Cardio Flashcards
Aortic Stenosis
Forceful Non-displaced Apex Beat
Quiet A2 (aortic valve sound in S2)
Narrow Pulse Pressure
S4 Tenessee
Decompensation - LVF
Mitral Regurgitation
Pansystolic Murmur (apex left lateral position end expiration)
Displaced Apex - volume overload
Soft S1
Aortic Regurgitation
Early Diastolic murmur
Apex displaced (volume overload)
Soft S2
Collapsing Pulse
Wide pulse pressure
Quincke’s: capillary pulsation in nail beds
Corrigan’s: visible vigorous carotid pulsation
De Musset’s: head nodding
Traube’s: pistol-shot sound over femorals
Mitral Stenosis
Mid-diastolic murmur
Tapping Apex (palpable S1, non-displaced)
Loud S1
Early diastolic opening snap
Malar Flush - back pressure + vasoconstriction
Rheumatic Fever Criteria
Jones Criteria
Major Criteria Pancarditis Arthritis Subcut nodules Erythema marginatum Sydenham’s chorea
Minor criteria Fever ↑ESR or ↑CRP Arthralgia not if arthritis is a major Prolonged PR interval not if carditis is a major Prev rheumatic fever
Infective Endocarditis Criteria
1. +ve Blood Culture
Typical organism in 2 separate cultures, or
Persistently +ve cultures, e.g. 3, >12h apart
2. Endocardial Involvement
+ve echo: vegetation, abscess, dehiscence
New valvular regurgitation
- Predisposition: cardiac lesion, IVDU
- Fever >38
- Emboli: septic infarcts, splinters, Janeway lesions
- Immune: GN, Osler nodes, Roth spots, RF
- +ve blood culture not meeting major criteria
Left sided Heart Failure
Causes 1: IHD 2: Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy 3: Systemic HTN 4: Mitral and aortic valve disease
Symptoms Fatigue Exertional dyspnoea Orthopnoea + PND Nocturnal cough (± pink, frothy sputum) Wt. loss and muscle wasting
Signs Cold peripheries ± cyanosis Often in AF Cardiomegaly c¯ displaced apex S3 + tachycardia = gallop rhythm Wheeze (cardiac asthma) Bibasal creps
Right Sided Heart Failure
Cor pulmonale
Tricuspid and pulmonary valve disease
Anorexia and nausea
Signs ↑JVP + jugular venous distension Tender smooth hepatomegaly (may be pulsatile) Pitting oedema Ascites
Inguinal canal
Inguinal ligament (floor) aponeurosis of external oblique (anterior wall) transversalis fascia (posterior wall) internal oblique (roof)
Femoral Canal
lacuna ligament (medial border) inguinal ligament (anterior border) femoral vein (lateral border) pectineal ligament (posterior border)
- lymphatics - draining deep inguinal nodes
- deep lymph node - lacunar node
- loose connective tissue