cardio treatment pt 3 Flashcards
stable/unstable angina
· Sublingual _____ is medication of choice for acute management
· Buccal spray is also available (0.4mg) in metered dose delivery system
· Prevention of further attacks. Identify and treat aggravating factors: hypertension, LV failure, arrhythmia (usually tachycardias). Strenuous activity, cold temperatures, emotional stress
· Long acting _____
· _____:
o Only antianginal agents that have been shown to prolong life in patients with CAD (post MI)
o Should be considered first line therapy in most patients with chronic angina; recommended as such in stable ischemic heart disease guidelines
o Those with intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (pindolol) are less desirable and may exacerbate angina
o Major contraindications are severe bronchospastic disease, brady arrhythmias and decompensated heart failure
· Alternative and combination therapies
o May be worthwhile to try alternate agent before progressing to combinations
o Stable ischemic heart disease guidelines recommend starting with _____ as initial therapy followed by _____, long acting nitrates or ranolazine
o Platelet inhibiting agents
§ Unless contraindicated, _____ should be prescribed
§ _____ daily reduces vascular events in patients with stable vascular disease (as an alternate to ASA) and in combo with ASA, acute coronary syndromes
revascularization types of procedures: § PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention including \_\_\_\_\_ § Includes \_\_\_\_\_ and stenting · Coronary artery bypass grafting · CABG · Mechanical extracorporeal conterpulsation · Neuromodulation
Nitroglycerin nitrates Beta blockers beta blocker CCB ASA Clopidogrel stenting balloon angioplasty
coronary vasospasm
- Undergo coronary _____ to determine whether fixed stenotic lesions are present
o If they are present – aggressive medical therapy or _____ is indicated
o If they are not and spasm is suspected:
§ Avoidance of precipitants such as cigarette smoking and cocaine is top priority
§ Episodes generally respond well to _____ prn
§ Nitrates and _____ (long-acting nifedipine, diltiazem and amlodipine) are effective prophylactic treatments
§ Beta Blockers are avoided because they cause unoopposed alpha-1 mediated vasoconstriction and may exacerbate coronary spasm
• May have a role in spasm associated with fixed stenosis
NSTEMI M\_\_\_\_ O\_\_\_\_ N\_\_\_\_ A\_\_\_\_
+ _____, and _____
morphine IV supplemental oxygen Nitrates ASA heparin and BB
and then… primary _____ within 90 mins of first medical contact is the goal and is superior to fibrinolytic therapy
_____ therapy within 30 mins of hospital presentation is the goal and reduces mortality if given within 12 hours of onset of symptoms
ongoing management:
- _____/_____
- _____
- _____ + _____
- _____
morphine IV supplemental oxygen Nitrates ASA PCI fibrinolytic ACEI/ARB BB ASA+clopidogrel statin
post infarct ischemia
o Vigorous medical therapy should be instituted:
§ _____
§ _____
§ _____ 81-325 mg
§ _____
o Most patients with post-infarct angina and those refractory to medical therapy should undergo early catheterization and revascularization by PCI or CABG
- Quit _____
- Exercise and weight management
- Modest ETOH (1-2oz daily)
- Medication not demonstrated to provide additional benefit (aka not shown to lower morbidity and mortality)
o Niacin in addition to statins shows no effect in raising HDL
- 5-10% ↓ in LDLs (some can see up to 25% ↓)
- Reassess diet therapy effect 4 wks after starting
- Recommended diet = MEDITERRANEAN DIET
o ↑ soluble fiber: oat bran, apples, psyllium 5-10% reduction
o Plant stanols and sterols (fake butters) 10% reduction
o Garlic, soy protein, vitamin C, and pecans modest reduction
o Antioxidant rich diet
- _____ ***used in “everyone else” besides preg unless they can’t tolerate
o Inhibit the rate-limiting enzyme in the formation of cholesterol & ↓ production of LDL in liver promoting ↑ uptake of circulating LDL
o Modest increase in HDL and decrease triglyceride level
o Reduce MI and total mortality in CAD pt
o High intensity - ↓ by 50%; moderate intensity - ↓ by 30-50%
o Side effects:
§ Muscle aches
§ GI problems
§ 10% ↑ risk of DM
§ Liver failure
§ Myositis and rhabdomyolysis
· Muscle disease more common if in combo with fibrates, niacin, erythromycin, antifungals (nefazadone and cyclosporin) - _____ (nicotinic acid): full therapeutic dose = 3-4.5 g/day
o ↓ VLDL production with secondary ↓ in LDL (15-25%) and ↑ in HDL (25-35%)
o ↓ triglycerides by half and lowers lipoprotein (a) and increases homocysteine levels
o Intolerance is common – only 50-60% of pt can take full dose
§ Associated with prostaglandin mediated flushing (hot flashes) or pruritis; can be reduced with ASA or NSAIDS or initiating therapy slowly with low doses doubled until 1.5 g tolerated
§ Extended release is better tolerated
§ Can exacerbate gout and PUD - BILE ACID SEQUESTERANTS (_____): dose = 12 – 36 g (something you eat to help absorb cholesterol) **use resins in _____
o Cholestyramine, colesevelam, colestipol
o Reduces coronary events by 20%
o Bind bile acids in the intestine; ↓ enterohepatic circulation; liver ↑ bile acid production using hepatic cholesterol; ↓ plasma LDL; 15-25% ↓ in LDL
o Not used with high triglycerides since can ↑ triglyceride levels
o Cause GI symptoms (constipation and gas) – concurrent use of psyllium may ameliorate
o Can bind water soluble vitamins and other drug
**not as strong as STATINS – can be used in combo with statins b/c these don’t go through the liver combos usually not necessary - ↑ risk for complications - _____ DERIVATIVES: GEMFIBROZIL (600 mg qd-bid) and FENOFIBRATE
o Potent ↓ in triglycerides (40%), ↑ HDL (15-20%), ↓ LDL (10-15%)
o Reduces cardiovascular events
o Side effects: cholelithiasis (gall-stones), hepatitis, myositis (higher incidence in pts also taking statins)
smoking STATINS NIACIN resin pregnancy FIBRIC ACID
vasovagal syncope
· Reassure patients it is _____
· Avoid potential triggers
· Avoid injury due to falling when sxs occur: if patient feels like they are going to “pass out” they should lay _____ with legs elevated
· Physical counterpressure _____
orthostatic (postural) hypotension
· Discontinue exacerbating meds · Modification of daily activities · \_\_\_\_\_ and abdominal binders · Counterpressure \_\_\_\_\_ · Increase \_\_\_\_\_ and water intake · In refractory cases can use meds: \_\_\_\_\_ (a adrenergic agonist), droxidopa (NE precursor)
Compression stockings