Cardio Flashcards



Discuss the layers of cardiac tissue and briefly describe their function

off Y2 presentation/own notes


Keep in mind pericardium has 3 layers.
Visceral and parietal serous pericardium are continuous -and form sinuses at fold. Transverse pericardial sinus is used during cardiac bypass surgery to clamp greater vessels. Pericardium is sac surrounding heart sits within middle mediastinum. Its overall function is protection, anchoring the heart, preventing distension of heart chambers and reducing friction of heart while beating.

From superficial to deep:
- fibrous parietal pericardium: secures heart to middle mediastinum in thorax
- parietal layer of serous pericardium: produces serous fluid
- pericardial cavity: space between serous layers: in cardiac tamponade can restrict heart movement, increasing afterload and decreasing contractility due to increased stress and decreased blood volume preload
- epicardium/visceral layer of serous pericardium: outermost, made of mesothelium and thin connective tissue - simple squamous serous epithelium. Adheres to heart.

  • myocardium or cardiac muscle: thickest layer, muscular, forms bulk of heart, responsible for pumping action. Comprises cardaic myocutes- with contractile fibres in cytoplasm, connected by gap junctions to permit ion flow
  • endocardium: innermost layer, comprising endothelum (simple squamous epithelium) and thin connective tissue (similar to epi)– provides smooth lining for chambers and vessels
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Describe the chambers of the heart

Yr2, own notes, and previous exams (2)


Each atrium has a auricle that protrudes towards their corresponding great vessel – implications for stasis and clotting. Atrial fibrillation clotting occurs in atrial auricles, hence why patients are placed on anticoagulants.
Right Atrium – fossa ovalis (found in interatrial septum; if patent is a congenital defect, risk of paradoxical PE from DVT), crista terminalis, (ant. portion) atrium proper contains auricles and pectinate muscles, (post. portion) sinus venarum and openings for SVC, IVC and coronary sinus, receives blood from coronary sinus, IVC, SVC, tricuspid valve

RA opens to RV via right AV orifice and tricuspid valve that surrounds the orifice.

Right Ventricle – trabeculae carneae, 3 papillary muscles (septal, anterior, posterior, attach to extensions of valves = chordae tendinae), conus arteriosus (smooth outflow tract), low pressure thin ventricle, pulmonary valve

Left Atrium – pectinate muscles only in auricle (as opposed to all of RA), receives blood from pulmonary veins, bicuspid valve. Opens to LV via L AV orifice and mitral valve.

RA and LA divided by inter-atrial septum.

Left Ventricle – apex and diaphragmatic surface, trabeculae carneae, 2 papillary muscles, higher pressure thicker wall, aortic valve.
RV has three papillary muscle groups, LV has two groups.
LV has thicker wall because ejectin blood to systemic vs pulmonary circulation.

LV and RV are divided by interventricular septum.

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Describe the anatomical position of the heart

Yr2 presentation


Heart occupies middle mediastinum
Anteriorly: Sternomanubrial joint (2nd costal cartilage or T4/5)– Xiphoid process
Posteriorly: T4-T9 vertebrae
What is the mediastinum? - portion of thoracic cavity excluding the lungs
Phrenic nerve anterior to hilum of lungs, vagus nerve posterior
Clinical relevance: perform this exercise, find sternal angle, move left into 2nd intercostal space, count down to 5th intercostal space in midclavicular line: APEX beat!
Auscultation is not the actual location of the valves-> rather where the sound projects to.
JVP tells you about the pressure of the right atrium!
Blood pressure is correlated with pressure from left ventricle: BP should be taken at heart level!

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Describe the heart valves

Yr2 and own notes

  • Valves open when pressure in chamber before is greater than next chamber
  • Valves snap shut to prevent backflow
  • Supported by annulus fibrous rings
  • Lub dub = S1 + S2
  • S1: Atrioventricular valves closing (Mitral then Tricuspid)
  • S2: Semilunar valves closing (Aortic then pulmonary)
  • AV valves are maintained by chordae tendinae, which attach to the edge of the ventricular surface, anchoring them to the tips of the papillary muscles
  • papillary muscles contract during systole preventing prolapse of AV valves into atria
  • semilunar valves open upon pressure from blood leaving ventricle
  • backflow of blood closes the valve
  • coronary arteries fill from aortic sinus during muscle relaxation/diastole

Clinical relevance: 2 main pathologies
1. Stiff valves that don’t open well: stenosis
2. Floppy valves that don’t close properly: regurgitation
3. Bicuspid valve aortic = aortic stenosis or regurgitation

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Describe the coronary arteries and their supply

Yr2, own notes, exam questions


Otherwise known as coronary vasculature. the RCA and LCA are two main coronary arteries.
They branch off the aorta, and they are the first branches of the ascending aorta.

Coronary arteries feed the heart wall, from the outside in.
The arteries branch within the wall and anastomose, and are collected in coronary veins.
* The right coronary artery travels in the coronary sulcus and into posterior IV groove
- supplies most of the heart i.e. RA, RV, IVS, SA and AV nodes
* The left coronary artery supplies the LV, LA and IVS
* The right coronary artery branches off into three: R. marginal branch and Post. IV (or Post. descending), sinoatrial branch
* The left coronary artery branches into circumflex, marginal and LAD(or Ant IV)
- LAD is most commonly occluded artery

The coronary veins parallel the arteries (count 6, including coronary sinus):
- three mains: small, great and middle
- branch off coronary sinus, which sits in coronary sulcus
- there are also ant. IV veins (off great vein) and right marginal vein off small cardiac vein

Think LCA supplies left chambers and IVS
IVS supplied by both arteries
RCA- everything else

Side note:
- 85% are right dominant: RCA supplies posterior IV groove
- small percentage of populaiton: co-dominant/shared dominance

Inferior = RCA or LCx : II,III aVF
Lateral = LCx or diagonal branch of LAD: I aVL V5-V6
Septal /Anterior = LAD: V1-4

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List and describe common congenital heart defects

Yr2, own notes

  • Most common developmental defects
  • septal defects make up 53%: e.g. atrial opening, or opening between ventricles
    recall: patent ventricular foramen usu. occurs in membranous portion
  • AV canal defects make up 13% e.g. atrial and ventricular septal defects, common atrioventricular valves
  • LVOTO in 25% of cases: issues of outflow tract obstruction
  • conotruncal malformations (36%)

Note the changes that occur on birth:
- Oxygenated blood umbilical Vein – foramina and ducts bypass lungs (collapsed)
- Umbilical vein to IVC – ductus venous – ligamentum venosum (posterior liver separates caudate lobe from left lobe)
- RA to LA – foramen ovale – fossa ovalis (shuts due to pressure change)
- Pulmonary trunk to aorta – ductus arterious (constricts response to high O2)– ligamentum arteriosum

Right to left shunts:
Right to left shunts – early cyanosis (5 Ts)
Transposition – not compatible with life without shunt
Tetraology of fallot
Pulmonary stenosis (R->L flow)
R vent hypertrophy (boot shaped heart)
Overiding aorta

Left to right shunts:
– late cyanosis (don’t present as baby)
Patent ductus arteriousus
Eisenmenger syndrome

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Analyse chest CT


Axial CT remember:
You are looking up from the feet of the patient.
- Vertebrae posterior
Region of body? - Thorax
Is there contrast? - look for differences in brightness between arterial and venous system
Arterial vs venous phases
Lung window

Image type, section, contrast?
Eg. CT Axial with contrast

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Analyse chest X-ray

Yr 2, notes, exam

  • PA film is standard and will be unlabelled
  • Patient is standing looking toward you
  • AP film will be labelled
  • Heart should not be more than ½ width on PA film
  • Airway
  • Look at the trachea and its branches to make sure the airway is patent and midline. Narrowing of the airways can indicate edema or stenosis. In a tension pneumothorax, the airway will be deviated away from the affected side. Note that in kids, the airway should be straight. In adults, it can be deviated to the right due to the aortic arch.
  • Bones and Breast Shadows
  • Check the bones including the clavicles, ribs, scapulae, thoracic vertebrae and humeri looking at size, shape, shadows and boarders. Remember, don’t miss the bony structures outside the chest as these are often visible in the X-ray. Examen the bony structures for fractures, lytic lesions (darker areas or changes in bone density), and deformities. At the joints, look at joint spaces for narrowing, widening, and air in the joint space.
  • Cardiac Silhouette and Costophrenic Angles
  • The cardiac silhouette is the white space on the X-ray representing the heart. Normal heart size is half of the chest width. Most computerized X-ray viewing program have an easy to use measuring tool that can quickly help you determine if the heart is enlarged, known as cardiomegaly. Examen the shape of the heart. A water-bottle-shaped heart can be indicative of pericardial effusion. Note the location of the heart, which side is it on? The boarders around the heart should be clear. An undefined right boarder suggests middle lobe lung consolidation and a poorly defined left boarder suggests lingular lung consolidation.
  • Check the costophrenic angles, where the diaphragm and chest wall meet. The angle should be well defined. Whiteness or poorly defined angles can be a sign of pleural effusion or consolidation.
  • Mention 8 cardiomediastinal contours here:
    1. right paratracheal stripe
    2. right heart border
    3. right hemidiaphragm
    4. left hemidiaphragm
    5. left heart border
    6. aortic knuckle
    7. main pulmonary artery
    8. descending aorta
  • Diaphragm
  • The outline of the diaphragm should be smooth and the right ride of the diaphragm higher than the left. The highest point of the left diaphragm should be just lateral to the middle of the lung and the highest point on the right in the middle of the right lung. Deviation to one side or the other can signal pneumothorax. Look for air below the diaphragm which may indicate bowel perforation.
  • Extrathoracic Tissues
  • Examen the soft tissues for abnormalities, specifically lymph nodes and subcutaneous emphysema (air below the skin), as well as any other lesions.
  • Fields
  • Dividing the lungs into sections, upper, middle, and lower, and begin to examen the lungs themselves. Look for symmetry between the lungs. Fluid, such as blood, mucus, or tumor, are radiodense making the area appear white. Air filling appears black on the X-ray. As you examen the lungs, check for areas of opacity or patchy shadows, examen the vasculature and look for areas of consolidation. Also, look for Kerley lines, thin linear opacities that signal pulmonary edema and suggest congestive heart failure.
  • Gastric Fundus
  • Just below the heart, you should note the presence of a gastric bubble. Assess the amount of gas present.
  • Hilum and Mediastinum
  • Look at the hilum, the area of the lung containing the pulmonary arteries and main bronchus. The left lung hilum should be slightly higher than the right. Specifically, check for any visible lymph nodes. Calcified lymph nodes can be a sign of prior tuberculosis infection.
  • Instrumentation
  • Are there any tubes, IV lines, EKG leads, surgical drains, or a pacemaker present on the X-ray? If so, are they properly positioned? Make note of these in your report.
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Describe the hierarchy of pacemaker cells and correlation with ECG


A note on impulse conducting system cells (ICS):
- it is modified cardiac muscle
- has fewer striations that other cardiac myocytes (thus its contractions are weaker)
- it is also has fewer mitochondria (as they are not ‘contracting’ muscle cells)
- Purkinje cells are a “highway”: they conduct easily (“speed up transmission to ventricles”) as they have more gap junctions compared to ventricular cells (which are adapted for contraction)
- Sinoatrial and Atrioventricular (SA and AV)^[“safety valves”] nodal cells are smaller, and conduct less easily (due to high internal resistance, and fewer gap junctions–resulting in poorer, slower conductance)

Macroscopic specialisations
The cells of the heart are responsible for propagating a signal across the heart.
All heart cells can spontaneously depolarise.

However, there is a hierarchy of depolarisation of the cardiac cells.
- The sinoatrial (SA) node is the pacemaker
- Depolarisation starts in the SA node in the right atrium
- This ‘wave’ (depolarisation) spreads through the atria at a speed of about 100 ms and is funnelled into…
- The Atrioventricular (AV) node, which is located in the interatrial septum, with a 160 ms delay - this conduction delay is due to annulus fibrosis, allows for ventricular filling time
- The wave then travels down from the septum into the apex
- It spreads down the His bundle, into the right and left bundles
- It then spreads out widely, into the Purkinje fibres in the ventricles
- The Purkinje fibres propagate the depolarisation to all of the ventricular myocardium (this occurs very quickly, about 80-100 ms from AVN to all ventricles)

A “mexican wave” propagating across the heart from top to bottom.

The direction of the wave in myocardium is:
- septum –> apex —> back to AV groove
- from endocardium —> epicardium

ECG correlates:
- P wave: atrial depol
- QRS complex: ventricular depol
- T wave: vent repol
- SA node: 60-100 bpm – sinus rhythm
- AV node: 40-60 bpm
- Purkinje: 20-40 bpm

NB. under normal physiologic conditions, the depolarisation wave CANNOT re-enter the AV node, and can’t pass the fibrous AV barrier

  • # clinicallyrelevant examples of when this DOES occur:
    • circuitous rhythm
    • Wolf-Parkinson-White : AV septum allows propagation of signals too quickly, thus it preferentially reaches ventricles before it is meant to, resulting in arrhythmia.
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What formula explains the relationship between heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output?


Can be corrected for body surface area by dividing e.g. by 1.73 m2
Producing CI

Cardiac Output (ml/min) = Heart Rate (beat/min) x Stroke Volume (ml/beat)

CO = HR x (End Diastolic Volume – End Systolic Volume)

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How do you calculate Ejection Fraction?


Ejection Fraction = SV / EDV = (EDV – ESV)/EDV

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What formula explains the relationship between Blood Pressure, Cardiac Output and Total Peripheral Resistance (TPR = systemic vascular resistance)?


Mean Arterial Pressure = Cardiac output x total peripheral resistance

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What is the formula for pulse pressure and what is its importance?


