cardiology Flashcards
Indications for digoxin
Atrial fibrillation
heart failure in tx of resistent cases
Digoxin mechanism of action
Inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPases → higher intracellular Na+ concentration → reduced efficacy of Na+/Ca2+ exchangers → higher intracellular Ca2+ concentration → increased vagal tone increased contractility (positive inotropic effect); reduced velocity of electric conduction (negative dromotropic effect); reduction of the heart rate (negative chronotropic effect)
what are risk factors for digoxin toxicity
renal failure
Drugs such as verapamil, diltiazem, amiodarone, K+ depleting diuretics
Clinical features of digoxin toxicity
Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and anorexia
Blurry vision with a yellow tint and halos, disorientation, weakness
How to tx digoxin toxicity
Digoxin-specific antibody (œ) fragments
normalize serum K+ levels
Changes on EKG for STEMI
2mm ST elevation or depression or new LBBB
GO to cath lab
ST segment elevation in V1-V4 is STEMI where
anterior infarct
Left anterior descending artery
left side of heart and 2/3 front of the IV septum
ST segment elevation in I, aVL, V4-V6 is STEMI where
Lateral infarct
Circumflex artery
Supplies the left atrium and side and back of left ventricle
ST segment elevation in II, III, and aVF
Inferior infarct
Right Coronary artery
The right coronary artery supplies blood to the right ventricle, the right atrium, and the SA (sinoatrial) and AV (atrioventricular) nodes, which regulate the heart rhythm.
Right ventricular infarct sxs?
What medication do you not give
Sxs are hypotension tachycardia, clear lungs JVD, no pulsus paradoxus
DO NOT give nitro
What medications ar indicated in patient with MI
Oxygen Nitroglycerin (unless right ventricular infarct) Beta blocker ASA Morphine ACE inhibitor IV heparin
Dont do a EKG stress test if
patient cant exercise
old LBB or baseline ST elevation or pt. is on digoxin do exercise echo instead
if cant exercise do a chemical stress test
Most common cause of death in MI patients
Arrhythymia, Vfib
New systolic murmur (mitral regurgitation) 5-7 days s/p MI?
Papillary muscle rupture
Obtain echo and emergent surgery for replacement
Tx of Vfib
immediate unsynchronized defibrillation and CPR
Acute severe hypotension within 2 weeks s/p STEMI
Ventricular free wall rupture
Step up in 02 concentration form RA to RV status post MI
ventricular septal rupture
5-10 weeks s/p MI, mild fever, pleuritic CP, tired?
Dressler syndrome
Treat with NSAIDS
pt. comes in with chest pain worse with inspiration, better with leaning forward, friction rub and diffuse ST elevation and PR depression?
2nd Colchicine
Young patient complains of CP worse with palpation