Cardiology Flashcards
PAOP/normal values/ parameter measured
LV- (8-12 mmHG) preload
RAP/ normal values/ parameter measured
Right Ventricle ( 2-6mmHg) preload
SVR/SVRI/ normal values/ parameter measured
Systemic vascular resistance/ (800-1400)/ afterload
What formula states: resistance in a vessels depends on: length of the vessel, radius of the vessel, and the viscosity of the vessel
Poiseuille’s Formula
the nutrient bed where exchange of gases, nutrients, and metabolites takes place by the process of diffusion
Capillary bed
a term used to describe fluid accumulation in any space that is not intravascular or intracellular
third spacing
Angiotensin II causes
vasoconstriction and secretion of aldosterone
Angiotensin I is converted to antiotensin II by ___ ___ ___ as the blood travels through the lung
Angiotensin converting enzyme
Lactic acidosis is a result of anaeorbic metabolsim, and elevated serum arteral lactate level indicates a
tissue oxygen deficit
What is the normal arterial lactate level
Herbal Suppliments:
may increase risk of bleeding with warfarin
Herbal Suppliments:
may cause hypotension
Black cohosh
Herbal Suppliments: may increase hr and/or bp
Herbal Suppliments: may potentiate warfarin
Herbal Suppliments: may increase risk of bleeding with anticoagulants
Herbal Suppliments: may potentiate warfarin; may cause hypertension, hallucinations, or delirium
Herbal Suppliments: increases effects of statins, calcium channel blockers
grapefruite juice
Herbal Suppliments: may decrease effects of warfarin
green tea
Herbal Suppliments: potentiate effects of cardiac glyocosides and nitrates
Herbal Suppliments: may increase HR or BP; may decrease digoxin blood level
St. John’s Wort
alternating pluse waves, every other beat being weaker than the preceding one, characteristic of:
Pulses Alternans
Characteristics of LVF
an exaggeration of normal physiologic response to inspiration, BP drop of more than 10mmHg during inspiration
Pulsus paradoxus
Characteristic of: cardiac tamponade, pericardial effusion
advance HF
hemorrhagic shock
identified by dorsiflexing the foot with the knee slightly bent, present if:
Homan’s sign
present if the patient has pain in the calf
indicates thrombophlebitis
What are the 6 P’s of acute arterial occlusion
Pain, Pallor, Pulselessness, Parasthesia, Paralysis, Polar (cold)
Stroke Volume
In cardiac pulmonary edema, the __ is elevated, ___ is elevated, and the difference between the PA diastolic and PAOP is less than __ mmHG
PAP (10-20) , PAOP(8-12), 5mmhg
Most common cause is acute respiratory distress syndrom or drowning
Noncardiac pulmonary edema
In noncardiac pulmonary edema, the __ is elevated, ___ is normal, and the difference between PAOP and PA diastolic is greater than ___ mmHg
PAP, PAOP, 5mmHg
MI Leads/CA Infarct:
Extensive Anterior
Leavs V1-V6
Left Main
MI Leads/CA Infarct:
Leads V1, V2, V3, V4
Left Anterior descending artery
MI Leads/CA Infarct:
Leads 1, aVL, V5, V6
Left Circumflex artery
MI Leads/CA Infarct:
Leads II, III, aVF
Right coronary artery
MI Leads/CA Infarct:
Leads V1, V2, V7-V9
Right Coronary artery
Most common cause of right ventricular failure is
left ventricular failure