Pulse Pressure = Systolic Blood Pressure – Diastolic Blood Pressure

** Pulse pressure will be important to understand when we cover myocardial oxygen supply and PV loop pathology.

In valve diseases you can have pulse pressure changes which are palpable:
Aortic regurgitation: collapsing pulse

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What are the determinants of myocardial oxygen demand?

Yr 2, and own notes


↑ Contractility
- Increased Ca2+ Influx 🡪 Increased active/secondary active transport to move Ca2+ out of cell 🡪 Increased energy use 🡪 increased O2 demand
- Beta blockers (reduce HR and contractility) and Digoxin (inhibit Na+/k+ pumps reduce active transport) to reduce Oxygen Demand

↑ Afterload
- Often thought about as pressure the heart must overcome to eject blood from the heart (i.e. Aortic Pressure or Mean Arterial Pressure) (Easier to understand ☺)
- Better thought about as Ventricular Wall Stress (but more complicated ☹)
- Ventricular Wall Stress = Wall Tension / Wall Thickness = (Pressure x Radius) / Wall Thickness.
- Important as an over worked heart will increase wall thickness to reduces ventricular wall stress as a means of reducing after load and myocardial oxygen demand!
- Medications can reduce after load (all hypertensive medications: Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, ace inhibitors, etc.)

↑ Heart Rate
- Increased HR 🡪 Reduced time spent in diastole 🡪 Reduced filling time 🡪 Reduced pre-load 🡪 internal work increases (more isovolumetric contractions) 🡪 Less efficient PV loop.
- Beta Blockers to reduce Oxygen Demand by decreasing HR

↑ Diameter of the Ventricle (Preload)
- Increase preload 🡪 increased diameter of the ventricle 🡪 Increase wall tension 🡪 Increased energy requirement
- Important as any heart related condition which increases pre-load (i.e. valve regurgitation, heart failure etc) will increase myocardial oxygen demand!
- Diuretics and nitroglycerin reduce pre-load

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What are the determinants of myocardial oxygen supply?

Yr2, exams and own notes


What Formula Describes Oxygen Delivery to the body?
= Cardiac output x Arterial Oxygen Content
= HR x SV x (([Hb] x 1.39 x SaO2) + 0.003 pO2)

What is the Coronary Perfusion Pressure?
- Coronary Perfusion Pressure (CPP) = Aortic Diastolic Pressure – Left Ventricular end-diastolic Pressure (LVEDP)
- Conditions with lower Aortic Diastolic Pressure (e.g., aortic regurgitation) or higher LVEDP (e.g., Diastolic Heart Failure) have reduced oxygen supply.
- Conditions which increase LV pressure and Lower Aortic Pressure (i.e. Aortic Stenosis) or lower Distal Coronary Artery Pressure (i.e. coronary artery disease) have reduced oxygen supply

When do the Left and Right Ventricles Receive most of their blood supply?
- Left: Ventricular Diastole (especially isovolumetric relaxation/early diastole)
- Right: Predominantly in ventricular systole but occurs through both ventricular systole and diastole (Because right ventricular pressure is low!).

How does Heart Rate affect Myocardial Oxygen Supply?
Increased heart rate 🡪 decreased diastole 🡪 less Left Ventricular Oxygen supply (and higher oxygen demand)

    - CPP = Aortic root pressure – Ventricular pressure
    - CPP dependent on the phase of the cardiac cycle
    - LV Flow predominately in diastole
    - RV flow predominately in systole
  • CVR determined by the radius of the vessel wall
    • Metabolic control main mechanism – increased radius with increased O2 demand
    • Myogenic autoregulation
    • Neural and humoral control of smaller importance

Arterial oxygen content measures the amount of oxygen that is actually in the blood. It is dependent on three factors:
- amount of haemoglobin (g/L)
- degree of oxygen saturation of haemoglobin molecule (%)
- amount dissolved in plasma

Oxygen carrying capacity of haemoglobin
If haemoglobin is 100% saturated with oxygen, and 1 g of haemoglobin can carry 1.39 ml of oxygen, and there is 150 g Hb/L of blood then there is 208.5 mls of 02 per litere of blood.
Note that the amount of haemoglobin in the blood is the biggest determining factor in this equation. If there is half the usual amount of haemoglobin int he blood then there will be half the amount of oxygen in the blood.

note: typically the haemoglobin is not 100% saturated with oxygen, healthy lower limit is around 88-90%.

Therefore the amount carried by Hb should be calculated as:
Hb (g/L) * 1.39 * % saturated

Note also: the degree of saturation of haemoglobin is dependent upon the partial pressure of oxygen in the plasma. This can be represented in the oxygen dissociation curve. Notice also that at 90% saturation, this is just before the drop-off of partial pressure and oxygen saturation.

The lower the partial pressure of oxygen in the plasma, the lower the oxygen saturation of haemoglobin.

The final formula for arterial oxygen content is then:
([Hb] * 1.39 * SaO2) + 0.003P02
Note that pO2 makes a relatively tiny contribution to the arterial oxygen content, largely driven by Hb and its oxygen carryign capacity.
Cardiac output (L/min)
Cardiac output is dependent on stroke volume (ml, how much goes out with every beat) and heart rate (bpm).
The stroke volume depends on the sarcomere length (see [[Histology Lecture 5]], [[Cell Biology Lecture 3]]) at the end of diastole, as heart relaxes and stretches. Thus the heart must be filled up properly ^[note that the heart can stretch too much, and is ineffective]

Starling’s curve:¬
‘The larger the volume of the heart, the greater the energy of its contraction’
‘It is the volume (not pressure) at the beginning of contraction which determines the amount of energy set free during the contraction’
‘Energy of the contraction is a function of he length of the muscle fibre; increasing eh active surfaces by stretching a muscle also increases its force of contraction’¬¬

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Describe the phases of the cardiac cycle

Yr2, own notes, exams (>3)


The cardiac cycle is The sequence of events in one heart beat. It comprises electrical and mechanical events.

Electrical events can be precisely determined using an ECG:
- P waves correspond to atrial depolarisation
- QRS complex corressponds to ventricular depolarisation, and the start of systole

(ST— plateau, calcium influx, intiiates contraction of ventricular muscles)

  • t wave: corresponds to ventricular repolarisation – links to end of plateau phase in cardiac AP, start of relexation/end of systole

Mechanical events:
- functionally the heart can be thought of as two, left and right, serial pumps, connected by high and then low pressure vascular beds e.g. high pressure in RV–> low pressure in pulmonary artery; left artery–> left ventricle (high pressure)–> aorta
- contraction leads to increase in pressure and flow of blood out of chamber and therefore decrease in chamber volume
- thus failing of one part draimatically imposes load on preceding elements because the chambers are set up as a series (e.g. failture of LV to pump creates build up in LA, pulmonary circulation etc - i.e. continuous)

The heart sounds S1 and S2 delimit systole and diastole
- valve closure produces audiable sounds
- the closure of AV valves produces S1
- the closure of semilunar valves produces S2
- systole occurs between S1-S2, where ventricles contract, push blood into vessels until valve closure
- diastole occurs between S2 and S1 –> ventricular filling

Atrial Contraction
Isovolumetric Contraction
Rapid Ejection
Reduced Ejection
Isovolumetric Relaxation
Rapid Filling
Reduced Filling (Diastasis)

Phases 1, 5, 6 and 7 are part of ventricular (LV) diastole.
Phases 2, 3, and 4 are part of ventricular systole.

Atrial contraction:
- atrial depolarisation leads to atrial contraction/systole
- this build up of pressure in the atrium creates a gradient that enables blood flow into the ventricle
- at the end: peak EDV of ventricles
- note: atrial kick– accounts for 5-15% of filling of ventricles, explains why people with atrial fibrillation may present as haemodynamically stable
Isovolumetric contraction:
- early stage of ventricular systole- demarcated by S1 i.e. closure of av valves, as atrial pressure dips below ventricular pressure
- ventricular depolarisation - QRS
- at the beginning, there is Pa=0mmHg in the ventricle
- it must build up force i.e. tension in order to overcome pressure in aorta and eject blood
- at this stage, there is no flow of blood, as semilunar valves are still closed
- as pressure builds up, and overcomes aortic pressure, semilunar valves open (on graph, curve of ventricular pressure exceeds aortic at 120 mmHg), pressure continues to increase and then peaks leading to ejection
Rapid ejection
- due to great pressure difference between ventricles and aorta
- functionally, ventricles and aorta compose one continguous chamber in this phase
- pressure decreases as blood is ejected
- volume expelled = stroke volume
Reduced ejection
- pressure gradient has decreased, blood continues to flow due to mometum from early stage systole
- repolarisation
- beginning of relaxation i.e. diastole
- demarcated by S2, closure of semilunar valves
- some volume remains – end systolic volume
- stroke volume = EDV- ESV
- n.b. ejection fraction (different) = SV/EDV, measured by echo to get picture of heart function ^[Doppler?] ^[usually 70%, can vary based on age and body size, other factors]

Note: as aorta is elastic, some backflow as valve shuts (seen as dicrotic*)

Isovolumetric relaxation
- early diastole
- all valves are closed
- aim is to return pressure in ventricles back to zero to prepare for filling
and 7. Rapid and reduced filling
- i.e. late diastole
- atrioventricular valves open (as pressure in ventrucle dips below that of atria)
- filling occurs by passive flow because of pressure gradient, intially quickly i.e steep gradient on volume graph, then slows, can also see atrial kick on plot
- reduced filling: smaller pressure gradient

Note: aortic pressure varies between 80-120, 120 -systolic, 80-diastolic
atrium fluctuates within range of 0-40mmHg

note: atrial kick– accounts for 5-15% of filling of ventricles, explains why people with atrial fibrillation may present as haemodynamically stable
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Relate the cardiac cycle to PV loop

Yr 2, own notes, exams


recognise changes in pathology

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What changes to PV loop occur in valvular disease?

Yr 2, own notes, exams

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Describe changes that occur in heart failure to PV loops

Yr 2, own notes, exams

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Describe how blood pressure is regulated

Yr 2, own notes, exams


- low perfusion pressure leads to ischaemia
- high pressure leads to tissue injury e.g. haemorrhagic stoke
- therefore need rapid negative feedback regulation
- the variable is BP
- sensor are baroreceptors/mechanoceptors
- integrator is central controller aka medulla oblongata and hypothalamus (note baseline is SNS tone, PSNS is quiescent)
- effector: SNS and PSNS efferent activity, affecting function of heart, respiratory system, vessels, kidney and muscles
- two types:
- high-pressure arterial baroreceptors, within carotid sinuses and aortic arch
- carotid sinus CNIX, aortic CNX (less sensitive) send information to solitary tract on nucleus
- negative feedback via rostral ventrolateral medulla results in decreased sns input, with negative chronotropic, inotropy, stroke volume, and decreased svr and vr (note: that RAAS is upregulated)
- positive feedback via vagal nucleus and nucleus ambiguus results in increased PSNS with negative chronotropic and inotropic effects and decreased SV
- note that low BP or PP reduces afferent firing
- response is usually between 60-180 mmHg AND MOST SENSITIVE at 90 mmHg
- firing rate set point increases with chronic hypertension
- clinically tested with valsalva manoeuvre
- low-pressure volume receptors, within atria, ventricles and pulmonary vasculature
- cardiopulmonary
- detect changes in vlood volume which affects vessel stretch
- in RA, VC and pulmonary veins, communicate via CNX to medulla
- two types of fibres
- triggers Bainbidge reflex decreased venous return leading to decreased heart rate via the effects of ANS on SAN
- hypothalamus decreases thirst and ADH secretion leading to increased water excretion and natriuresis
- Bezold Jarisch reflex” decreased venous return resulting n bradycardia and apnoea
- long term equilibration of blood volume
- baroreceptors are free nerve endings that act as mechanoceptors-
- vessel stretch or pressure inhibits potassium channels, leading to depolarisation and action potential generated
- the response is relative to degree of stretch and rate of change in stretch

Baroreceptor Reflex
- Stimulus: increased blood pressure and stretch, or decreased blood pressure and stretch
- Afferent pathway: from carotid sinus or aortic arch, via carotid sinus nerve (CNIX) or aortic nerve (CNX). Both nerves travel through the jugular foramen to enter the medulla
- Solitary tract nucleus receives afferent fibres and redistributes the signal into several efferent regulatory system
- Efferent pathways include parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve fibres, to heart (modulating heart rate via cardiac ganglion), and to heart, peripheral resistance vessels and adrenal medulla (indirectly influencing blood pressure via release of epinephrine and norepinephrine)

Note increased sympathetic and decreased vagal activity is a result of low baroreceptor firing, which increases CO and SVR to increases arterial pressuer.

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Describe the action potential in pacemaker cells and how it is therapeutically targeted

Yr 2, own notes, exams


Describe the phases of the pacemaker cell Action Potential:
Phase 0: Voltage Gaited Ca2+ Channels open, Ca2+ influx into cell.
Phase 3: Repolarization – inactivation of Ca2+ channels, increased activation of K+ channels 🡪 K+ efflux.
Phase 4: Pacemaker (funny) current: influx of Na+ resulting in slow depolarizing potential.
No plateau, no spike

Why is knowing this important:
Ca2+ Channel blockers slow phase 0
Beta blockers used to slow Pacemaker current to slow heart rate.
Medications (e.g. Ivabradine) can be used to slow the Pacemaker current and slow heart rate

How can the Pacemaker potential rate change?
Sympathetic Stimulation / Epinephrine and Norepinephrine: Increase rate of pacemaker potential 🡪 faster depolarization 🡪 higher heart rate
Parasympathetic Stimulation: Decreased rate of pacemaker potential 🡪 Slower depolarization 🡪 Slower heart rate.

