Cardiology - MTB Flashcards
A 48 y.o woman comes to the office wth chest pain that has been occuring for the past several weeks. Not reliably related to exertion. She is comfortable now. Pain sometimes associated with nausea. No SOB. and pain does not radiate beyonf chest. She has no PMH. What is most likely diagnosis?
Coronary artery disease
- aka atherosclerotic disease
- ischemic heart disease
Risk factors for CAD
- Diabetes mellitus
- Tobacco smoking
- Hyperlipidemia
- Family hx of premature coronary arery disease
- Age above 45 in men and above 55 in women
Worst risk factor for CAD
Diabetes mellitus
Premature coronary heart disease
- male relative under 55
- female relative under 65
Postmenopausal woman develops chest pain immediately on hearing news of her son’s death in war. She develops acute chest pain , dyspnea, ST segment elevation in V2 - V4 on ECG. Elevated levels of troponin confirm an acute MI. Coronary angiography is normal including absence of vasospasm with provocative testing. ECG reveals apical LV “ballooning”. Mechanism of this disorder?
- massive catecholamine discharge
Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy
- often occurs in postmenopausal women s/p emotionally stressful event
- manage w/ Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors
Most dangerous risk factors in terms of risk or CAD?
Elevated LDL
Correcting which risk factor for CAD will result in the most immediate benefit for the patient?
Smoking cessation
Chest pain described as dull / “sore” and/or squeezing or pressure-like
ischemic pain
- sharp (“knifelike”) or pointlike
- lasts for a few seconds
Chest pain that excludes ischemic pain
- changes with respiration (pleuritic)
- changes with position of the body
- changes with touch of the chest wall (tenderness)
** if patient answers yes to the previous questions, likely NOT ischemic
Most common cause of chest pain
Gastrointestinal disorders
Patient describes chest wall tenderness. Most likely diagnosis?
Most accurate test for costochondritis
Physical exam
Patient describes chest pain that radiates to the back, unequal blood pressure between arms. Most likely diagnosis?
Aortic dissection
Most accurate test for aortic dissection
w/ widened mediastinum
- chest CT, MRI, or TEE confirms the disease
Young Pt (< 40) c/o chest pain worse with lying flat, better when sitting up. Likely diagnosis?
Most accurate test for pericarditis
Electrocardiogram with ST elevation every where
PR depression
Pt describes epigastric discomfort, pain better when eating. Likely diagnosis?
Duodenal ulcer disease
Most accurate test for chest pain
Pt describes chest pain with bad tatse, cough, hoarsness
Gastroesophageal reflux
Most accurate test for GERD
Response to PPIs;
- alumnium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide
- viscous lidocaine
Pt describes chest pain with cough, sputum, and hemoptysis. Likely diagnosis?
Most accurate test for pneumonia