Cardiology Flashcards
Hallmarks of an innocent murmur
The5 Ss InnoSent: 1. ASymptomatic 2. Soft blowing murmur 3. Only Systolic murmur (not diastolic) 4. Left Sternal edge - Other: No thrill, no radiation
Symptoms of heart failure
- Breathlessness
- Sweating
- Poor feeding
- Recurrent chest infections
What is the most probable cause of HF during the first week of life?
Left heart obstruction
- Coarctation of the aorta
- Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
- Aortic valve stenosis
- Interruption of the aortic arch
The cyanotic heart diseases
The 5 Ts:
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- Transposition of great vessels
- Truncus arteriosis
- Total anomalous pulmonary venous return
- Tricuspid atresia
Types of ASD
- Secundum ASD - most common (80%)
2. Partial atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) or primum ASD
Symptoms of ASD
- None (commonly)
- Recurrent chest infections/wheeze
- Arrhythmias
Physical signs in ASD
- Ejection systolic murmur, upper left sternal border - due to increased flow across the pulmonary valve
- Fixed and widely split second heart sound
Physical signs of small VSD
- Loud pansystolic murmur at the lower left sternal edge (loud murmur implies smaller defect)
- Quiet pulmonary second sound
Clinical features of large VSD
- HF - breathlessness and faltering growth
- Recurrent chest infections
- Tachypnea, tachycardia, enlarged liver from HF
- Active precordium
- Soft pan systolic murmur or no murmur
- Apical mid-diastolic murmur (from increased flow through the mitral valve)
- Loud pulmonary second sound
Left-to-right shunt disorders
- ASD (secundum 80%)
- VSD (small 80-90%)
- Persisten ductus arteriosis
- Endocardial cushion defect
When should the ductus arteriosis close, and when can you say that it is a PDA?
Should close shortly after birth.
In PDA is has failed to close by 1 month
Clinical features of PDA
- Continuous murmur beneath the left clavicle
- Increased pulse pressure, causing a collapsing or bounding pulse
- If duct is large - increased pulmonary blood flow with HF and pulmonary HTN
Management of PDA
- Preterm infants: Indomethacin (PGe inhibitor)
- Term infants: Coil or occlusion device, surgical ligation
Right-to-left shunt disorders
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- Transposition of the great vessels/arteries
What is hyperoxia (nitrogen washout) test?
Test to determine presence of heart disease in a cyanotic neonate.
- Placed in 100% oxygen for 10 min. - if <15 kPa / 113 mmHg - diagnosis of ‘cyanotic’ congenital heart disease (lung diseases must be excluded)
Side-effects of prostaglandin infusion
- Apnea
- Jitteriness
- Seizures
- Flushing
- Vasodilation
- Hypotension
Most common cause of cyanotic congenital heart disease?
Tetralogy of Fallot
What are the features of Tetralogy of Fallot?
- Large VSD
- Overriding of the aorta
- Subpulmonary stenosis (right ventricular outflow obstruction)
- Right ventricular hypertrophy
Classic old signs of Tetralogy of Fallot
- Severe cyanosis
- Hypercyanotic spells
- Squatting on exercise
What is a hypercyanotic spell?
Rapid increase in cyanosis
- Severe hypoxia causing:
- Irritability
- Inconsolable crying
- Tissue acidosis causing:
- Breathlessness
- Pallor