Why is knowing this important:
Any conditions or medications which increase sympathetic activity (e.g. shock, blood loss, infection, hyperthyroid disease (up-regulation of adrenergic receptors), etc) or reduces parasympathetic activity (muscarinic antagonists) can result in tachycardia.
Any condition or medication which increases parasympathetic activity (muscarinic agonists) or reduces sympathetic activity can result in bradycardia.

Which structures of the conducting system are self excitable?
What is their rate of discharge?
SA Node ~ 60-100 bpm
AV Node ~ 40-60 bpm
Purkinje Fibers ~ 20-40 bpm
Why is knowing this important:
Normal Sinus Rhythm or Sinus Arrythmia should have a rate of >60 BPM
When AV Node or Purkinje fibers take over it generally results in bradycardia

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Describe the action potential in cardiac muscle cells and their clinical relevance

Yr 2, own notes, exams


Describe the phases of the cardiac muscle cell action potential:
Phase 0: Rapid depolarization: Fast Na+ channels open
Phase 1: Early repolarization: efflux of K+
Phase 2: Plateau: influx of Ca+, Efflux of K+
Phase 3: Repolarization: Efflux of K+
Phase 4: Resting membrane potential

Why is knowing this important:
Sodium Channel Blockers: slow the influx of Na+
Potassium Channel Blockers: Delay phase 3 increasing AP duration
Early After Depolarizations (EADs) can occur during the relative refractory period (phase 3) of the cardiac muscle cell AP and result in ventricular fibrillation.
Delayed After Depolarizations (DADs) can occur during phase 4 resulting in ventricular fibrillation.

Note also Refractory periods, add in channels

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Describe myocardial ischemia

Own notes and exams


Failure of oxygen and substrate delivery
to meet the metabolic demands of the
- Imbalance of supply and demand
- Coronary vascular disease the most common cause of ischaemia
- Vessel narrowing leads to reduction in CBF leading to ischaemia and the classical symptoms of angina
Cellular effects are complex and are due to both the initial effects of ischaemia and reperfusion
- The degree of injury is dependent on the duration and severity of ischaemia

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What are the determinants of oxygen delivery?

own notes and Y2 notes


¬¬ The formula for oxygen delivery is = cardiac output (L/min)** arterial oxygen content (ml/min)

O2 delivery can be simply described by CO * AOC

Myocardial oxygen supply is the product of arterial oxygen carrying capacity and coronary blood flow
- DO2 = (Hb x 1.34 x SaO2) + (PaO2 x 0.003)
- CBF = CPP/CVR (in case of brain, heart)
- CPP = Aortic root pressure – Ventricular pressure (aortic diastolic pressure - LVEDP)
- CPP dependent on the phase of the cardiac cycle
- LV Flow predominately in diastole
- RV flow predominately in systole
- CVR determined by the radius of the vessel wall
- Metabolic control main mechanism – increased radius with increased O2 demand
- Myogenic autoregulation
- Neural and humoral control of smaller importance

Arterial oxygen content measures the amount of oxygen that is actually in the blood. It is dependent on three factors:
- amount of haemoglobin (g/L)
- degree of oxygen saturation of haemoglobin molecule (%)
- amount dissolved in plasma

Oxygen carrying capacity of haemoglobin
If haemoglobin is 100% saturated with oxygen, and 1 g of haemoglobin can carry 1.39 ml of oxygen, and there is 150 g Hb/L of blood then there is 208.5 mls of 02 per litere of blood.
Note that the amount of haemoglobin in the blood is the biggest determining factor in this equation. If there is half the usual amount of haemoglobin int he blood then there will be half the amount of oxygen in the blood.

note: typically the haemoglobin is not 100% saturated with oxygen, healthy lower limit is around 88-90%.

Therefore the amount carried by Hb should be calculated as:
Hb (g/L) * 1.39 * % saturated

Note also: the degree of saturation of haemoglobin is dependent upon the partial pressure of oxygen in the plasma. This can be represented in the oxygen dissociation curve. Notice also that at 90% saturation, this is just before the drop-off of partial pressure and oxygen saturation.

The lower the partial pressure of oxygen in the plasma, the lower the oxygen saturation of haemoglobin.

The final formula for arterial oxygen content is then:
([Hb] * 1.39 * SaO2) + 0.003P02
Note that pO2 makes a relatively tiny contribution to the arterial oxygen content, largely driven by Hb and its oxygen carryign capacity.
Cardiac output (L/min)
Cardiac output is dependent on stroke volume (ml, how much goes out with every beat) and heart rate (bpm).
The stroke volume depends on the sarcomere length (see [[Histology Lecture 5]], [[Cell Biology Lecture 3]]) at the end of diastole, as heart relaxes and stretches. Thus the heart must be filled up properly ^[note that the heart can stretch too much, and is ineffective]

Conditions with low aortic diastolic pressure e.g. aortic regurgitation, higher LVEDP (diastolic heart failure) have reduced oxygen supply.
Conditions with increase LB pessure and lower aortic pressuer (aortic stenosis) OR lower distal coronary artery pressure (i.e. CAD) have reduced oxygen delivery

Starling’s curve:¬
‘The larger the volume of the heart, the greater the energy of its contraction’
‘It is the volume (not pressure) at the beginning of contraction which determines the amount of energy set free during the contraction’
‘Energy of the contraction is a function of he length of the muscle fibre; increasing eh active surfaces by stretching a muscle also increases its force of contraction’¬¬

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Describe ACEi and ARBs, mechanism of action, adverse effects, indications and contraindications


  1. ACEIs: - Stop the renin-angiotensin pathway by inhibiting the conversion of angiotensin I (no appreciable activity) to angiotensin II (potent vasoconstrictor) - Inhibit vascular tone - directly lower BP - Inhibit aldosterone release - indirectly lower BP

- hypertension
- HFrEF - 1st line treatment
- AF
- ACS: especially fo coinicdent indications e.g. hypertension, CKD, T2D
- LV dysfunction

Adverse effects:
- cough
- angioedema
- hypotension
- dizziness (postural)
- hyperkalaemia
- taste
- allergy
- reanal impairment (RA stenosis)

- oral absorption
- t1/2 10

- Triple whammy
- pregnancy
- RAS especially bilaterally
- hisstory of angioedema

  1. AngII receptor antagonists (sartans) - Drugs that bind at the AT1 receptor to block action
    - - decreased vasoconstriction, increased salt excretion
    - - More direct as drug target so limited effect on serum K+
    - - No effect on bradykinin metabolism
    - n.b. The ‘triple whammy’ of ACEI, NSAID, diuretics…leading to reduced renal perfusion and acute kidney injury (AKI).
    - Increased concentrations of cytosolic calcium cause increased contraction in both cardiac and smooth muscle cells (↑ calcium = ↑ contractions = ↑ BP)

- hypertension (most prescribed)
- LV dysfunction
- systolic heart failure

- good oral absorption
- half life ~ 8-10 hours
- cleared by hepatic metabolism

Adverse effects:
- increased serum K
- less cough and angioedema
- - hypotension
- allergy
- renal impairment

- pregnancy
- bilateral
- K sparing e.g. MRA and ENAC

Advantages and disadvantages of ACEI/ARB

  • Recommended as first-line treatment of hypertension, especially those with DM, heart failure, CVD/IHD, or proteinuric chronic kidney disease
  • No rebound hypertension
  • Long-term benefits on cardiac remodelling and kidney disease with proteinuria

##### Valsartan with sacubitril (entresto)
This is a fixed dose combination, indicated for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction as a replacement for ACEI or ARB.

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Describe CCBs, mechanism of action, adverse effects, indications and contraindications

exams and own notes

    • Blocking inward movement of calcium through the slow channels of the cell membrane of cardiac and smooth muscle cells (L-type, alpha)
    • Activity varies depending on the type of cardiovascular cells involved:
    • Myocardium
    • Cardiac Conduction System (SA and AV nodes) - slow conduction
    • Vascular Smooth Muscle
    • ↓ BP by ↓PVR

Indications: hypertension, HR control in AF/NCT, ACS symptoms and ischaemia reduction (Coronary vasodulation - alt to BB)

    • Two main classes of CCB’s: non-DHPs and DHPs
    • Non-dihydropyridines (target vascular and myocardial cells): vasodilation, and negative ionotropic and chronotropic effects
  • diltiazem
    • effects:
    • Targets peripheral blood vessels and cardiac calcium channels,
      *Less effect on the heart compared to verapamil,
      *↓ HR and mean arterial BP
  • -DRUG INTERACTIONS (CYP inhibitor)
  • verapamil (used as anti-arrhythmic)
    • effects: targets primarily cardiac calcium channels, strong cardiac depressant effect: decreased heart rate and CO, reduces AV conduction and blocks SA node, decreased PVR and BP
    • drug interactions: CYP inhibitor, can increase digoxin concentration

side effects of non-DHPs: bradycardia, constipation, AV block, worsening heart failure

Dihydropyridines (target peripheral vascular smooth muscle) - central and peripheral effects
* - amlodipine, nifedipine, felodipine
* - effects:
*More selective as vasodilators and have less cardiac depressant effects (less effect on heart rate)
*Produce reflex tachycardia by indirectly increasing sympathetic tone
*Primarily work on vascular smooth muscle to reduce PVR,
*Increased incidence of peripheral oedema
* - side effects: Peripheral oedema (non-responsive to diuretics), Hypotension, Reflex tachycardia and chest pain, flushing, palpitations

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Describe the use of adrenaline, MoA, adverse effects, indications and contraindications


Released as a result of sympathetic stimulation
- Non-selective agonist for all alpha and beta receptors (choice and degree of activity is dose dependent)
- Activity is related to which receptor is being agonised.
- As alpha agonist can cause vasoconstriction (vascular smooth muscle contraction)
- As beta agonist can increase chronotropy (rate of cardiac contraction) and inotropy (force of contraction) and can be used for low cardiac output (i.e. decompensated cardiac failure)

  • Mechanism of Action: Naturally occurring chemical that stimulates sympathetic receptors (receptor activation is dose dependent).
  • Effect:
    • Low doses: Increased heart rate (chronotropy) and force (inotropy) via beta receptors.
    • Higher doses: Vasoconstriction and has ‘less cardiac actions’ via alpha receptors.
  • Indications: Can be given as a bolus dose or infusion (bolus for cardiac arrest and intramuscular for anaphylaxis).
    • Alpha 1:
      • Expressed in blood vessels, gut and skin
      • Improves perfusion
      • Agonists indicated Hypotension, Nasal congestion (phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine, acting locally), Glaucoma
      • Agonists mimic the SNS response
      • (Agonists: Noradrenaline, Oxymetazoline, Phenylephrine, Pseudoephedrine;
      • Antagonists: Prazosin, Tamsulosin, Phenoxybenzamine, Phentolamine)
      • Antagonists e.g. prazosin indicated in BPH and HTN
    • Alpha 2:
      • a dilator
      • mediates NA release, prevents an “over-reaction”
      • located in pre-synaptic terminals of the CNS
      • In ICU setting: Hypertension, Analgesia, sedation, agitation and others
      • (Agonists: Clonidine, Dexmedetomidine, Brimonidine aka the “idines”)
      • No clinically relevant antagonists
      • Note: agonists are not really used clinically
      • Note 2: glaucoma and eyedrops

Beta Receptors
- Beta 1:
- has positive chronotropic and inotropic effects
- ensures good perfusion
- expressed in heart
- Indicated in heart failure, Bradycardia
- (Agonists: Dobutamine, Adrenaline; Antagonists: Metoprolol, Atenolol)
- Agonists are fairly selective
- Note: dosage of adrenaline is inversely realted to selectivity
- Antagonists are cardioselective, and include metoprolol and atenolol, indicated for heart failure, tachyarrhythmias and hypertension ^[can use for HF when stable]
- Beta 2:
- similar to alpha-2, a dilator
- relaxant
- located in lungs
- Asthma
- (Agonists: Salbutamol (inhaled, Terbutaline)
- Agonists result in bronchoconstriction
- Non-selective antagonists, and vary in their selcectivity e.g. propranolol used in hypertension, tacharrhythmias, and migraines
- Care must be taken in prescribing if patient has asthma and COPD to prevent bronchospasm

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Describe the use of beta blockers

exams and own notes

note a 3.5


DBeta blockers: Mechanism of action:
- Competitively block beta receptors in heart, peripheral vasculature, bronchi, pancreas, uterus, kidney, brain and liver.
- Beta-blockers reduce heart rate, BP and cardiac contractility; also depress sinus node rate and slow conduction through the atrioventricular (AV) node, and prolong atrial refractory periods.
- The affinity of individual beta-blockers for beta receptors varies (B1, B2 and B3)
- Beta 1 selective (eg metoprolol, bisoprolol, nebivolol)
- Beta non-selective (eg propranolol)
- Some beta blockers also have alpha blockade (carvediolol and labetalol)
- Some have anti-arrythmic effects through additional potassium channel blockade (eg sotolol)
- Myocardial infarction
- Tachyarrhythmias
- Angina
- Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction as part of standard treatment (eg with ACE inhibitor, diuretics)
- Hypertension (not first line)
- Prevention of migraine
- Topical application (eye drops) for glaucoma (eg timolol)

- Consideration of risk v benefit is very important when considering beta blocker treatment.
- Contraindicated in bradycardia (45–50 beats/minute), second‑ or third-degree AV block, sick sinus syndrome, severe hypotension or uncontrolled heart failure. Beta-blockers may worsen first-degree AV block
- Asthma: Caution in severe or poorly controlled asthma as they may precipitate bronchospasm. Beta1-selective beta-blockers are preferred for patients with well-controlled asthma (on specialist advice).
- Treatment with drugs that cause bradycardia may further decrease heart rate and cause heart block and hypotension; avoid combination with verapamil (cardioselective CCB)

- cardiovascular: Decreased HR, hypotension, transient worsening of heart failure
- peripheral: cold extremities, exacerbation of Raynaud’s phenomenon
- respiratory: Bronchospasm, dyspnoea
- neurological or endocrine: Depression, fatigue, dizziness, altered glucose and lipid metabolism

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Describe the use of noradrenaline


- Mechanism of Action: Naturally occurring chemical that stimulates sympathetic system receptors (alpha).
- Note: cannot be administered peripherally, otherwise constriction of peripheral vessels and death of tissue
- Effect: Vasoconstriction, no effect on heart rate or force of contraction (has very little activity on beta receptors).
- Indications: Used to increase blood pressure., in hypotensive states e.g. vasodilatory shock
- Administration: Only to be administered by infusion (i.e., not for bolus dosing) via a CVC.

