Cardio Flashcards
Outer layer Covers surface; extends to great vessels
Middle layer Thick tissue responsible for pumping action
Inner layer 2 thin layers of endothelium &a connective tissue
Basic Anatomy of the Heart

Blood flow through heart and lungs

Blood flow through heart

Vena Cava
Oxygen-poor blood enters the heart through the two largets veins in the body, the vena cava.
The superior vena cava draines blood from the upper portion of the body
The inferior vena cava draines blood from the lower portion of the body

Coronary Valves
Tricuspid – 3 flaps. Between R atrium and R ventricle.
Mitral – two flaps. Between L atrium and L ventricle.
Aortic valve and P
Pulmonic valve or semilunar valves. Flaps are half-moon shaped.
Aortic valve located at junction of the left ventricle and the aorta
Pulmonic valve at junction of the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery.
The valves allow blood to flow in one direction only.

Oxygenated blood (usually red)
Deoxygenated (usually Blue)