What are the signs of an MI
atypical SOB, dyspnea, weakness, n/v, fatigue, syncope. Back pain
Medications that can cause heart burn
BB, CCB, alpha agonists. (HTN meds)
What type of murmurs radiate to another location?
All diastolic murmurs are
Which murmurs are systolic?
Mr Peyton Manning as MVP ○Mr. = Mitral Regurgitation ○Peyton Manning = Physiologic Murmur ○As = Aortic Stenosis ○MVP = Mitral Valve Prolapse
Which murmurs are diastolic?
“And how did he get to be MVP? With his …..ARMS”
○AR = Aortic Regurgitation ○MS = Mitral Stenosis
Mitral Valve Prolapse
A late systolic click near the apex
Mitral Regurgitation
systolic murmur best heard at the apex of the heart
Aortic Stenosis
soft murmur near to 2ICS to the right of the sternum May have sternal discomfort when walking
aortic regurgitation
Diastolic sounds heard loudest near the 2ICS right sternal border
mitral stenosis
Diastolic sounds heard loudest near the apex
peripheral artery disease causes
Smokes cigarettes
Does not exercise
What causes the S1 sound?
Closure of AV
What causes the S2 sound?
Closure of SL
What causes the S3 sound?
Sounds like Ken-tuck-y
Early diastole
Heard with bell
What causes the S4 sound?
LVH stiffening
late diastole
“Atrial kick/gallop”
What med should be given after MI?
Beta blocker
What med is given for Isolated systolic hypertension
What test should be given for stable angina?
Stress test
Nocturnal pain relieved by lowering legs, poor pulses, dependent rubor,
intermittent claudication, atrophy, shiny, hairless, cold feet. Initial do a pulse check, ABI 0.9 or less is
PAD. Arteriography is the most DEFINITIVE test. Try to develop collateral circulation.
Trental, Pletal.
Impaired venous return. Achy legs relieved by elevation, edema after prolonged standing, night
cramps, brownish discoloration, cold, ulcers. Etc. do support stockings.
Stage 1 HTN
Upper limit of normal BP for elderly
Possible side effects of Thiazides
no sulfa allergies, hyperuricemia hypokalemia hypomagnesemia, hyponatremia hyperglycemia hypertriglycerides
Infective Endocarditis
Fever, chills, malaise, new onset murmur. Osler’s nodes- painful petechiae,
violet colored nodes on the fingers or feet. Janeway lesions- non tender red spots on the palms/soles.
Fundoscopic exam may show Roth spots or retinal hemorrhages. Blood culture x3 (first 24 hours).
Antibiotic prophylaxis is NOT recommended. Except if there is existing infection. 1 h. b4
Amoxicillin 2g po or 50mg/kg.
What lab needs to be checked before starting a statin?
Pulsus paradox
Apical pulse can still be heard even though the radial pulse is no longer palpable.
Certain issues cause impairment with diastolic filling, 10 or greater drop in the SYSTOLIC pressure. I
think her patient had asthma and their pressure dropped by 10 etc.