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HI (also kidney)

Describe diuretics - mannitol

exams and own notes


Mechanism of action of osmotic diuretics
- Mannitol, sorbitol, urea

  • Given via infusion (mannitol) with fast action
    ### Rationale of use
  • Site of action: proximal tubule (PT) and thick ascending limb (TAL)
  • Substances bind water in the tubule, recruiting water from ICF
  • Impacts urine concentration and water resorption

Indications and Contraindications; Adverse effects
- Indications (hospital setting - ICU): brain oedema, forced diuresis, impending anuria

  • Adverse effects: paracellular transport ↓ causing Mg2+ loss
  • Contraindications: heart failure, persisting oliguria/anuria
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Describe diuretics - CAH

exams and own notes


Mechanism of action of inhibition of CAH
- Actions in various locations

Mechanism of CAH Inhibitors
- Site of action: 1st PT / 2nd CD
- Acetazolamide blocks CAH immediately
- Loss of HCO3- leads to metabolic acidosis
### Rationale of use
### Indications and contraindications; Adverse effects
Clinical Use of CAH Inhibitors

  • Indications: open angle glaucoma, edema
  • Adverse effects: metabolic acidosis
  • Contraindications: acidosis
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Describe diuretics - Loop diuretics and thiazides

exams and own notes


Mechanism of action of loop diuretics
- Site of action: ascending loop of Henle
- Very potent diuresis with fast action

Mechanism of Loop Diuretics
- Site of action: ascending loop of Henle (TAL)
- Block Na+/K+/2Cl–symporter, leading to significant Na+ reabsorption blockade
- Paracellular diffusion decreases
### Rationale of use
### Indications and contraindications; Adverse effects
- Indications: edema, forced diuresis, impending anuria
- Adverse effects: loss of electrolytes, uric acid excretion changes
- Contraindications: coma hepaticum, anuria

Mechanism of action of thiazides and analogues
- Old substance group, competition for Cl–binding site on Na/Cl-symporter

  • Good oral absorption, high protein binding

Mechanism of Thiazide Diuretics
- Site of Action: Distal Tubule (DT).
- Competition for Cl–Binding Site: Na/Cl-symporter.
- Excretion of K+ and H+: Due to [Na+] ↑ (Load-dependency of Na+ resorption).
- No TGF Effect: Action after macula.
- Moderate Efficacy: 5% of Na+ load.
- Physiological Impact: Quite “physiological”.
- Weak CAH Inhibition: Some thiazides weakly inhibit CAH.

Rationale of use
### Indications and contraindications; Adverse effects
- Indications:
- Oedemas with good GFR
- Hypertension
- prevention of kidney stoens in hypercaclaemia

  • Side Effects:
  • Loss of K+
  • Retention of uric acid (gout)
  • Haemoconcentration (thrombosis, haematocrit)
  • Reduced glucose tolerance
  • Contraindications:
  • Sulphonamide hypersensitivity
  • Hypokalemia
  • Anuria
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Describe diuretics - ENaC

exams and own notes


Mechanism of action of ENaC
- Oral Absorption for Amiloride: 15 - 25%.

  • Kinetic Properties: τ1/2 = 21 h (daily dose).
  • Action Beyond Kidney: Also in skin, rectum, etc. where ENaC channels are expressed.
  • Small Diuretic Effect: Only 2% of Na+ load.

Mechanism of Inhibitors of ENaC

  • Site of Action: Distal Tubule (DT) / Collecting Duct (CD).
  • Filtered and Secreted in PT: Via organic anion secretion mechanism.
  • Blocking Action from Luminal Side: Na+-resorption↓ → small volume loss.
  • No Effect on Renal Hemodynamics: After macula densa.
  • Amiloride’s Other Effects: High doses can block other transporters.

Rationale of use
### Indications and contraindications; Adverse effects
- Indications:

  • Hypertension (in combination with other diuretics).
  • Adverse Effects:
  • Volume contraction → uric acid reabsorption↑ in proximal tubule.
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Contraindications:
  • Hyperkalemia
  • Anuria

K sparing - issue with ARBs - incraese chance of serum yperhalaemia

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Describe diuretics - MC receptor antagonists


Mechanism of action of MC receptor antagonists
- Oral Absorption of Spironolactone: 60 - 70%.

  • Kinetic Properties: τ1/2 = 1.6 h; metabolized to canrenoate, active with τ1/2 = 10 - 20 h.
  • Delayed Effect: Takes a few days, single dose lasts 1 - 3 days.
  • Highly Bound to Protein: 90-98%, can interfere with digoxin.
  • Small Diuretic Effect: Only 2% of Na+ load, used to lower blood pressure via RAA system

Mechanism of MC Antagonists

  • Site of Action: Distal Tubule (DT) / Collecting Duct (CD).
  • Basolateral Binding to MC-Receptor: Blocks action.
  • AIPs (Aldosterone-Induced Proteins): Involved in gene expression.
  • NaCl Transport Dependence: Effect depends on hormonal state and high [hormone].

Rationale of use

Indications and contraindications; Adverse effects
- Indications:

  • Hypertension (in combination)
  • Hyperaldosteronism
  • Diuretic of choice in hepatic cirrhosis
  • Adverse Effects:
  • Metabolic acidosis
  • Interference with steroid biosynthesis (gynecomastia…)
  • Contraindications:
  • Hyperkalemia
  • Hyponatremia
  • Anuria
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List some macroscopic and microscopic findings in atherosclerosis


Macroscopic findings
*Early lesions
–Fatty streaks (yellow fatty streaks elevate the endothelium)
–Limited luminal narrowing

*Established lesions
–Plaques progressively narrow the lumen
–Progressive calcification causes wall to become stiff and nonpliable–> leads to stasis - which is a further complicator

*Endothelial ulceration/plaque rupture with superimposed thrombus (may cause complete occlusion)
*Intraplaque haemorrhage (may cause complete occlusion)
*Other complications e.g. Aneurysm formation, rarely dissection

Microscopic findings
* Microscopically fatty streaks are composed of lipid filled foamy macrophages
- MARKEDLY thickened tunica intima
- Fibrosis
- calcium



List the types of cardiomyopathies

Y2, exams and own notes


the main types of cardiomyopathy? What are systemic conditions that lead to it?
- Heterogeneous group of myocardial diseases
- Associated with mechanical and/or electrical dysfunction
- Absence of ischaemic, valvular, hypertensive, or congenital heart disease
- Primary (heart only) - genetic/acquire
- Secondary (systemic disease) - e.g., amyloidosis

Primary Cardiomyopathies:
- Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
- Restrictive Cardiomyopathy (RCM)

- Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy (ARVC)
- Unclassified – LV noncompaction, mitochondrial myopathies, etc.
Cardiomyopathies secondary to systemic conditions
Cardiomyopathies (CM) – lots of causes
- CARDIAC INFECTIONS: Viruses (e.g., Coxsackie B, Parvo, Enterovirus), Others (Chlamydia, rickettsia, bacteria, etc)
- TOXINS: Alcohol, Cobalt, Arsenic, Adriamycin, trastuzumab, Lithium, Catecholamines, etc., Chronic renal failure
- METABOLIC: Hyper/hypothyroidism, Hyper/hypokalemia, Vitamin deficiency, Hemochromatosis, malnutrition, OBESITY
- NEUROMUSCULAR / STORAGE DIS: Friedreich’s ataxia, metabolic storage diseases, Amyloidosis
- Arrhythmia (tachycardia)-induced
- INFILTRATIVE: Sarcoidosis, Radiation-induced fibrosis
- IMMUNOLOGICAL: Myocarditis, Post-transplant rejection, autoimmune diseases
- Pregnancy/peri-partum/post-partum
- Stress: Takotsubo CM

GENETIC mutations can be defects of the cytoskeleton, contractile proteins, or mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Frequently inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, but X-linked, mitochondrial, or autosomal recessive inheritance seen



List macroscopic and microscopic findings in CM

Y2 and own notes


Dilated CM:
- macroscopy: biventricular dilatation, large and globular, thickness decreased/normal/increased with mural thrombi
- microscopy: not specific (close clinicopathological corrlation required), most cells hypertrophic with enlarged nuceli as well as irregular, stretched and attentuated myocytes; varible interstitial and endocardial fibrosis and scarring

Hypertrophic CM:
- macroscopy: hypertrophy: massive enlargement and heavy, LVH: assymmetric septral hypertrophy especially in subaortic region, LV outflow plaque, thickened septal vessels
- microscopy: extreme myocyte hypertrophy, haphazard disarry of bundles, tangled and pinwheel myocytes, disarray of contractile elements, interstitial fibrosis and some scarring, intramural artry abnormalities with thickened walls

Restrictive CM:
- macroscopy: firm myocardium, may hae atrial dilatation with thrombi
- microscopy: patchy of diffuse interstital fibrosis, sdisease specfic histology e.g amyloidosis (appear apple-green with birefringence under congo red plus polarised light)



Describe the hierarchy of pacemaker cells


A note on impulse conducting system cells (ICS):
- it is modified cardiac muscle
- has fewer striations that other cardiac myocytes (thus its contractions are weaker)
- it is also has fewer mitochondria (as they are not ‘contracting’ muscle cells)
- Purkinje cells are a “highway”: they conduct easily (“speed up transmission to ventricles”) as they have more gap junctions compared to ventricular cells (which are adapted for contraction)
- Sinoatrial and Atrioventricular (SA and AV)^[“safety valves”] nodal cells are smaller, and conduct less easily (due to high internal resistance, and fewer gap junctions–resulting in poorer, slower conductance)

Macroscopic specialisations
The cells of the heart are responsible for propagating a signal across the heart.
All heart cells can spontaneously depolarise.

However, there is a hierarchy of depolarisation of the cardiac cells.
- The sinoatrial (SA) node is the pacemaker
- Depolarisation starts in the SA node in the right atrium
- This ‘wave’ (depolarisation) spreads through the atria at a speed of about 100 ms and is funnelled into…
- The Atrioventricular (AV) node, which is located in the interatrial septum, with a 160 ms delay
- The wave then travels down from the septum into the apex
- It spreads down the His bundle, into the right and left bundles
- It then spreads out widely, into the Purkinje fibres in the ventricles
- The Purkinje fibres propagate the depolarisation to all of the ventricular myocardium (this occurs very quickly, about 80-100 ms from AVN to all ventricles)

A “mexican wave” propagating across the heart from top to bottom.

The direction of the wave in myocardium is:
- septum –> apex —> back to AV groove
- from endocardium —> epicardium

NB. under normal physiologic conditions, the depolarisation wave CANNOT re-enter the AV node, and can’t pass the fibrous AV barrier



Descrube the timeline of events in pathology following MI

Y2 exam an own notes


-Immediate: arrhythmias, contractile dysfunction
One Hour: No macroscopic changes
- Four Hours: +/- Wavy fibres
- One Day: Subtle macroscopic changes, dark mottling; Coagulation necrosis, haemorrhage, scant neutrophils microscopically, wavy myofibrils, contraction bands, oedema
- Two Days: Mottled appearance with yellow/tan infarct center macroscopically; Coagulation necrosis + plentiful neutrophils microscopically
- One Week: Hyperemic border + central tan softening macroscopically; Disintegration of necrotic myofibers, dying neutrophils, macrophage infiltration microscopically
- 2-3 days: pericarditis
- 3-7 days: myocardial rupture risk – where necrotic myocardium at weakest
- 10 days: mural thrombosis and risk of embolusm greatest, and lasts for three moths post MI. expect to see the real beginnings of repair with granulation tissue at the borders of the infarct, this being well established by 2 weeks.
You would see the beginnings of collagen deposition and scar formation. The main thing is t mention the beiginnings of healing an fibrosis.
Yes the risk of mural thrombus formation is greatest at this time and aneurysm formation can be noted at this early stage if there is a large infarct.

