Cardiac Electrophys (lec 1) Flashcards
Preload is?
stretch on vent at end diastole
Afterload is?
pressure against which heart pumps
2 types of heart cells?
SNS effects on heart? (4)
↑ SA node pace ↑ A/V node impulse conduction ↑ contraction force coronary vasodilation constriction of peripheral bv = ↑ CO and BP
PNS effects on heart?
(vagus n)
↓ SA node pace
↓ AV node conduction
Properties of Myocardial cells? (4)
1) automaticity (produce impulse w/o outside stim
2) excitability (respond to stim)
3) conductivity (transmit impulse cell-to-cell)
4) contractility (contract when stimulated)
Properties of Pacemaker cells?
spontaneous generation of impulse (depol)
Properties of Conducting cells?
carry signal
Sinoatrial Node?
in posterior R atrium
60-100 bpm
Atrioventricular Node?
impulse pathway to vents
in low R atrium
40-60 bpm
Properties of Purkinje Fibers?
terminal branches of R/L bundles
20-40 bpm
take over for SA/AV nodes if fail
Polarized State is?
resting myo cells
- inside/+ outside
Depolarized State?
Na+ and Ca2+ enter cell
create AP
Na+, Ca2+, K+ leave cell
Absolute Refractory Period?
temp resistant to depol
keeps depol wave moving forward
prevents spasm (continued contraction)