Cardiology Flashcards
Name 5 risk factors for CVD?
- Previous CAD (incl. angina, MI)
- High Cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Smoking + alcohol
- Kidney disease
- Fam hx
What is cachexia?
Weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness.
Name three peripheral signs of Infective Endocarditis
Splinter haemorrhages in the nails
Osler’s nodes (red, raised, tender papules on fingers)
Janeway’s lesions (non-tender, maculo-papular lesions on palms)
What are these?
Roth’s spots seen on fundoscopy.
Retinal hemorrhages associated with Infective Endocarditis and others.
What is normal P wave duration and what does longer mean?
Normal = <2.5 sq
(longer → LA enlargement)
What is normal P wave amplitute and what does higher mean?
Normal = <2.5sq/0.25mV
(larger → RA enlargement)
What is the duration of the PR (start P wave to start of QRS) interval?
What does shorter/ longer mean?
(Shorter → abnormal tract of bypassing tissue,
Longer → AV block with disease)
What is the Cardiac Clock and how does it impact on axis?
Normal: between -30 and +90 degrees
What is normal QRS duration?
Normal QRS: <2.5 sq
Bundle branch blocks (give M shaped complexes); ventricular ectopic focus; anomalous atrio-ventricular pathway; non-specific intraventricular conduction defect.
How is LV hypertrophey calculated?
S-wave in lead V1 + R-wave in either lead V5 or V6 > 35 mm
Sokolaw-Lyon criteria
How can you tell RV hypertrophy?
Lead V1: positive deflection > negative deflection (in the presence of a normal QRS duration)
What leads on ECG reflect ischemia in the distribution of the RCA?
The inferior leads.
What chest leads reflect ischemia in the distribution of LAD?
What Lateral leads reflect ischemia in the distribution of the circumflex artery?
aVL, I, V5, V6
What test is used to:
- Confirm dx of angina. Evaluate angina.
- Assess prognosis following MI
- Assess coronary revascularisation
- Exercise induced arrhythmias?
Stress ECG
Where is BNP (B-type Natriuretic peptide) secreted from?
Secreted by LV w/ LV systolic dysfunction (stretch, fibrosis, etc)
Name 5 systems that can cause chest pain and ddxs:
- Anxiety/emotion
- Acute coronary syndrome (angina, NSTEMI, STEMI)
- Pericarditis
- Mitral valve prolapse
- Aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm
- Oesophagitis, oesophageal spasm, Mallory-Weiss tear
- Bronchospasm, Pulm infarct, pneumonia, tracheitis, pneumothorax
- PE, malignancy, TB, connective tissue disease
- Osteoarthritis, rib fracture, costochondritis, intercostal muscle injury
- Prolapsed intervertebral disc, Herpes Zoster, thoracic outlet syndrome
How do you initially manage (Ix, Mx, Path) chest pain?
Chest pain or Sx of Myocardial Ischemia -> ECG + Vitals.
Basic Mx = O2, Aspirin, IV access, Pain relief, CXR
Pathology -> cardiac biomarkers, FBC, BGL, lipids, TSH
What are indications for reperfusion?
Chest pain >30min, <12hrs.
Persistent ST elevation or new LBBB
Myocardial infarct likely from hx
Name 5 systems that can cause dyspnoea and their ddxs?
- Asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary oedema, pneumothorax, pulmonary embolus, metabolic acidosis, ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome), panic attack.
- Airflow obstruction (asthma, COPD, upper airway obstruction), restrictive lung disease (interstitial lung disease, pleural effusion, resp. muscle weakness), pneumonia, pneumothorax, PE, aspiration, ARDS
- Myocardial ischaemia, congestive heart failure, valvular obstruction, arrhythmias, cardiac tamponade
- Acidosis, hypercapnia, sepsis
- Anaemia
- Anxiety/panic attack
What Ix do you want for dyspnea?
CXR -> pneumonia, new onset HF, pneumothorax, etc.
CT -> PE, interstitial + alveolar lung disease
Modified Well’s criteria for PE
ABG, pulse oximetry, serum BNP in HF.
What are the cardiac causes of dyspnoea? (4)
Acute Left heart failure (MI, mitral regurg, AF)
Chronic Heart Failure
What is cardiogenic shock?
Impairment of tissue perfusion via acute circulatory failure, 2nd to a cardiac cause.
How does a massive PE cause Cardiogenic shock?
RV outflow obstruction -> no LV preload -> circ collapse
What is syncope?
Sudden loss of consciousness, 2nd to decreased cerebral perfusion
What are 3 main cardiac causes of syncope?
Cardiac syncope
- Mechanical cardiac dysfunction, arrhythmia
Neurocardiogenic syncope
- Abnormal autonomics (~vasovagal)
Postural hypotension
- Vasoconstriction on standing impaired -> low BP
What Ix would you like for syncope?
- Hx + collateral hx + exams (~Cardio + Neuro)
- Cardiac -> Holter monitor, echo, Electrophysiology study
- Neuro -> EEG, carotid Doppler, CT/MRI
- Vasovagal -> Tilt table test
Why does Postural Hypotension occur? (3)
- Relative hypovolaemia (dehydration, often 2nd to diuretics)
- Autonomic (symp) degeneration -> DM, Parkinson’s, aging
- Drug therapy -> anti-HTNs
What are the acute coronary syndromes?
Stable and unstable angina, NSTEMI, STEMI