cardiology rotation Flashcards
Lovenox dosing for inpatient DVT prophylaxis?
1mg/kg subcutanoues Q12hr or 1.5mg/kg subQ once daily
Lovenox dosing for unstable angina/NSTEMI?
1mg/kg q12hr
Lovenox dosing for a stemi?
30mg IV bolus followed by 1mg/kg 15 minutes later then 1mg/kg subq Q12hr
What is the approach for preop cardiac risk evaluation?
Step 1- is it an emergency or not? if no move to next step
Step 2- Are they having ACS symptoms if yes treat them if no move to step 3
Step 3- Estimate MACE if low risk less than 1% no further testing
Step 4- risk is greater than 1% do a MET if it is >4 or 10 then no further testing needed. If less than 4 ask yourself will further testing impact decision if yes than do a Pharm stress test
Step 5- if pharm is abnormal do an angiogram
Right axis deviation can mean what?
- sign of pulmonary hypertension
- Lateral myocardial infarction
- right ventricular hypertrophy
- PE
Left axis deviation can mean what?
MCC is a left anteriorfasicular block
- MI
- systolic HF
Why do we worry about HF with reduced EF?
because it can cause VT/Vfib/sudden cardiac death
when should ICD therapy be considered in patient post MI with ischemic cardiomyopathy causing HF?
Class 1A rec- it can decrease total mortality in patients at least 40 days post MI with a EF 30% or less with NYHA class 1 symptoms while on GDMT
What are the 5 types of myocardial ischemia?
- Spontaneous rupture of plaque or SVD in women
- Demand ischemia- can be caused by decreased supply, coronary artery spasm, coronary emboli, anemia, arrhythmia’s, hypertension or hypotension
- Sudden cardiac death- accompanied by presumably new ST elevation or new LBBB
4a. MI associated with PCI
4b. MI associated with stent thrombosis - MI associated with CABG graft failure up to one month out
Metoprolol tartrate dose inpatient for Afib rate control?
2.5-5mg IV bolus over 2 mins up to 3 doses
Verapamil dose for inpatient Afib rate control?
0.15mg/kg IV bolus over 2 mins. Can give an additional 10mg after 30 mins if no response then 0.005 or 0.05? mg/kg/min
Ditiazem inpatient afib rate control dose?
0.25mg/kg IV bolus over 2 min then 5-15mg/hr
Amiodarone dose for afib rate control for inpatient
300mg IV over an hour then 10-50mg/hr over 24 hours
Class 1a afib catheter ablation rec?
sor symptomatic paroxsymal AF refractory or intolerant to at least 1 class I or Class III antiarrythmic med when rhythm control is desired
Class 1A indications for CABG?
- Left main stem disease >50%
- Proximal LAD >70% and circumflex
- 3 vessel disease w/or without involvement of proximal LAD
- Patients with DM and 2 vessel disease