cardiac tamponade Flashcards
- muffled heart sounds on auscultation
- narrow pulse pressure
- jugular vein distention
- pulse paradoxus (systolic drop in bp 15 during inspiration)
- restlessness
- upright leaning forward posture
key test results
*CXR (slightly widened mediastinum & cardiomegaly
*echocardiography records pericardial effusion w/signs of
right ventricular and atrial compression
*ECG used to rule out other cardiac d/o-not useful to
diagnose cardiac tamponade
key treatments
- surgery: pericardiocentesis or thoracotomy
- andrenergic agent: epinephrine
- inotropic agent: dopamine
key interventions: pericardiocenthesis
*keep pericardial aspiration needle attached to a 50 ml
syringe by a three-way stopcock, ECG machine, and
emergency cart w/defibrillator at bedside
*equipment turned on and working
*monitor bp & cVp during and after procedure for
hypotension (indicates cardiac chamber puncture)
*watch for complications: ventricular fibrillation, vasovagul
response, coronary artery or cardiac chamber puncture
key interventions: thoracotomy
*explain procedure to pt.
*what to expect post op: chest tubes, drainage system,
o2 admin
*teach how to turn, deep-breath, and cough
*maintain chest tube drainage system and be alert for
hemorrhage and arrhythmias