Cardiology Flashcards
Major criteria for rheumatic fever
polyarthritis carditis subcutaneous nodules erythema marginatum syndenham chorea
Wolff Parkinson White triad
Wide QRS complex
Short PR interval
Delta wave: slurring of the initial part of the QRS complex
Triad of chronic renal failure in ECG
Peaked T waves (hyperK)
Long QT due to ST segment lengthening (hypocalcemia)
LVH (Systemic hypertension)
Beck’s triad of cardiac tamponade
Muffled heart sounds
distended neck veins
Major determinants of myocardial oxygen demand
Heart rate
Myocardial contractility
Myocardial wall tension
Triad of Buerger’s disease
Claudication of affected extremity
Raynaud’s phenomenon
Migratory superficial vein thrombophlebitis
Clinical syndrome of hematochromatosis
Duroziez sign
to and fro murmur over femoral artery
Broadbent’s sign
apical pulse reduced and may retract in systole
Traube’s sign
“pistol shot” sound over the femoral arteries
corrigan’s pulse
rapidly rising water hammer pulse
Stokes adams syndrome
AV block that causes fainting due to initially suppressed state of myocardial fibers
Bainbridge reflex
increase in venous return increased heart rate
Beta blockers shown to improve life expectancy following acute MI
Pulsus paradoxus
> 10 mmHg decrease in SBP during inspiration
Palmar crease xanthomas
Type III hyperlipoproteinemia
Leathery cobblestoned appearance of skin in axilla and neck creases
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
Bifid uvula
Loeys Dietz syndrome
Orange tonsils
Tangier disease
Inflamed pinna, saddle nose deformity
relapsing polychondritis
Systolic pulsations over the liver
tricuspid regurgitation
unopposable fingerized thumb
Holt Oram Syndrome
Drugs causing pitting edema
Dihydropyridine ca channel blocker
Homan’s sign
posterior calf pain on active dorsiflexion
Prolongation or shortening of QT interval
Right pre cordial ST segment abnormalities
Brugada syndrome
Epsilon waves
Arhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
these murmurs increase during respiration except for
All right sided murmurs except for PES
these murmurs are louder during expiration
left sided murmurs
all murmurs decrease in intensity and length during valsalva maneuver except
Prolongation or shortening of QT interval
Right pre cordial ST segment abnormalities
Brugada syndrome
Epsilon waves
Arhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia