CARDIOlogy Flashcards
Widespread saddle shaped ST elevation, eased by leaning forward
Localised chest pain, painful to touch
Pain on exertion, relieved by rest
Cardiac Tamponade
beck’s triad:Hypotension, raised JVP, Muffled Heart sounds CABG/surgery
Hypotension, Dyspnoea
Electromechanical dissociation
21 year old athlete
Pleuritic chest pain
Increased resonance and reduced expansion on affected side
Aortic Dissection
Tearing chest pain radiating to the back. Weak peripheral pulses.
Phx of Hypertension. More in males
Pericardial Effusion
Beck’s triad – Hypotension, raised JVP, muffled heart sounds
Atrial fibrillation
Absent a waves, irregularly irregular
Coarctation of aorta
Radiofemoral delay
Rib notching
Paroxysmal SVT (e.g. Paroxysmal Atrial Tachy)
Otherwise well woman, catches her breath, fluttering in her chest
SVC Obstruction
Fixed, raised JVP
Rheumatic fever
Mitral stenosis, polyarthritis, pancarditis, Aschoff nodules
Tricuspid Regurg
Large V waves
Complete heart block
Cannon A waves
Acute CO2 retention
Bounding pulse, asterixis