  • Two Weeks: Maximally yellow/tan and soft, depressed infarct borders macroscopically; Phagocytosis, granulation tissue and new blood vessels, early fibrosis and collagen deposition microscopically
  • Two Months: White scarring macroscopically; Dense collagenous scar/granulation tissue microscopically

Discuss the complications of MI



  • arrhythmia
  • rupture - free ventircular wall, septum or papillary muscles
  • tamponade
  • hart failure
  • vavle disease
  • anuerysm of ventricle
  • dressler’s syndorme
  • embolism ?(mural thrombus)
  • recurrence or mitral regurg


Describe the histology of cardiac muscle


Compare the muscle types



Describe the features of vessels and types of vessels

Yr2 and own notes


Broadly speaking, the layers of the vessel wall can be divided into three:
- tunica adventitia/connective tissue, supported by external elastic lamina*
- tunica media: comprised of smooth muscle cells
- tunica intima: endothelium and internal elastic lamina

Recall from Block 1 that there are three types of blood vessels:
- arteries
- capillaries
- veins

- has muscle and elastic layers in their walls
- wall is thick
- internal diameter of vessel or lumen is narrow
- no valves present
- usually contains oxygenated blood
- arteries can also dilate or constrict to control flow, in response to blood pressure changes

Arterioles are distinguished from small arteries by a lumen with a diameter smaller than 300 μm.
* The tunica intima is very thin – comprised of endothelium, connective tissue and a thin internal elastic lamina.
* The tunica media contains < 6 concentric layers of smooth muscle cells – this enables arterioles to control blood flow to the capillaries.
* The tunica adventitia consists of elastin and collagen fibers arranged longitudinally and circumferentially.
Sympathetic nervous system and local changes in the tissue environment regulate their constriction and dilation thereby controlling the blood flow in an area (‘demand and supply’ principle)

- have walls 1 layer thick
- made of endothelial cells
- lumen as narrow as one RBC
- no valves present
- can either have oxygenated/deoxygenated blood- depends on state of exchange

form extensive networks within tissues. There are several types of capillaries, but they all share similar characteristics:
The tunica intima consists of a single layer of endothelial cells.
The tunica media is missing and the tunica adventitia is greatly reduced or absent.
Gases, fluids and molecules are exchanged through their walls, to exchange between tissue and blood.

The majority of capillaries are continuous. Fenestrated capillary walls allow movement of larger molecules across the wall. They are found in the small intestine, to allow nutrient absorption, kidneys, choroid plexus and endocrine organs for blood filtration. Sinusoids are the rarest. The large gaps in the basement membrane and the endothelium allow movement of large molecules and even cells across the wall. They are found in the liver, spleen, bone marrow and lymph nodes

Venules connect the capillary bed with veins, and share many structural characteristics with veins:
* The tunica intima is very thin – comprised of endothelium, connective tissue and a thin internal elastic lamina.
* The tunica media is poorly developed.
* The tunica adventitia consists of fibrous connective tissue.

Medium veins
Medium veins are those with a diameter of
1–10 mm.
The tunica intima and tunica media are thinner than in similarly-sized arteries:
* The tunica intima comprises a thin layer of endothelial cells.
* The tunica media consists of 2 or more layers of circularly arranged smooth muscle. Because of the low luminal pressure, this is sufficient to produce appreciable changes in the radius of the veins and hence in the volume of blood held within them.
* The tunica adventitia is the predominant layer, consisting of collagen and elastin fibers, and longitudinally arranged smooth muscle fibers.
Due to the thinner, less resistant vessel wall, veins are distensible and serve as blood reservoirs (~70% of blood is held in veins and venules).

Large muscular veins
Large veins include the vena cavae, splenic, portal, renal, external iliac and mesenteric veins.
* The tunica intima comprises a thin layer of endothelial cells.
* The tunica media is poorly developed, consisting of smooth muscle with some elastic and collagen fibers.
* The tunica adventitia is the broadest layer, comprising bundles of collagen, elastin and smooth muscle fibers. In some veins (such as the vena cavae), the smooth muscle bundles are longitudinally arranged.
The tunica adventitia may also contain vasa vasorum.

- wall contains muscle and elastic layers
- wall is very thin
- lumen is wide
- valves are present ^[unique feature]
- usually contains deoxygenated blood

Most striking features here are the abundance of smooth muscle in tunica media in artery, as compared to vein (which has little), and capillary (which has none); and the size of the lumen.

Elastic and conducting arteries
## Normal histology of aorta
The aorta is a large, elastic artery.
Notice that the tunica media makes the bulk of the wall of aorta, consisting predominantly of sheets of elastic tissue separated by thin layers of collagen fibers and smooth muscle cells.
These vessels are too thick to obtain oxygen and nutrients from their lumen by diffusion – instead they have their own small arteries (called the vasa vasorum) present in the tunica adventitia.
##Muscular (distributing) arteries
Muscular arteries arise from the elastic arteries and are the most abundant type of artery in the body.
They are characterized by a thick tunica media comprised of concentric layers of smooth muscle cells. The tunica media is bordered by the internal elastic lamina and external elastic lamina. These muscular and elastic components allow the arteries to contract and relax to regulate tissue blood supply



Describe the pathophysiology of plaque formation


1)Factors (cholesterol/turbulence etc) → Endothelial dysfunction/injury allows
–Lipoproteins (LDL) begin accumulating in vessel wall intima
–Monocyte recruitment to vessel wall → macrophages (engulf lipid = foam cells)
–Platelet adhesion

2)Chronic Inflammation drives lesion progression
–Activated macrophages, platelets, endothelium release factors (chemokines, cytokines, growth factors) that cause

*T-cell recruitment and activation via inflammasome (IL-1) with further release of chemokines/cytokines (IFN-gamma)
*Smooth muscle recruitment and proliferation and ECM production (e.g. PDGF)
*Activated macrophages release reactive oxygen metabolites → LDL oxidation (inflammatory lipids)

3)Plaque Remodelling
–Plaques are dynamic and constantly changing
–Vulnerable plaques have thin fibrous caps and may not be the most occlusive (but are vulnerable to erosion/rupture/ulceration)
–Inflammatory states may encourage metalloproteinase/proteinase elaboration (mast cells and macrophages) → breakdown of connective tissue
–Eventually the intimal plaque begins to encroach on the media, with weakening of the vessel wall +/- aneurysm formation
- Plaque causes artery narroeing

- Haemorrhage: burdt plaque – major cause of morbidity and mortality, ACS
- Calcification
- Thrombus formation: Platelet activation, The rupture of the plaque and the superimposed thrombus subsequently leads to total obstruction of the blood vessel, causing transmural ischaemia, which then, unless the obstruction is relieved, may lead to irreversible damage – stroke, MI…
- Aneurysm, if weakened wall ruptures: AAA
Causes in arterial:
- Stroke
- MI
- Unstable angina
- Afib- stasis and thrombosis



Describe the fatty streak histology


Macro: yellow
Micro: macrophages, big and pale



Defien myocardial ischaemia, infarction and necrosis




Describe the coagulation pathway and where anticoagulants might work


The coagulation pathway is a cascade of events that leads to hemostasis. The intricate pathway allows for rapid healing and prevention of spontaneous bleeding. Two paths, intrinsic and extrinsic, originate separately but converge at a specific point, leading to fibrin activation. The purpose is to ultimately stabilize the platelet plug with a fibrin mesh
Intrinsic Pathway
This pathway is the longer pathway of secondary hemostasis. It begins with the activation of Factor XII (a zymogen, inactivated serine protease) which becomes Factor XIIA (activated serine protease) after exposure to endothelial collagen. Endothelial collagen is only exposed when endothelial damage occurs. Factor XIIA acts as a catalyst to activate factor XI to Factor XIA. Factor XIA then goes on to activate factor IX to factor IXA. Factor IXA goes on to serve as a catalyst for turning factor X into factor Xa. This is known as a cascade. When each factor is activated, it goes on to activate many more factors in the next steps. As you move further down the cascade, the concentration of that factor increases in the blood. For example, the concentration of factor IX is more than that of factor XI. When factor II is activated by either intrinsic or extrinsic pathway, it can reinforce the intrinsic pathway by giving positive feedback to factors V, VII, VIII, XI, XIII. This makes factor XII less critical; patients can actually clot well without factor XII. The intrinsic pathway is clinically measured as the partial thromboplastin time (PTT).

Extrinsic Pathway
The extrinsic pathway is the shorter pathway of secondary hemostasis. Once the damage is done, the endothelial cells release tissue factor which goes on to activate factor VII to factor VIIa. Factor VIIa goes on to activate factor X into factor Xa. This is the point where both extrinsic and intrinsic pathways become one. The extrinsic pathway is clinically measured as the prothrombin time (PT).
Common Pathway
This pathway begins at factor X which is activated to factor Xa. The process of activating factor Xa is a complicated reaction. Tenase is the complex that cleaves factor X into factor Xa. Tenase has two forms: extrinsic, consisting of factor VII, factor III (tissue factor) and Ca2+, or intrinsic, made up of cofactor factor VIII, factor IXA, a phospholipid, and Ca2+. Once activated to factor Xa, it goes on to activate factor II (prothrombin) into factor IIa (thrombin). Also, factor Xa requires factor V as a cofactor to cleave prothrombin into thrombin. Factor IIa (thrombin) goes on to activate fibrinogen into fibrin. Thrombin also goes on to activate other factors in the intrinsic pathway (factor XI) as well as cofactors V and VIII and factor XIII. Fibrin subunits come together to form fibrin strands, and factor XIII acts on fibrin strands to form a fibrin mesh. This mesh helps to stabilize the platelet plug.

Vitamin K deficiency can lead to elevated PT and PTT. It can present as hemarthrosis, intramuscular bleeding, or gastrointestinal bleeding. Vitamin K deficiency is commonly seen in newborns due to the lack of gut colonization by bacteria. It also can be seen in malabsorption (cystic fibrosis, celiacs disease, Crohn disease).
Heparin is an anticoagulant used in hospital settings for deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis. Heparin binds and activates AT. AT goes on to inactivate thrombin and factor Xa.
Warfarin is used for long-term therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation to prevent a thrombus from forming in the left atrium. It acts by inhibiting epoxide reductase. Epoxide reductase is a critical component in coagulation factor production because it helps recycle Vitamin K. Without vitamin K more coagulation factors cannot be produced by the liver.



Discuss Virchow’s triad

own notes


In theory, Virchow’s triad postulates the presence of three factors that predisposes a person to develop vascular thrombosis. These factors include:
* Hypercoagulability of blood : The constituents of blood are many and varied, but soluble coagulation factors (such as fibrinogen and tissue factor) and cells (such as platelets) are implicated in the process of thrombosis. Understandably a continuum exists between healthy and hemostatic abnormalities in prothrombotic or hypercoagulable states and ‘overtly’ increased clotting in acute thrombosis.
* Alteration in blood flow in the vessels : As flow is disrupted, numerous red blood cells, leucocytes, and platelets get strategically concentrated near the vessel wall for adhesion and activation.[17] High shear forces at the vessel wall further activate platelets via the release of vWF and promote their adhesion to the exposed subendothelium. Hence stasis (induced by internal or external pressure) is required to allow fibrin formation and secondary hemostasis.
Atherogenesis occurs preferentially at arterial bifurcations and bends; at these sites Such flow conditions favor the adhesion of platelets and monocytes, as well as infiltration of plasma components such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and fibrinogen causing the development of a plague.[18] This mechanical blockade in the arterial vessel wall leads to high intravascular shear stress at the site of the stenotic lesion.

Arterial thrombosis usually follows the rupture of atherosclerotic plaques and is the commonest process in acute coronary syndromes, ischaemic stroke, and critical leg ischemia.[19] High intra-stenotic shear stresses may be one factor in promoting arterial plaque rupture.

  • Vessel wall injury/ Endothelial damage : Damage to a vessel’s endothelial wall alters haemodynamics. Endothelial disturbance can result from insults such as smoking, chronically elevated blood pressure, and atherosclerotic disease secondary to hyperlipidemia. When an insult to the wall occurs, flow disruption or “turbulence” occurs. Turbulent flow within a vessel occurs when the blood flow rate becomes too rapid, or disordered, increasing the flow friction within a vessel.


What are some common symptoms of heart failure?

Exam and own notes

  • Palpitations
  • Chest pain (Radiates to neck/arm in angina or MI)
  • Dyspnoea
  • Syncope/dizziness/pre-syncope
  • Swelling
  • Cold and clammy extremities


Steps in healing and scar tissue formation

Exam and own notes


¬¬ 1. Inflammation
2. Angiogenesis
3. Granulation tissue formation
4. Connective tissue deposition (i.e. by fibroblasts)
5. Contraction of scar
6. Remodelling

Inflammation in scar formation is largely characterised by leukocyte invasion (PMNs, neutrophils etc.)
Inflammation can either be acute or chronic*

The process of inflammation incites:
- vascular dilatation
- increased permeability
- leukocyte migration ^[see [[Pathology Lecture 2]], [[Pathology Lecture 3]]]

Leukocytes release numerous cytokines and factors that initiate the healing response and promote the healing response.

Macrophages are particularly important, they have a number of key roles:
- to clear offending agents i.e. to phagocytose necrotic tissue and cellular debris
- to secrete cytokines and growth factors to stimulate repair commencing by 24 hours

By Primary Intention
* Injury involves only
epithelial layer with only
focal BM disruption +
connective tissue/cell
death – i.e. minimal disruption to tissues
* E.g. Clean, uninfected
Surgical incision with
* Final wound strength: 70-
80% of normal
* REGENERATION&raquo_space;

By Secondary Intention
* Cell + tissue loss =
* Inflammation ++,
granulation tissue ++ –relies on this
* e.g. large wounds,
abscess, necrosis,
parenchymal organs


Note that the timeline of healing by secondary intention is similar to the processes involved in primary intention. The major differences include:
- larger clot
- more necrosis
- more inflammation
- more granulation tissue formed
- wound contraction is important i.e. myofibroblasts are more relevant here, and reduce wound size by 90-95%
- larger scar is formed

Overall, “more”

Migratory cells
Neutrophils, Eosinophils
Lymphocytes, Monocytes
Indigenous Fixed - Fibroblasts, adipose
Wandering - Macrophages, Mast cells,
Eosinophils, Lymphocytes,Plasma cells



What are causes of HOCM?

exam and own notes

  • Most common cause of sudden cardiac death in young adults
  • Genetic causes (50% family history, AD» )
  • Hallmark: diastolic dysfunction, preserved systolic function (myocardial hypertrophy)
  • 1/3 of cases- intermittent ventricular outflow obstruction
  • Often First Diagnosed At Autopsy

Genetics Of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
For interest only
- >100 mutations described, usually in genes coding for sarcomeric proteins (unlike DCM)
- Most common- β Myosin Heavy Chain (70-80%)



Describe the pharmacological management of Afib

exam and own notes


Rate and rhthym control:
Class IV- or others: digoxin
- TO slow ventricularheart rate
- - Mechanism of Action:
- 1. Cardiac slowing and reduced rate of conduction through the AV node, due to increased vagal activity.
- 2. Increased force of contraction.
- 3. Disturbances of rhythm, including block of AV conduction and increased ectopic pacemaker activity.
- Note: inhibition of the alpha subunit of the NA/K/ATPase in the cardiac myocytes.
- This increases na and ca.
- The molecular mechanis underlying increased vagal tone i.e. negative chronotoropy is unknown but could also be due to inhibitopn of the NA/K pump.
- Can slow AV conduction by increasing vagal outflow
- - Extra information:
- - Digoxin has a narrow therapeutic window and its effects are increased with reduced potassium levels dye to reduced compeptiion at K binfind site
- - Digoxin is renally cleared.
- - Plasma concentration can be used to monitor its therapeutic levels.

