Cardiac Embryology Flashcards
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What is a Morula?
A Morula is an embryo at an early stage. -a spherical cell mass of Blastomeres.
What is a Blastomere?
Any of the cells resulting from the cleavage of a fertilized ovum during early embryonic development.
What is a Blastocyst?
A pre-implantation embryo consisting of a thin-walled hollow sphere of 16–40 cells, which appears in early mammalian development, the wall of which is the trophoblast. The embryo proper corresponds to a mass of cells at one side, which is equivalent to the blastula.
What is a Trophoblast?
the outermost layer of tissue that forms the wall of the blastocyst of placental mammals in the early stages of embryonic development. It functions in the implantation of the blastocyst in the uterine wall and in supplying nutrients to the embryo. At implantation the cells differentiate into two layers: the inner cytotrophoblast, which forms the chorion, and the syncytiotrophoblast, which develops into the outer layer of the placenta
What is an Embryoblast?
An eccentrically placed mass of cells within the blastocyst.
What is a Cytotrophoblast?
The inner layer of the trophoblast.
What is a Syncytiotrophoblast?
the outer layer of the trophoblast. It erodes the uterine wall during implantation and gives rise to the villi of the placenta.
What is an Entoblast?
the innermost of the three primary germ layers of the embryo. Called also endoblast, entoderm, entoblast, and hypoblast.
What is an Ectoblast?
- ectoderm.
2. an external membrane; a cell wall.
What is Vasculogenesis?
The development of new blood vessels from endothelial stem cells—i.e., in absence of pre-existing vessels.
What is the Procordal Plate
the prechordal plate is a “uniquely thickened portion” of the endoderm that is in contact with ectoderm
Where is the Somatopleuric mesoderm?
The outer layer of the Extra-Embryonic Mesoderm. It is the parietal side, in contact with the Cytotrophoblasts
Wheret is theSplanchnopleuric mesoderm?
The inner layer of the Extra-Embryonic Mesoderm. It is in direct contact with the Heuser’s Membrane/Yolk sac
What is Mesenchyme?
cells of mesodermal origin that are capable of developing into connective tissues, blood, and lymphatic and blood vessels.
What are Vitelline Veins
The vitelline veins are veins which drain blood from the yolk sac.
What is Cardiac Jelly?
a structureless material containing few nuclei existing around the heart tube in the primitive pericarium.
What is Paraxial
Paraxial is anything lying at either side of midline.
What is are Somites?
A somite is a division of the body of an animal.
The mesoderm forms at the same time as ectoderm and endoderm. The mesoderm that is lateral to (at the side of) the neural tube is called paraxial mesoderm.
Where are the trophoblasts located?
On the outside layer of the blastocyst.
What are the trophoblasts contribute to the blastocystic process?
They help with implantation and they provide nutrients to the developing cells within the blastocyst.
The trophoblast cells are responsible for the attachment of the blastocyst to the uterine epithelium and the implantation to the endometrium.