Cardio A&P questions Flashcards
What are the 3 primary functions of the
Filter, humidify, and condition(warm or
Describe major components and prima-
ry functions of the nose?
Major components: Bone & cartilage
The function is to generate resonance
and phonation and is the site for smell.
Describe the functions and upper airway
and structures?
The upper airways include nasal bones,
the frontal process and maxilla.
Describe the structure and function of
the larynx?
Also know as the voice box; it is the open-
ing into the trachea from the pharynx.
3 functions: Passageway of air bet. phar-
ynx and trachea, Protective mechanism
against the aspiration(inhaling) solids or
liquids, Generates sound for speech.
Describe the function of the tracheo-
bronchial tree?
It’s broken up into 2 airways cartilaginous
airways and non-cartilaginous airways.
Cartilaginous airways
Conduct air in between external environ-
Non-cartilaginous airways
conduct air and are sites of gas ex-
What kind of inf. are associated w/ acute
Bacterial inf.
What is the name of the virus that causes
most cases of LTB and Croup?
Parainfluenza Virus
What are common terms (clinical mani-
festations) used to describe LTB?
1). Brassy sound
2). Barking cough
3). Inspiratory Stridor
4). All of the above
Anw. All of the above
What is the mucociliary transport mech-
The mucous blanket; which has 2 layers
gel and sol
What happens if bronchial irritation in-
flammation & excessive bronchial treat-
ments are left untreated?
- excessive accumulation
- partial airway obstruction and trapping
- alveolar hyper inflation
- complete obstruction & collapse
What is the function of the lymphatic sys-
remove excess fluid and proteins mole-
cules that leak out of pulmonary capillar-
4 major components of the upper airway:
nose, pharynx, larynx and vocal cords?
- act as a conductor of air
- humidify warm cool or inspired air
- prevents foreign materials from enter-
ing TB tree - involved in speech or smell
What is special about the accessory
muscles of inspiration for COPD patients
in distress?
It’s special because COPD patients use
these muscles to help them breathe
since air is trapped in lungs.
How do we mobilize bronchial secre-
Postural drainage, chest percussion
(should be activated ASAP).
Cystic fibrosis: Pathology
Bronchial irritation, inflammation, and ex-
cessive bronchial secretions commonly
develop in a number of resp. disorders.
Asthma is characterized by 5 different
things what are they?
- reversible bronchial smooth muscle
constriction - airways inflammation that results in
mucosal edema - excessive productions of thick white
bronchial secretions - mucous plugging
- air trapping and hyperinflation