cardiac rehab Flashcards
cardiac rehab is very specific for who is/isnt a valid candidate. A pt who does qualify would be someone post-:
CABG, post-percutaneous c. intervention, heart valve surgery, heart/lung transplant, and (3)
MI (within a year)
chronic STABLE angina
comp HFrEF<35% (within 6 wk)
recent push for oncology pts !
cardiac rehab is very specific for who is/isnt a valid candidate. A pt who does not qualify would be someone with an active infection, conduction abnormalities, serious arrhythmia, and ___(4)
(hint: think stability)
unstable angina
hemodynamically unstable
resting ST depression
uncontrolled DM
describe the ~ 5 phases of cardiac rehab and where they occur.
- acute/inpt
“~1.5. “ home health - subacute/ rehab and conditioning- shortly after d/c
- trainining/intensive: outpt
- maintenence: community
in what phase of cardiac rehab might we observe a decreased dependence on ECG monitoring? About how many sessions are in this phase?
phase 2; 36-72 sessions
Pt’s ___ , HR, BP and EKG are assessed at what frequency during phase 1?
subjective feelings; 3-5x/min
A facility may have a policy for phase 1 treatment advising pts stay <120bpm/<20-30 bpm increase in exertion. What other general recs are there for treatment?
warm up/cool down!
short durations, multiple times in the day
education for ALL
When do you absolutely STOP treatment with a phase 1 pt?
any signs of decreased oxygen/BP (SOB, color change, confusion, dizzines, fatigue,etc),
EKG abnormalities,
pt choice
describe the goals of week 2-12 (cardiac phase 1) in terms of METS
• Perform 3-5 METS or 2.0 - 3.0 mph for 30 min
17 ml/kg min or 5 MET defines disability and energy expenditure needed to complete ADL
when establishing appropriate intensity for phase 2 pts , we want to look out for exersise red flags (see ex guidelines set) , severe claudication, arrythmias >____min and BP parameters of__
6; SBP>240, DP>110
Resistance training in phase 2 should be performed at ___% of 1RM for ____muscle groups.
30-50%; large
approx when would we start resistance training for the following conditions?
2 weeks
5 weeks
8 weeks