Cardio- electrical conduction defects Flashcards
What causes premature ventricular contraction?
Electrolyte imbalances Drugs (cocaine, methamphetamine) Ischaemic damage (heart attack) Increased sympathetic activity (anxiety) Ion channel dysfunction
What can premature ventricular contraction cause?
What causes a loud S2?
hypertension: systemic (loud A2) or pulmonary (loud P2)
hyperdynamic states
atrial septal defect without pulmonary hypertension
What are the causes of a widely split S2?
Deep inspiration
pulmonary stenosis
severe mitral regurgitation
What are complications following an aortic dissection?
Neurological complaints
AKI- type 1 and 3
What causes a LBBB?
Ischaemic heart disease hypertension aortic stenosis cardiomyopathy rare: idiopathic fibrosis, digoxin toxicity, hyperkalaemia
What are the features of hypercalcaemia?
‘bones, stones, groans and psychic moans’
corneal calcification
shortened QT interval on ECG
What is takotsubo cardiomyopathy?
Broken heart syndrome- severe stressful triggers
Apical ballooning of the myocardium
What does a posterior STEMI cause on an ECG?
ST depression
Tall, broad R-waves
Upright T-waves
What are the features of coarction of the aorta?
infancy: heart failure
adult: hypertension
radio-femoral delay
mid systolic murmur, maximal over back
apical click from the aortic valve
notching of the inferior border of the ribs (due to collateral vessels) is not seen in young children
Associated with: Turner's syndrome bicuspid aortic valve berry aneurysms neurofibromatosis