
Dumbbell chest press Machine cable row Seated dumbbell overhead press Standing barbell curl Machine triceps push down Multiplaner lunges Rest
Circuit training for power stage?
MB chest press MB soccer throw MB scoop toss Squat jump Rest
Beginning client stabilization level combined with all learned material?
5-10 min flexibility (SMR,static stretching)
5-10 min stage 1
cardiorespiratory training
15-20 circuit weight training
5-10 stage 1 cardiorespiratory training
5-10 min flexibility(SMR , static stretching)
Intermediate client strength level combined with all learned material?
5-10 warm up flexibility(SMR , active isolated stretching)
5-10 min stage 2 cardiorespiratory training
15-20 min Circuit weight training
Stage 2 cardiorespiratory training
5-10 min- cool down flexibility (SMR , static stretching)
Advanced client power level combined with all learned material?
5-10 min warm up flexibility (SMR, dynamic stretching)
5-10 stage 3 cardiorespiratory training
15-20 min circuit weight training
5-10 min stage 3 cardio respiratory training
5-10 min flexibility (SMR, static stretching)
Clients with rounded shoulders or forward head posture should watch for?
Clients grasping of the handles with over supinated or over pronated hand position equipment which will cause elevated and protracted shoulders and forward head. Equipment should be used without hands.
Watch if there is television is present, watch for excessive cervical extension (looking upward)
Clients with anteriorly rotated pelvis and Arched lower back (lower crossed syndrome) do not allow to do?
Initial use of bicycles or steppers. As hips are placed in constant state of flexion, adding to shortened hip flexor complex if they are used emphasize corrective flexibility techniques for hip flexors before and after use.
Treadmill speed should be kept to a controllable pace avoid over striding. Hips may not be able to properly extend and may cause the low back to overextend(arch) placing increased stress on low back. Corrective flexibility should be done before and after use.
Clients with feet turned out or knees moved in should not?
Treadmill,steppers that require climbing or aerobics classes may initially be to extreme for constant repetition especially if clients are allowed to hold on to the rails and speed up the pace.
Emphasize foam rolling static stretching for calves adductors biceps femoris (short head)iliotibial band and tensor fascia latae (TFL)