Cardiology Flashcards
What is heart failure?
Inability of heart to sufficiently pump blood around the body. The heart compensates by beating harder, increasing stroke volume and beats faster. Over time, muscles become overworked leading to death of cardiomyocytes.
HF is a clinical syndrome characterized by typical symptoms (e.g. breathlessness, ankle swelling and fatigue) that may be accompanied by signs (e.g. elevated jugular venous pressure, pulmonary crackles and peripheral oedema) caused by a structural and/or functional cardiac abnormality, resulting in a reduced cardiac output and/or elevated intracardiac pressures at rest or during stress.
What is the ejection fraction?
% blood pumped out from the ventricles (usually left as it is oxygenated)
What is the EF for a normal heart?
What is the EF for systolic dysfunction?
<40- 50%
What is systolic dysfunction?
What is it also known as?
Reduced ejection fraction
The ventricles can be filled with more blood, however the walls are thinner and weaker so less can be pumped out - impaired contractility of the ventricles
Left sided heart failure/ HF with reduced ejection fraction
Which type of heart failure is there evidence based medicine for?
Systolic dysfunction
What are the two different types of Heart failure?
Diastolic and systolic dysfunction
What is diastolic dysfunction?
What is it also known as?
Preserved ejection fraction
Stiff, thicker ventricles so volume is lower in ventricles but still pumping out at least 60% volume
Right sided heart failure/ HF with preserved ejection fraction
How do you treat diastolic dysfunction?
Can only be treated via symptoms eg) Hypertension, comorbidities
What is Frank Starling Law?
Cardiac output= HR x Stroke volume
The ability of the heart to chance its force of contraction (and therefore stroke volume) in response to changes in venous return
What is cardiac output?
Volume of blood leaving the heart per minute
What is stroke volume?
Volume of blood pumped out of the ventricle per beat
What is preload?
The pressure within the ventricles end of diastole (where the blood is being filled into the ventricles and the pressure gets so great that the aortic/pulmonary valve opens to push blood out of the heart)
Is stroke volume proportional to cardiac output?
How does this relate to venous return?
A greater end diastolic volume increases contractile strength of the ventricles and increase cardiac output
The higher the venous return, the more filling in the right atrium and ventricle increases pressure
What is Laplace’s law?
Larger heart - insufficient
Hypertrophy - increase muscle mass leads to increased workload and oxygen consumption of the heart (as there is more muscle)
What is the renin angiotensin aldosterone system?
- Liver produces angiotensinogen
- Renin (produced by kidneys in response to low BP) converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin 1
- ACE (from lungs) converts angiotensin 1 to angiotensin 2
- Angiotensin 2 causes release of aldosterone from adrenal glands
- Aldosterone acts on nephron to cause water and sodium retention. Blood volume and BP increases
Aldosterone also causes adrenaline to be released causing sympathetic NS activation, so HR and contractility increases.
What is the consequence of the heart working harder?
Cardiac remodelling takes place
Walls become thicker
What is bradypnoea? Is it a symptom of heart failure?
Low breathing rate
No- HF patients breathe faster
What are the symptoms of heart failure?
Fatigue Dyspnoea (SOB) Peripheral Oedema Orthopnoea (SOB when lying down) Faster breathing rate
Describe the New York Association classification of Heart failure
Class 1- No limitations with ordinary physical activity
Class 2- Slight limitation and SOB with moderate to severe exertion
Class 3 - Marked limitation less than ordinary activity causes dyspnoea
Class 4- Severe disability dyspnoea at rest
What does elevated jugular venous pressure?
It highlights increased pressure in the venous system
Right sided HF (diastolic dysfunction)
Jugular veins drain blood from the head and when pressure in right atrium is too high, blood glows back into this vein
What are the 7 causes of heart failure?
- Vascular disease
- Coronary artery disease (2/3 of cases)
- Hypertension
- Arrythmia
- Non-cardiac causes e.g. anaemia and pregnancy
- Cardiomyopathy
- Congenital heart disease