Cardiac Growth Factors Flashcards
What is the main therapeutic action of erythropoietic growth factors?
Increase the production of RBCs in patients experiencing anemia from chronic renal failure or from bone marrow suppression.
Why would we need erythropoietic for renal failure?
The erythropoietin is secreted by the kidneys when the oxygen levels in the body are low or if there is a decreased CO, but with chronic renal failure the kidney are impaired and dont secrete it like they should
What is the main goal of treatment for erythropoietic growth factors?
To increase HCT to at least 33% and HGB to be higher than 10/11 g/dl
What are some adverse effects of erythropoietic growth factors?
hypertension (elevated HCT)
Risk for thrombotic event - increased viscosity
What are some primary nursing considerations for erythropoietic growth factors?
Monitor HGB, iron lvls, and BP
monitor CBC (thrombocytes, HGB, iron levels)
Look out for DVT in post-op patients
Dosing is usually three times per week
Dont agitate vial of medication (can destroy medication) and dont use the same vial for multiple dosing