Cardiology Flashcards
Medications Known to Prolong QTc
Anti Emetics
(most commonly ondansetron)
Triptans, methadone, cisapride, arsenic
How to calculate Chads65
Age 65 or over
Prior stroke/ TIA / HTN / HF / DM
CHADS 0 –> consider single antiplatelet (COMPASS TRIAL)
>0 -> DOAC
Indications for a statin
LDL >/ 5mmol/l (familial DLD or genetial disposition)
Diabetic: + >40 or >30+DM for 15 years or microvascular complications
>50 with CKD eGFR<60 or ACR >3
MI, ACS, TIS, Stroke, CAD on PCI, PAD, AAA>3
When to initiate second line therapy for dyslipidemia
second line if LDLc>1.8 ornon-HDL-C ≥2.4 mmol/L or ApoB ≥0.7 g/L
evolocumab or Alirocumab +/- Ezetimibe in patients shown to benefit the greatest from PCSK9 inhibitor
Ezetimibe +/- PCSK9 inhibitor if not in the benefit group for PCSK9i
(CCS DLD guideline 2022)
Patients at greatest benefit OF A PCSK9 INHIBITOR
Clinically evident ASCVD and any of the following:
* Diabetes mellitus or metabolic syndrome
* Poly vascular disease (vascular disease in ≥2 arterial beds)
* Symptomatic PAD
* Recurrent MI
* MI in the past 2 years
* Previous CABG surgery
* LDL-C ≥2.6 mmol/L or heterozygous FH
* Lipoprotein(a) ≥60 mg/dL (120 nmol/L)
Recent ACS + Hospitalized index ACS to 52 weeks post index ACS
Important Side effects of amiodarone
Long term toxicity: thyroid, transaminitis, pneumonitis
Import side effect of flecainamide
1:1 AV conduction - First dose to be given in a monitored setting
Important side effect of Sotalol
Prolonged QTc, Repeat ECG 48-72 hours after initiation
maneuvers that decrease preload
Valsalva x 20 seconds
Squat to Standing
Maneuvers that increase afterload
isometric hand grip, listen after 1 minute
Clinical features of subclavian Steal syndrome
(Takayasu arteritis)
difference in R and L arm BPs
Neurological symptoms consistent with brainstem or cerebellar ischemia.
Symptoms may be provoked by arm exercise or arm ischemia
Medications that cause Atrial fibrillation
bisphosphonates smaller risk but listed on up to date
first line medical management for orthostatic hypotension
Indications for ICD for Primary prevention in CHF
LVEF <30% despite optimal medical management for at least 3 months
indications for revascularization in PAD
lifestyle limiting claudication which has not responded to optimal medical therapy
ABPI classifications
> 1.4 Normal
1 Probably no PAD
0.81-1 no significant disease / mild
0.5-0.8 Moderate disease
<0.5 Severe
<0.3 critical
Non- pharmacological management of PAD
smoking cessation
Exercise program
Daily self foot checks
wound care
Diabetes management
pharmacological management of PAD
antithrombotic is symptomatic (ASA +2.5 rivaoxaban BID if high risk, Clopidogrel if low risk for ischemic events)
Diagnostic Criteria for Brugada Syndrome
Type 1:
Coved ST segment elevation >2mm in >1 of V1-V3 followed by a negative T wave.
This is the only ECG abnormality that is potentially diagnostic.
Type 2
>2mm of saddleback shaped ST elevation.
Type 3
can be the morphology of either type 1 or type 2, but with <2mm of ST segment elevation.
First line therapy for isolated Systolic Hypertension
Thiazide, Long acting DHP CCB, ARB
First line therapy for diastolic hypertension +/- Systolic hypertension
BB Only if <60,
Long acting CCB
Quadruple therapy for HFrEF
SGLT2i - even if not diabetic
Aortic regurgitation: indications for surgery
Severe symptomatic AR
Severe Asymptomatic AR with EF<55%
Severe Asymptomatic AR undergoing other CVS surgery
Absolute Contraindications to exercise stress test
Acute MI (within 2 days)
Ongoing unstable angina
Uncontrolled hemodynamically-significant arrhythmia
Active endocarditis
Symptomatic severe AS
Decompensated heart failure
Acute PE, pulmonary infarction, DVT
Acute myocarditis, pericarditis
Acute aortic dissection
Physical limitations