Class III: B/Sotalol
Sotalol is a non-selective beta adrenoceptor antagonist.

Action: prolongs the cardiac action potential and the QT interval by delaying the slow, outward K+ current.

- renally cleared
Avoid in patients with renal impairment or renal failure (aka a contraindication)

- atrial fibrillation/flutter
- ventricular tachycardia (VT)

Adverse effects:
- fatigue
- tiredness
- bronchospasm
- bradycardia
- torsades de pointes (a type of VT caused by QT interval lengthening drugs)

Amiodarone is a class III arrhythmic (potassium blocker). It is the most effective drug to revert heart in AF back to sinus rhythm.

Action: prolongs action potential, blocks potassium channels

- atrial and ventricular arrhythmia
- atrial fibrillation
- ventricular tachycardia

- extensively bound in tissues
- (very) long elimination half-life (10-100 days) and accumulates in the body
- loading dose is used ^[n.b. can take a month for patient to reach steady state], and for life-threatening dysrhythmias this is given intravenously via a central vein (causes phlebitis (necrosis) if given into a peripheral vein)

Adverse effects:
- photosensitive skin rashes and a slate-grey discoloration of the skin
- hyper- and hypo-thyroidism (contains iodine) ^[need 3 monthly blood tests for monitoring]
- hepatitis, raised liver enzymes
- neurological problems: tremor, ataxia
- pulmonary fibrosis, rare, late in onset but may be irreversible
- corneal deposits (generally asymptomatic, does not affect vision and is reversible)
- Proarrhythmic effects (Torsades de pointes VT) prolonged QT interval on the ECG
NB - in general most antiarrhythmics can also cause arrhythmias -

Beta blockers e.g. metoprolol: beta-adrenoceptor antagonists increase the refractory period of the AV node and can therefore prevent recurrent attacks of SVT. They are also used to prevent paroxysmal attacks of atrial fibrillation when these occur in the setting of sympathetic activation. Side effects of hypotension and bradycardia

- Assess Thromboembolic (TE) Risk, treated with warfarin or NOAC

Treatment with underlying disease:
- Action:
- Inhibit conversion of Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II
- Indications:
- - hypertension
- - LV dysfunction and systolic heart failure (evidence of mortality benefit)
- Pharmacokinetics:
- - orally absorbed
- - halflife ~10 hours, mainly renally cleared
- Adverse effects:
- - cough
- - hypotension
- - renal impairment (in patients with renal artery stenosis)
- - allergy
- - hyperkalaemia
- Examples of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors:
- - Ramipril
- - Perindopril
- - Lisinopril
- - Enalapril
- #### Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARB)
- Action:
- Blocks Angiotensin II receptor (AT-1 subtype), similar to ACE inhibitors
- Indication:
- - hypertension (most prescribed)
- - LV dysfunction
- - systolic heart failure
- Pharmacokinetics:
- - good oral absorption
- - half life ~ 8-10 hours
- - cleared by hepatic metabolism
- Adverse effects:
- - rare cough
- - hypotension
- - allergy
- - hyperkalaemia
- - renal impairment
- Examples of angiotensin receptor blockers include:
- - valsartan
- - telmisartan
- - losartan
- - irbesartan



Describe signalling of beta2

exam and own notes

  • Beta 2:
  • part of SNS – stimulatory – nc HR, SV, relaxation and TPR
  • sigalling via T1-5 sympathetic ganglia
    • similar to alpha-2, a dilator
    • relaxant
    • located in lungs
    • Asthma
    • (Agonists: Salbutamol (inhaled, Terbutaline)
    • Agonists result in bronchoconstriction
    • Non-selective antagonists, and vary in their selcectivity e.g. propranolol used in hypertension, tacharrhythmias, and migraines
    • endogenous agonist is adrenaline and noradrenaline
  • activates Gs
  • activates AC, converstion of ATP to cAMP (amplification, as with other secondary messengers)
  • cAMP causes increase in heart rate, contractility and conduction velocity


Describe sudden cardiac death, prevention

exam and own notes


Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is death due to a cardiovascular cause that occurs within one hour of the onset of symptoms. A sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating or is not beating sufficiently to maintain perfusion and life.
Coronary artery disease is the most common cause of sudden cardiac death, accounting for up to 80% of all cases. Cardiomyopathies and genetic channelopathies account for the remaining causes
In patients younger than 35, the most common cause of sudden cardiac death is a fatal arrhythmia, usually in the context of a structurally normal heart. In patients from birth to 13 years, the primary cause is a congenital abnormality. In patients aged 14 to 24 years, the cause of sudden cardiac death is attributed to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC), congenital coronary anomalies, genetic channelopathies, myocarditis, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, and Marfan syndrome
Treatment for sudden cardiac arrest should be initiated immediately. Treatment includes the use of an automated external defibrillator and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). CPR provides enough oxygen to the brain until a stable electrical rhythm can be established.
After transfer to a hospital, therapeutic hypothermia can be induced to limit neurologic injury and reperfusion injuries. Therapeutic hypothermia is more effective for the management of ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation but can also be used in PEA and asystole. Limitations include a tympanic membrane temperature below 30 degrees at presentation, being comatose before the sudden cardiac arrest, pregnancy, inherited coagulation disorder, and the terminally ill patient.
If a patient survives the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, long-term treatment is aimed at the underlying cause.
An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is used for secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death in any person who has experienced arrhythmia-related syncope or survived sudden cardiac arrest.
Medication is targeted at the underlying cause of sudden cardiac arrest.



Describe syncope, types, common causes and pathophysiology

  • Syncope: sudden and brief loss of consciousness associated with loss of postural tone –> recovery is spontaneous
    neurally mediated: vasovagal, carotid sinus, situational (60%)
  • orthostatic: drug-induced, volume depletion, autonomic failure (15%)
  • cardiac arrhythmias: bradyarrhythmias, tachyarrhythmias, channelopathies (10%)
  • cardiac structural: AMI, aortic stenosis, HOCM, PE, PHT (5%)
  • undetermined cause i.e. idiopathic: 10%
  • Transient and acute cessation of cerebral blood flow to reticular activating system — which controls consciousness
  • cerebral perfusion pressure is associated with systemic arterial pressure (systemic arterial pressure = CO x Peripheral vascular resistance)

~ Decreased venous return ~
due to:
- hypovolaemia:
- dehydration
- bleeding
- diuretics
- other fluid loss
- impaired venous tone:
- autonomic neuropathy
- vasodilating drugs
- sepsis

~ Decreased cardiac output ~
due to:
- pump failure:
- valvular disease
- pulmonary embolus
- myocardial disease
- pericardial disease
- arrhythmia:
- tachycardia
- bradycardia
- (drugs)

~ Decreased cerebral perfusion ~
- afterload reduction:
- vasodilating drugs
- AV malformation
- Paget’s disease
- impaired cerebral circulation:
- atheroma
- vasculitis



Describe how to distinguish between syncope and other differentials


Potential DDx:
- epilepsy or seizure
- vertigo: Meniere’s disease, or BPPV
- metabolic disturbance: hypoglycaemia, phaeochromocytoma, hypocalcemia
- anxiety/hyperventilation
- psychiatric:
- non-epileptic attack
- hysterical fugue state
- malingering
- other neurological conditions
- migraine
- sleep disorder
- narcolepsy/sleep paralysis
Distinguish between syncope vs not via history
1. precipitant
- pain, micturition, defecation, stressful event –> neurally mediated
- exercise or exertion –> cardiac
- posture –> orthostatic hypotension
- medications –> neural/orthostatic/cardiac
- meals –> postprandial hypotension
2. premonitory symptoms
o sweating, nausea, abdominal cramps are suggestive of vasovagal and neurally mediated syncope
o chest pain, dyspnoea, palpitations are suggestive of cardiac syncope
o aura are suggestive of epilepsy
3. associated features (Witness account)
o pallor
o absent or slow pulse
o incontinence if bladder full
o rhythmic movements of limbs or body (myoclonic jerks or clonic movements)
4. postdromal symptoms
o amnesia to event
o nausea and vomiting
o rapid recovery
o post-ictal confusion
Past Medical History
- cardiac disease: ischaemic heart disease, arrhythmias, valvular disease = cardiac syncope
- neurological disease: Parkinsonism –> orthostatic hypotension, stroke, epilepsy
- diabetes: hypoglycaemia, orthostatic hypotension
- psychiatric history and mood
- risk factors for thromboembolic disease: pulmonary embolus


Describe Effects of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system on cardiac muscle, arteries, veins, receptor subtypes in cardiac muscle, and receptor subtypes in vessels


Autonomic control of the heart emanates from the cardiac centre in the medulla. The cardio-acceleratory and cardioinhibitory centres are responsible for the sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation of the heart.
Parasympathetic division (PSNS)
* Inhibitory (↓ HR)
* Vagus (CN X) n. Ach neurotransmitter.
* Fast response
* Nodal (SA & AV) only (hence only has effect on HR)
Sympathetic division (SNS)
* Stimulatory (↑ HR, SV, relaxation & TPR)
* T1-T5 sympathetic ganglia. Norad (& circulating Adrenaline)
* Slower response
* Diffuse action: Nodal & myocardial cells (hence more wide-ranging effects)
Both, vagal and SNS outputs are tonically active (i.e. active at all times, not like parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation of eye, or other structures.)
Thus, there is a balance struck between acceleration and inhibition of signal/HR – one is typically more dominant than the other at any point.
In modulating HR, in “normal” subjects at rest,
vagal output is larger and typically predominates over SNS output
In general, sympathetic innervation “activates”, hence

* HR increases (+ chronotropy), contractility & SV increases (+ inotropy), diastolic relaxation (+ lusitropy) & conduction velocity (+ dromotropy)
All of these increased factors work to enhance cardiac output (HR X SV)
The mechanism of this stimulatory action is via the action of ligand binding (impacts SA node AP) and 2nd messenger (ventricular cells AP and contraction).
B1 adrenoceptor (a Gs GPCR)
The endogenous agonists noradrenaline or adrenaline bind the beta adrenoceptor.
This results in an increase of secondary messenger (AC–>) cAMP and PKA.
PKA is a protein kinase thus it initiates phosphorylation of various targets channels, such as
1) Ca2+ channels ^[both T and L types. This enhances ICa (Ca2+ in)]
2) HCN ^[hyperpolarisation activated cyclic nucleotide gated channels, aka funny channel]
Sympathetic stimulation of pacemaker cells results in several effects on the action potential:
* Steeper i.e. faster phase 4 (impacting If and ICa)
* Threshold lowered (impacting ICa), and is thus reached earlier/more easily– in turn increasing heart rate
* Shorter AP (ICa)
Overall– pacemaker cells discharge faster under sympathetic stimulation.
- SA/AVN AP shifts to left under sympathetic stimulation, shifts to right under vagal stimulation
Sympathetic stimulation of myocytes
The main pathway of sympathetic stimulation in heart is B1 (as it has higher density than other adrenoceptor i.e. B2 & alpha).
Stimulation of the Gs-coupled B1 GPCR results in the activation and amplification if downstream secondary messengers and effectors (AC/cAMP/PKA)
As with nodal cells, phosphorylation is the key to unlocking cell’s response to sympathetic stimulation.
PKA phosphorylates L-Type CC, resulting in increased Ca2+ influx
PKA also phosphorylates RyR2, increasing CICR ^[faster, more potentiated].
Phospholamban is also phosphorylated, increasing SERCA activity.
Additionally, Troponin I is phosphorylated, decreasing its sensitivity (i.e. to kick the Ca2+ out).
The consequence of this is that the action potential lasts for a shorter duration, and has a larger plateau due to Ca2+ influx) as well as having faster repolarisation.
Note: There is no change in AP height or RMP.
In addition, a faster Ca2+ rise and peak (due to Ca2+ influx &
CICR) & decay (+ SERCA) results in faster rates of contraction and relaxation, in total:
+ positive inotropy and lusitropy
Parasympathetic stimulation has a largely inhibitory effect on the heart.
Stimulation by the vagus nerve (and cholinergic stimulation- Ach) has an inhibitory effect (i.e. decreasing HR)
Recall: the vagal effect is on pacemaker cells only, not ventricular myocytes (thus no negative inotropy).
Compared to the sympathetic stimulation, parasympathetic stimulation has a a more rapid onset and offset.
The primary agonist in parasympathetic stimulation is acetylcholine, which acts on muscarinic receptors.
The primary antagonist is atropine.
Parasympathetic stimulation predominates over sympathetic action at rest.
The isolated sinus rhythm is approximately 100bpm but because of vagal output, it is tonically slowed to about 60bpm.
The mechanism of action is similar to sympathetic innervation, in that it requires ligand binding and secondary messenger and effector activation.
Acetylcholine binds to Gi- coupled M2 muscarinic receptors, resulting in decrease of AC, cAMP and therefore PKA activity
This inhibits several currents such as If and ICa, while stimulating IK (GIRK) ^[note: inwardly rectifying potassium channels are GPCRs] via βγ subunit
Thus, Ach slows pacemaker potential (PMP) and heart rate:
* Inhibition of If flattens Phase 4
* Inhibition of ICa flattens Phase 4 and increases threshold
* Stimulation of IK →(GIRK) results in hyperpolarisation, in phase 3. Because of betagamma signalling, the K channels are open for longer duration, and thus it takes more time to reach threshold, thus decreasing HR



