Cardio/lymph Flashcards
What are the two main components of the circulatory system?
What is the primary function of the circulatory system?
How does the cardiovascular system interact with other systems in the body?
What is the basic structure of the cardiovascular system described as?
What is the function of the lymphatic system?
Gross Anatomy
Where is the heart located in the body?
Gross Anatomy
What are the two systems of circulation the heart delivers blood through?
Gross Anatomy
What does the pulmonary circuit involve?
Gross Anatomy
What is the systemic circuit?
Histology and Conduction
What is the significance of the intercalated discs in cardiac muscle cells?
Histology and Conduction
What makes the heart autorhythmic?
Histology and Conduction
Where is the sinoatrial (SA) node located, and why is it important?
Histology and Conduction
How does the atrioventricular (AV) node contribute to heart function?
Histology and Conduction
What role do Perkinje fibers play in cardiac conduction?
Cardiac Muscle Function
What are the two types of cells that can generate action potentials in the heart?
Cardiac Muscle Function
Describe the ‘slow response’ action potentials in the heart.
Cardiac Muscle Function
Explain the importance of the plateau phase in cardiac muscle cell action potentials.
Mechanical Events
What is isovolumetric contraction in the cardiac cycle?
Mechanical Events
Define end systolic volume.
Mechanical Events
What does the ‘lub-dub’ sound of the heart correspond to?
Regulation of the Heart
What is stroke volume and how is it calculated?
Regulation of the Heart
How does the autonomic nervous system affect heart rate?