Cardiology Flashcards
Draw the six Frontal leads of an EKG
Draw the six precordial leads on an EKG
What lead on an EKG is best to see a P-wave?
Lead 2
Lead 1 shows positive QRS and lead AVF also shows a positive QRS
EKG Axis?
Normal axis
Lead 1 shows a positive QRS and lead AVF has a negative QRS
Left axis deviation
Lead 1 negative QRS and lead AVF is positive QRS
right axis deviation
Lead 1 negative QRS and lead AVF is negative QRS
Extreme right axis deviation
Left axis deviation on EKG?
Positive Lead 1 QRS and negative lead AVF QRS
RIght axis deviation on EKG?
Negative lead 1 QRS and positive AVF QRS
Extreme right axis deviation on EKG?
Negative lead 1 QRS and negative lead AVF QRS
What are the causes of left axis deviation?
Left anterior hemiblock (aka fascicular block) and is a marker for CAD
What are the pathological causes of right axis deviation? (3)
Are all causes of right axis deviation pathological causes?
- Normal finding in children and young adults
- Pathological causes - left posterior hemiblock, right ventricular hypertrophy, and acute or chronic RV overload syndromes (pulmonary hypertension, PE, pulmonary stenosis)
How is heart rate determined on EKG?
- 300 divided by number of large boxes between R waves - only works if R-R interval is regular
- QRS complexes on strip X 6 - works if R-R interval is irregular or regular
What are three subtypes of neurocardiogenic syncope?
- Vasovagal syncope
- Situational syncope
- Carotid sinus hypersensitivity
What are the symptoms of neurocardiogenic syncope?
Dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, with prodromal features (early symptoms) of diaphoresis, pallor, palpitations, nausea, hyperventilation and yawning.
Myoclonic jerks can occur when the patient is unconscious
What are some triggers of vasovagal syncope?
What symptoms may precede vasovagal syncope?
Triggers are intense emotion, pain, prolonged standing, alcohol, or heat exposure.
Vasovagal syncope is preceded by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, flushing, tunnel vision, and diaphoresis.
What are triggers of situational syncope?
Describe pathogenesis?
Situational syncope is brought on by specific scenarios such as cough, micturition, pain, blood draw, strianing, or squatting.
These triggers provoke the vagal nervous system causing reflex vasodilation and bradycardia leading to syncope
Describe carotid sinus hypersensitivity?
Pause greater than 3 seconds associated with carotid sinus massage (tight fitting neck collars, shaving, etc)
What are two types of orthostatic hypotension and what are the differences between the two?
Volume depletion and autonomic dysfunction.
In volume depletion, the blood pressure drops and the heart rate rises with standing.
In autonomic dysfunction, the blood pressure falls but the heart rate does not rise with standing.
How is autonomic dysfunction orthostatic hypotension treated?
Use non-pharmacologic therapy first (support hose, increased dietary salt intake, avoiding hot tubs). Medications include midodrine and fludrocortisone
If the history is typical for vasovagal syncope and this is the first episode in a young patient with no suspected heart disease, is further evaluation needed?
What are three further tests to workup syncope in patients with risk factors for heart disease and more than one episode of syncope?
- Carotid sinus massage
- Echocardiography
- Tilt-table test
What is the most common cause of acute pericarditis and what are some other causes?
Most common cause is idiopathic/viral.
Other causes - Autoimmune, neoplasm, metabolic (uremia), drugs (hydralazine), acute MI (Dressler syndrome), after radiation and open heart surgery.