Cardio Deck 3: EKG stuff and some extra Flashcards
What drugs cause long QT?
Some Risky Meds Can Prolong QT. Sotalol, Risperidone (antipsychotics), Macrolides, Chloroquine, Protease inhibitors (-navir_, Quinidine (class Ia and III), Thiazides
Treatment of Torsades?
It is from prolonged QT, give them Magnesium Sulfate
Romano Ward syndrome?
Congintal logn QT that is autosomal dominant and has pure cardiac phenotype
Jervell and Lange-Nielsen synrome?
Autosomal recessive and includes sensorineural deafness (whereas romano ward did not have deafness)
Most common type of ventricular pre-excitation (you see a delta wave on ECG)?
Wolff-Parkinson-White: accessory pathway from atria to ventricle that bypass AV node.Depolarization happens earlier and so shortened PR interval and looks like a sail on EKG. May result in reentry circuit and supra ventricular tachycardia
Awtooth appearance on ekg treatment?
Atrial flutter treated by voncersion to sinus rhythm with IA, IC or III antiarrhythmics, rate control is by Beta blocker or Ca channel blocker
Describe AV blocks
1st degree is prolonged PR interval and benign.
Second Degree: Mobitz Type I is wenckebach Progressive lengthening of PR until dropped beat (remember that youtube video?) usually asymptomatic
Mobits II is dropped beats without being preceded by PR change (often 2:1 blok) and can progress to 3rd degree block. NEEDS TREATMENT with pacemaker usually
3rd degree: atria and ventricles are independent of each other. P and QRS are there although P waves are not related to QRS. LYME DISEASE CAN CAUSE IT