Discuss the relationship between CO and VR


VR & CO matching:
A homeostatic mechanism
* Cardiac output is the quantity of blood pumped into the aorta each minute by the heart.
* Venous return is the quantity of blood flowing from the veins into the right atrium each minute.
* CO must equal VR over time, else oedema (CCF), or pulmonary congestion [3]
How is VR matched to CO?
3. Frank-Starling mechanism is responsible for matching VR & CO [4]
o Increased quantities of blood return to the heart leads to stretch myocardium **leads to increased force of contraction leads to all blood ejected back into the aorta, or increased SV
4. Stretching atrial walls leads to increasing heart rate
o Direct affect from SA node stretch leads to increased rhythmicity (faster HR)
o Bainbridge reflex (RA stretch leads to via vasomotor center leads to ANS to heart) - a mechanism of arterial blood pressure regulation
Intersection of vascular & cardiac function curves:
* VR and CO matched for exactly one PRA (0 mmHg).
* Balance between what aids VR and limits CO:
o PRA increased: CO increased BUT VR decreased
o PRA decreased: CO decreased BUT VR increased - opposite impacts of PRA!
o Opposing forces rapidly correct perturbations
o Thus, VR is matched to CO
o enhanced myocardial contractility raises cardiac output to point B
o This high cardiac output increases the net transfer of blood from the venous to the arterial side of the circuit, and consequently, CVP subsequently begins to fall (to point C).
o The reduction in CVP then leads to a small decrease in cardiac output.
o However, cardiac output is still sufficiently high to effect the net transfer of blood from the venous to the arterial side of the circuit. Thus, CVP and cardiac output both continue to fall gradually until a new equilibrium point (D) is reached.
o This equilibrium point is located at the intersection of the vascular function curve and the new cardiac function curve.

o Analysis of the effects of changes in total peripheral resistance on cardiac output and CVP:
o It is complex because both the cardiac and vascular function curves shift.
o When peripheral resistance increases, the slope of the vascular function curve is decreased (shift downward), but it converges on the same CVP axis intercept as the control curve does (MSFP unchanged).
o The cardiac function curve is also shifted downward because at any given CVP, the heart is able to pump less blood against the greater cardiac afterload imposed by the increased peripheral resistance.
o Because both curves are displaced downward, the new equilibrium point, B, falls below the control point, A; that is, an increase in peripheral resistance diminishes cardiac output.


Explain how sympathetic system maintains blood pressure and cardiac output, with reference to Ohm’s Law

  • Sympathetic (SNS) overview
  • In general, sympathetic innervation “activates”, hence
  • HR increases (+ chronotropy), contractility & SV increases (+ inotropy), diastolic relaxation (+ lusitropy) & conduction velocity (+ dromotropy)
  • All of these increased factors work to enhance cardiac output (HR X SV)
  • The mechanism of this stimulatory action is via the action of ligand binding (impacts SA node AP) and 2nd messenger (ventricular cells AP and contraction).
  • How would the APs & contraction force curve change?
    (Check back)
  • Parasympathetic stimulation has a largely inhibitory effect on the heart.
    Stimulation by the vagus nerve (and cholinergic stimulation- Ach) has an inhibitory effect (i.e. decreasing HR)
  • Recall: the vagal effect is on pacemaker cells only, not ventricular myocytes (thus no negative inotropy).
  • Compared to the sympathetic stimulation, parasympathetic stimulation has a a more rapid onset and offset.
  • The primary agonist in parasympathetic stimulation is acetylcholine, which acts on muscarinic receptors.
  • The primary antagonist is atropine.
  • Parasympathetic stimulation predominates over sympathetic action at rest.

* Different parts of crculation will have differnt pressures as blood flows from heart down a pressure gradient
* MAP is the average arterial pressure throught one cardiac cycle i.e. systole and diastole
* MAP= CO x SVR or TPR
* MAP = (2DBP +SBP)/3
SVR or TPR in turn determined by
* diameter: vasoconstriction or decreased compliance due to SNS activity or vasodilation
* length: does not change acutely
* viscosity
aka Poiseuille’s Law

  • the sympathetic nerve effects on activity of the heart is broadly stimulatory
  • the parasympathetic nervous system is either inhibitory or has no significant effect (ala om atrial or ventricular muscle)

Describe Class I anti-arryhtmics

  • Class 1
  • Class 1 Antiarrhythmics:
  • Class 1a:
  • Quinidine
  • Procainamide
    (not often used in practice)
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Block Na+ channels by binding to sites on the alpha subunit. The effect on the action potential (AP) is reduced maximum rate of depolarization during phase 0. Action is use-dependent - the more frequently the channels are activated, the more block.
  • Class 1b:
  • Lignocaine (lidocaine)
  • Indication(s):
  • Ventricular dysrhythmia
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Similar to Class 1a, but lignocaine associates and dissociates rapidly within the normal heartbeat. It dissociates in time for the next AP, provided cardiac rhythm is normal. Premature beats will be aborted due to channel block. Class 1b drugs bind selectively to inactivated channels and therefore block preferentially when cells are depolarized.
  • Side effects:
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Tremor
  • Extra info:
  • Proarrhythmic
  • Class 1c:
  • Flecainide
  • Indication(s):
  • Prevent paroxysmal AF, recurrent tachyarrhythmias associated with abnormal conduction.
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Flecainide associates and dissociates slowly, reaching a steady state that does not vary appreciably during the cardiac cycle. It mostly inhibits the His-Purkinje system and suppresses ventricular beats.
  • Side effects:
  • GI upset
  • Paraesthesia
  • Ataxia
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • **Extra information:
  • Proarrhythmic

Describe class III anti-arrhythmics

  • Class 3
  • Amiodarone
  • Sotalol
  • Indication(s):
  • Amiodarone: Supraventricular and ventricular tachyarrhythmias
  • Sotalol: Paroxysmal supraventricular dysrhythmias, atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias
  • Mechanism of Action:
  • Amiodarone: substantially prolong the cardiac action potential, although the exact mechanism is not fully understood. They involve blocking some potassium channels involved in cardiac repolarization. The prolongation of the action potential increases the refractory period, accounting for their powerful and varied antidysrhythmic activity. Amiodarone also has weak beta blocker activity.
  • Note: drugs that prolong cardiac AP can be pro-arrhythmic
  • Sotalol: comibes class II snd III actions
  • Side effects:
  • Amiodarone: Prolonged QT interval, thyroid dysfunction, pulmonary toxicity, ocular effects
  • Sotalol: Prolonged QT interval, hypotension, bradycardia, drowsiness, dizziness
  • Extra information:
  • Amiodarone has a long half-life and complicated dosing. It also has negative inotropic effects and can be proarrhythmic. Sotalol combines class II (beta blocker) and class III actions.


Describe how body responds to sudden severe drop in blodo pressure


Supine to standing BP changes
Effects on circulation:
* increased hydrostatic pressure due to gravity (increased venous pooling increases VR, CO, SV, and MAP)
* increased vertical distance from heart to brain drops CPP by 20% initially
Compensatory mechanisms work to maintain MAP and CPP
* high pressure baroreceptors increases SNS and PSNS activity resulting in
o increased ino/chronotropic effects increasing SV and CO
o venoconstriction increasing VR and SV and CO
END RESULT: normalised MAP in seconds



Explain what causes a stable plaque to become unstable

exam and own notes


Precipitated by conversion of a stable atherosclerotic plaque to an unstable atherosclerotic plaque via:
* Plaque erosion or ulceration with secondary occlusive luminal thrombus formation or
* Intraplaque hemorrhage causing sudden luminal narrowing



describe why it is better to use multiple risk factors when determining CVD risk

exam and own notes


Multi-factorial causation therefore comprises several factors, or components, that result in “sufficient” cause.
It is not necessary to identify all of the components of a sufficient cause before prevention can be successful.
The removal of one component may interfere with the others and therefore prevent the development of the outcome.
Chronic diseases are multi-factorial - there are many components, none of which are strictly necessary or sufficient on their own to cause disease.



Describe portal system

examand own notes


The portal system carries venous blood (rich in nutrients that have been extracted from food) to the liver for processing.
The major vessel of the portal system is the portal vein. It is the point of convergence for the venous drainage of the spleen, pancreas, gallbladder and the abdominal part of the gastrointestinal tract. The portal vein is formed by the union of the splenic vein and the superior mesenteric vein, posterior to the neck of the pancreas, at the level of L2.
As it ascends towards the liver, the portal vein passes posteriorly to the superior part of the duodenum and the bile duct. Immediately before entering the liver, the portal vein divides into right and left branches which then enter the parenchyma of the liver separately.
The portal vein is formed by the union of the splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein. It receives additional tributaries from:
Right and left gastric veins – drain the stomach.
Cystic veins – drains the gallbladder.
Para-umbilical veins – drain the skin of the umbilical region.


Describe changes in ventricle, aorta and atria during cardiac cycle


Left Ventricle:
- Contraction after electrical pacing
- Pressure range: 0 - 120 mmHg
- Systole duration: ~ 0.3 s @ 75 bpm
- Diastole duration: variable (~0.5 s)
- End-diastolic volume: 120 mL
- End-systolic volume: 40 mL
- Stroke volume (SV): 80 mL
- Ejection fraction: SV/EDV ~ 70%
nb ejection fraction depends on age, size etc

aortic trunk during cardiac cycle
Range of pressure is 120/80mmHg
note Dicrotic notch (corresponds with aortic v. closure)
Note also that Aortic p. actually > LV p. in late systole but ejection continues due to momentum of blood
change in P determines SV: longer ejection (shortening)→ SV↑ i.e. if decreased pressure in aorta, valve opens earlier, gradient maintained for longer, longer ejection and flow from ventricle into aorta
NB Anacrotic notch is present at the systolic upstroke (ventricular ejection) in the arterial pulse (ascending limb, upstroke).
Dicrotic notch is present in the diastolic downstroke in the arterial pulse (descending limb, downstroke) at aortic valve closure. When measured physiologically, th notch is called incisura,

Changes to atria in cardiac cycle can be expressed in atrial pressure wave.
The atrial pressure wave has 3 pressure peaks: a, c and v waves
- a= atrial contraction
- c= cusps bulging - seen as a small uptick
- v = atrial filling (VR)
* LA ≈ RA pattern and no valves in SVC/IVC (continuous chamber i.e. no separation of pressures), so RAP ≈ JVP
* Abnormal JVP may indicate cardiac pathology, as any pressures changes i.e. in right atrium will be transmitted “upstream”/in preceding elements


Describe the process by which S. pyogenes causes rheumatic heart disease


Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) results from the body’s autoimmune response to a throat infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as the group A Streptococcus bacteria. Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) refers to the long-term cardiac damage caused by either a single severe episode or multiple recurrent episodes of ARF. It is RHD that remains a significant worldwide cause of morbidity and mortality, particularly in resource-poor settings.
The pathogenic mechanisms of ARF are not completely understood. Studies of the pathogenesis of ARF have been constrained by the lack of a highly suitable animal model, although a Lewis rat model of valvulitis and chorea has been used for some time (Quinn, Kosanke, Fischetti, Factor, & Cunningham, 2001; Brimberg, et al., 2012). In order for ARF to occur, it appears that a pharyngeal infection caused by S. pyogenes must occur in a host with a genetic susceptibility to the disease (Denny, Wannamaker, Brink, Rammelkamp, & Custer, 1950; Bryant, Robins-Browne, Carapetis, & Curtis, 2009).
Activation of the innate immune system begins with a pharyngeal infection that leads to the presentation of S. pyogenes antigens to T and B cells. CD4+ T cells are activated and production of specific IgG and IgM antibody by B cells ensues (Cunningham, Pathogenesis of group A streptococcal infections, 2000). Tissue injury is mediated through an immune-mediated mechanism that is initiated via molecular mimicry (Guilherme, Kalil, & Cunningham, 2006). Structural similarity between the infectious agent and human proteins leads to the cross-activation of antibodies and/or T cells directed against human proteins (Cunningham, 2000)..In ARF, this cross-reactive immune response results in the clinical features of rheumatic fever, including carditis, due to antibody binding and infiltration of T cells; transient arthritis, due to the formation of immune complexes; chorea, due to the binding of antibodies to basal ganglia; and skin manifestations, due to a delayed hypersensitivity reaction (Figure 1; Carapetis, et al., 2016).
molecular mimicry plays a role in the development of carditis by stimulating both humoral and cellular cross-reactive immune responses



Define vegetation and its histological components

exam, Y2, own notes


Vegetations are abnormal growths, consisting of fibrin and platelets.
Vegetations are observed in infective endocarditis, rheumatic fever, Libman-Sacks endocarditis, and non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis.
The appearance and locations of vegetations differs between conditions:
* rheumatic fever: typically small, found on edges of leaflets; patient typically has more symptoms or signs
* Libman-Sacks: small, ; patient has lupus and/or phospholipid antibody
* Bacterial (i.e. infective) endocarditis: generally large, Vegetations usually affect the left side of the heart, with the most common underlying lesions being mitral valve prolapse and degenerative mitral and aortic regurgitation; on edges of heart valves; more likely to occur on valves already deformed
* Marantic vegetations (or non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis): usually small, ; patient has hypercoagulability, usually from cancer [5]



