Cardio-EKGs and Clinical Medicine Flashcards
What is the condition present with a patient bobbing back and forth with the pulse
Aka De musset sign
-Aortic regurgitation
How and where is mitral stenosis best heard
Diastolic murmur in the apex region (lateral recumbent) with the bell
Multifocal atrial tachycardia is assocaited with which conditions
Lung diseases
What is the treatment for mitral stenosis
- Anticoagulant if in afib (risk of emboli)
- MV replacement
- Mitral commissotomy (percutaneous ballon valvuloplasty)
Anterior wall infractions tend to have which portion of the ANS response
Sympathetic (higher HR and BP)
What is ortner syndrome and which condition is it seen with
Hoarseness due to compression of the left recurrent laryngeal nerve due to the increased left atrial size seen with mitral stenosis
Inferior wall MI are associated with which ANS response
Parasympathetic (lower BP/HR)
What is usually given to patients with hypovolemic shock
Must be given fluids to replenish the lost ones
Crystalloids (sodium, NS) in renal, Gi sweat, burns)
Packed RBC for hemorrhage
ST elevation is indicative of what
Injury to the tissue
What is the relation of an S3 gallop with heart failure
11x more likely for Heart failure
What is the most common cause of hypovolemic shock
What is the NYHA classification for a patient with marked limitation on physical activity, less than ordinary activity causes symptoms, asymptomatic at rest
Class 3
What is the NYHA classification for a patient with no limitation in physical activity, no symptoms with ordinary exertion
Class 1
Dehydration will cause what kind of shock
Hypovolemic shock
What is the NYHA classification for a patient with unable to carry out physical activities without discomfort, symptoms as rest
Class 4
What are the acute causes of mitral regurgitation
- Rupture of the chordal tendinae
- Rupture of papillary muscle
- Papillary muscle dysfunction due to ischemic event
- Infective endocarditis
What is the condition present with a bounding upstroke, but drops
Aka Corrigan’s pulse
-Aortic regurgitation
Which conditions tend to predispose and increase the chances of hyperkalemia
Renal failure or kidney diseased patients , acidotic
What is the treatment of an unstable patient with PVCs
-Amiofarone,lidocaine, or Procainamide
What is the NYHA classification for a patient with slight limitation of physical activity, ordination activity causes symptoms
Class 2
What is the effect of high calcium on the QT
Shortened QT
What is the condition present with Capillary flushing in the nailbed
Aka Quincke’s pulse
-Aortic regurgitation
Distributive septic shock will have which findings
- Warm, flushed due to vasodilation
- Fast HR
- Flat neck veins
What is the most common cause of LV systolic dysfunction
Ischemic heart disease
What are the ECG findings of the P wave in left atrial enlargement
- M shaped P wave in lead 1
- Biphasic or negative P wave in V1
What is the condition present with a pistol like sound
Aka traube’s sign
-Aortic regurgitation
What is the treatment for a patient with PAC
Beta blocker (metoprolol)
What is the condition present with a murmur in the 2nd ICS LSB that radiates to the left shoulder
Pulmonary stenosis
What is the appearance of the extremities in the case of distributive or dissociative shock
Pink, warm with vasodilation
What are the common causes for low output cardiac failure
-Ischemic heart disease
Abnormal T waves are indicative of what
Ischemic pattern (especially inverted or tall peaked waves)
What is the presence of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea a sign for
Cardiac failure, with a 2x increase in risk
Persistent ST elevation for 2 weeks will lead to thought of which condition
Ventricular aneurysm
Which patient should never ever reviewed a beta blocker
Class 4 HF patient
What is the condition with the finding of a systolic murmur that is harsh and heard at the 2nd ICS RSB that radiates into the suprasternal notch
Aortic stenosis
What is usually the finding in the extremities that would lead and support the diagnosis of a Pulmonary emboli
-Unilateral edema and pain (not bilateral)
What is the most likely treatment for a patient with severe sinus bradycardia
What is Kussmal sign and what is it indicative for
-Distention of the jugular vein on inspiration and indicative of RV infarction
Which condition is present if there is a opening snap after S2 and in the case of a short interval between the S2 and opening snap
Mitral stenosis, with severe forms having a shorter interval
What is the heart rate usually following an acute inferior MI
Sinus bradycardia
Tricuspid stenosis is often assocaited with which condition
Rheumatic heart
What is the most common cause of noncardiogenic shock
Septic or non-septic/anaphylaxis (vasodilation) shock aka distributive shock
Which patients are ACE inhibitors contraindicated
- Pregnancy
- Angioadema
- Bilateral renal artery stenosis