Cardiology Flashcards
Rule #4
heart has 3 functions
- electrical conduction
- contraction during systole
- relaxation during diastole
Body-wide functions
delivers oxygen, water, hormone, regulatory chemicals to tissues
removes carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes from tissues
supports blood flow functions (kidneys, lungs, digestion and absorption, metabolism, reproduction)
3 layers of the heart
endocardium: single layer of endothelial cells
myocardium: thick myocardial cells
epicardium (serous pericardium): thin layer of mesothelial
heart valves and locations
Tricuspid: right sided, right atrioventricular valve
Pulmonic: left sided, cranial most
Mitral: left sided, ventral most (intersection of costochondral junction and sternum)
Aortic: left sided, dorsal most
Rule #2
the heart is a muscle
myocardium features
lots of mitochondria
intercalated disks - conduct electrical impulse, connects cells together
Contractile unit of the heart