Describe the physiology of heart failure

  • HFPEF: preserved (≥50%) left ventricular ejection fraction (thicker, adaptive hypertrophy, preserved)
  • HFREF: reduced (≤40%) left ventricular ejection fraction (as in maladaptive thin wall)
    Why does HFREF occur?
  • Cardiac injury with loss of myocytes can be from multiple insults, e.g., ischemia, inflammation (infection)
  • Increased strain causes eccentric hypertrophy of the remaining cell and through neurohormonal activation,
  • Leads to: fibrosis, progressive left ventricular dilatation, a change in the shape of the left ventricle from elliptical to spherical [8], and often, functional mitral regurgitation [9].
  • These changes, named left ventricular remodelling, result in **increased myocardial oxygen consumption and reduced efficiency of myocardial contraction.
  • Neurohormonal activation causes **renal sodium retention, fluid overload, and edema.
  • on many meds, normal ESPVR loses angle meaning that systoleends at a lower pressure, and less EF/SV
    HFREF (aka floppy heart)
  • The dilated ventricle has **high afterload
  • Afterload is the Left ventricular wall stress [10]
  • The weak ventricle has **poor contractility
  • Preload increases as less is ejected (EF low) and there is chronic fluid overload
  • curve trends downward, ejects less, leftover blood backs up in lungs resulting in pulmonary oedema, gets into GIT via portal system and into legs via veins [11]
    Why does HFPEF occur?
  • The pathophysiology of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction remains controversial
  • Comorbidities (e.g., obesity, chronic kidney disease, iron deficiency, hypertension, diabetes, and chronic lung disease) cause a systemic proinflammatory state **resulting in myocyte hypertrophy, increased collagen deposition aka fibrosis, stiffer vascular system, increased afterload and decreased left ventricular compliance (can’t relax to accommodate preload)
  • Stroke volume decreases over time cant accept enough blood
  • Vascular system non-compliance and neurohumoral factors lead to reduced LV emptying and a vicious cycle of LV hypertrophy and systemic hypertension

In acute heart failure, the **physiology depends on the cause

Acute Left Heart Failure
There are three types, categorised by blood pressure:
* Hypotensive: SBP<90 [12]
* Normotensive: SBP 90-140 (?) [13]
* Hypertensive: SBP>140 [14]
Hypotensive Left Heart Failure (low CONTRACTILITY)
* ‘Pump failure’ (poor LVEF) = Cardiogenic shock
* Treat with inotropes (e.g., Dobutamine, levosimendan, milrinone)
* Treat with non-invasive ventilation/IPPV
* e.g., LAD myocardial infarction, myocarditis
Normotensive Left Heart Failure (high PRELOAD low CONTRACTILITY)
* Fluid overload [15]. Some LV dysfunction, HFREF
* Often due to other causes
o iatrogenic
o non-compliant [16]
o another cause (e.g. Renal Failure)
* Treat with diuretics [17], preload reduction (venodilators e.g., nitrates), NIV
* e.g. Chronic cardiomyopathy, patients on the ward
Hypertensive Left Heart Failure (AFTERLOAD/Compliance)
* LVEF relatively preserved, HFpEF
* Redistributive/Vascular failure [18]
* Rx with arteriodilators e.g., GTN, SNP, Hydrallazine; NIV [19]
* Generally don’t need much diuretic unless obviously overloaded [20]
* e.g., The elderly female, stiff ventricle, ‘diastolic dysfunction’, most common


List risk factors for PVD


e.g. for atherosclerosis
Risk factors
Risk factors can either be non-modifiable:
- genetics:
- male sex/post-menopausal female
- age
- inherited mendelian disorders e.g. dyslipidaemia especially familial hypercholesterolaemia, and hyperhomocysteinuria
- family history of cardiovascular disease (for females under 65, males under 55)

Or they can be modifiable:
*Diabetes Mellitus (types I+II)
*Severe obesity (BMI > 30)
*Dietary factors (high trans fats, high GI, red meat, low fiber, fruits/veg, moderate ETOH = protective)
*Sedentary lifestyle
–End stage kidney disease
–Childhood Cancer Survivors with history of stem cell transplantation or chest XRT
–Structural heart disease (Aortic stenosis, aortic coarctation, cardiomyopathy, some congenital heart disease repairs)
–Previous Kawasaki disease
–Chronic inflammatory diseases e.g. Autoimmune, HIV
–Adolescent depression


Describe physical findings in a long term smoker with PVD (aim for 10-12)

  • Blue or purple tinge to the skin
  • Wounds that won’t heal (vascular ulcers)
  • Blackened areas of skin or skin loss (gangrene).
  • Notoctine stainig
  • Coldness of the affected body part, shiny
  • Pulseless or reduced
  • Pallor
  • Pain
  • Paresthesia
  • Paralysis
  • Intermittent ca;udicatin
  • Hair;ess
  • Toenail less
  • Buergers/dependenr rubor
  • Abnormal cap refill
  • Bruits in major vessels eg popliteal or popliteal


Describe an example of a monogenic cause of a cardiovascular condition and explain what conditions such as these have contributed to our understanding of CVD and treatment

exam and own notes


Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a monogenic cause of CVD, resulting from mutations in the LDL receptor gene.
Families were originally identified by their high LDL levels and high mortality e.g. MIs.
Mutations affect receptor expression and function.
Individuals with FH lack sufficient LDL receptors, leading to hypercholesterolemia and increased CVD risk.
Studies on FH, uncovered the biochemical pathways and their relationship to genetics, have contributed significantly to the development of cholesterol biosynthesis inhibitors like statins and bisphosphonates.
Most other genes show complex inheritance patterns and have significant environmental influence.


Describe steps leading to pre-syncope


Symptoms like dizziness, lightheadedness, diaphoresis, nausea, and visual disturbances may precede it or occur suddenly with none of the above symptoms


Wxplain how walking improves cardiac output


During exercise, increases in cardiac stroke volume and heart rate raise cardiac output, which coupled with a transient increase in systemic vascular resistance, elevate mean arterial blood pressure



homeostatic response to pre-syncope



What tool is used to assess risk of CVD? What are the modifiable risk factors?


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is largely preventable, with modifiable CVD risk factors accounting for up to 90% of the risk of myocardial infarction1. Absolute CVD risk assessment is an integrated approach that brings together the cumulative risk of multiple cardiovascular risk factors to estimate the combined risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke in the next five years.

The online Absolute CVD Risk Calculator is routinely used to estimate Absolute CVD risk as part of the absolute CVD risk assessment.
What are Absolute CVD Risk Charts?
The Absolute CVD risk charts provide a visual tool to calculate CVD risk in the form of printable colour charts to use in clinical practice. The risk charts are based on the National Vascular Disease Prevention Alliance’s Guidelines for the assessment and management of CVD risk.



  1. Describe the consequences of stenosis/VT on pulse wave amplitude, velocity; blood flow velocity, flow quality, transmural pressure, endothelial sheer force, SBP and DBP, and auscultation


  • [u;se wave amplitude: delayed, reduced
  • Velocity of pulse wave: increase/
  • Blood flow velocity:increase
  • Flow quality:reduced flow
  • Endothelial sheer force:increased sheer force
  • Transmural pressure: ?
  • SBP: not celear cut, usually low systolic and pulse
  • DBP:
  • Auscultation: the second heart sound may lack a split and can be heard as a single sound during inspiration—crescendo/decrescendo-murmur is high pitched
  1. Describe effect of VT on: ED filling pressure, TPR, arteriobaroreceptor reflex, SBP:DBP, sympathetic activity, left coronary blood flow, and list some causes of VT
    - EDVP: incomplete filling, reduced
    - TPR:reduces with reduced afterload
    - Arteriobaroreceptor reflex: upregulated due to low presssure
    - SBP:DBP: less
    - Sympathetic activity: increased in an attemptt o redress
    - Left coronary blood flow: intermittent/reduced- coronary disease
    - Causes: varipus: [aced rhythm, hyperkaleamia and drugs, long QT, brugada, AMI


Describe systolic and diastolic murmurs



It is high pitched, often blowing in nature, and is similar to the flow murmur heard in patients with the “straight-back syndrome.” Functional systolic ejection murmurs may also result from hyperdynamic blood flow over a normal pulmonic or aortic valve.

The murmur is low intensity, high-pitched, best heard over the left sternal border or over the right second intercostal space, especially if the patient leans forward and holds breath in full expiration. The radiation is typically toward the apex. The configuration is usually decrescendo and has a blowing character.



Describe valve histology

Y2 and own notes


There are several layers to the aortic valve:
- endothelium
- atrialis (the outer most layer of atrioventricular valve)
- spongiosa (made of loose connective tissue, has GAGs and PGs)
- fibrosa (made of dense connective tissue, collagen)

«The semilunar valves are divided into:

  • Ventricularis- which is in direct contact with pulsatile blood and directed toward the ventricles. It is the most caudal layer.
  • Spongiosa - which is between the ventricularis and fibrosa layers.
  • Fibrosa - which is directed toward the outflow vessel lumen. This is the most cranial layer.

The atrioventricular valves have fibrosa and spongiosa layers as well, but there is an atrialis layer instead of a ventricularis layer. The layers of the atrioventricular valves are arranged such that:

  • The atrialis layer is the most cranial and is directed toward the atrium.
  • The spongiosa is in the middle.
  • The fibrosa layer is the most caudal and directed toward the ventricles.

The valves are filled with an extracellular matrix that contains a mixture of proteoglycans in the spongiosa layer and collagen fibers in the fibrosa layer. These layers are encased in a sheath of endocardial endothelial cells interlaced with valve interstitial cells. Together, these cells have a homeostatic activity that aids in the daily function of the valve.» ^[kenhub]

The fibrosa and spongiosa are the two main layers



Describe some age-related valvular disease


MED- nodular dystrophic calcification of the valve, resulting in thickness
- stenosis (calcific aortic stenosis)
- deposition of hyaline cartilage, fibrotic change
- deposition of amyloid, associated with dystrophic changes



Broadly distinguish between stenosis and regurgitation


Distinguish betewen AVRT Aand AVNRT


Atrioventricular Re-entry Tachycardia (AVRT) is a form of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia that occurs in patients with accessory pathways, usually due to formation of a re-entry circuit between the AV node and accessory pathway. ECG features depend on the direction of conduction, which can be orthodromic or antidromic.
- In orthodromic AVRT, anterograde conduction is via the AV node, producing a regular narrow complex rhythm (in the absence of pre-existing bundle branch block)
- In antidromic AVRT, anterograde conduction is via the accessory pathway (AP), producing a regular wide complex rhythm. This can be difficult to distinguish from ventricular tachycardia (VT)

ECG features of AVRT with orthodromic conduction:
- Rate usually 200-300 bpm
- Retrograde P waves are usually visible, with a long RP interval
- QRS < 120ms unless pre-existing bundle branch block, or rate-related aberrant conduction
- QRS alternans: phasic variation in QRS amplitude associated with AVNT and AVRT, distinguished from electrical alternans by a normal QRS amplitude
- Rate-related ischaemia is common

Orthodromic AVRT, or just AVNRT?

This rhythm can appear very similar to AVNRT, but the RP interval can assist us to differentiate:
- In typical AVNRT, retrograde P waves occur early, so we either don’t see them (buried in QRS) or partially see them (pseudo R’ wave at terminal portion of QRS complex)
- In AVRT, retrograde P waves occur later, with a long RP interval > 70 msec

Fortunately, treatment is fairly similar for both.

ECG features of AVRT with antidromic conduction:
Rate usually 200-300 bpm
Wide QRS complexes due to abnormal ventricular depolarisation via AP
Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia is a type of supraventricular tachycardia (ie it originates above the level of the Bundle of His) and is the commonest cause of palpitations in patients with hearts exhibiting no structurally abnormality.

Clinical Features of AVNRT:
AVNRT is typically paroxysmal and may occur spontaneously in patients or upon provocation with exertion, coffee, tea or alcohol. It is more common in women than men (~75% of cases occurring in women) and may occur in young and healthy patients as well as those suffering chronic heart disease.
The ‘descriptive’ terminology regarding AVNRT classification can be confusing…and I am still confused!

Slow-Fast AVNRT (Common AVNRT)
- Accounts for 80-90% of AVNRT
- Associated with Slow AV nodal pathway for anterograde conduction and Fast AV nodal pathway for retrograde conduction.
- The retrograde P wave is obscured in the corresponding QRS or occurs at the end of the QRS complex as pseudo r’ or S waves
P waves are often hidden – being embedded in the QRS complexes.
Pseudo r’ wave may be seen in V1
Pseudo S waves may be seen in leads II, III or aVF.
In most cases this results in a ‘typical’ SVT appearance with absent P waves and tachycardia

Fast-Slow AVNRT (Uncommon AVNRT)

  • Accounts for 10% of AVNRT
  • Associated with Fast AV nodal pathway for anterograde conduction and Slow AV nodal pathway for retrograde conduction.
  • The retrograde P wave appears after the corresponding QRS
  • ECG:
    QRS -P-T complexes
    P waves are visible between the QRS and T wave

Describe atrial tachycardias


Provide a list of the tachycardias



Describe the timeline of ECG changes in STEMI

own notes and Y2


The definition of a STEMI is that there is new ST elevation at the J point in two contiguous leads of >0.1 mV in all leads other than leads V2-V3

  • A = normal
  • B = mild ST elevation
  • C = severe ST elevation
  • D = Biphasic T wave with ST elevation
  • E = T wave inversion
  • F = returning to normal