Cardiac Arrest Flashcards
Remember, assess then perform the appropriate action
!!!With Defibrillation
Minimize any interruptions in chest compressions as this will rapidly decreased blood flow to the brain and heart.
Someone has a shockable rhythm. Do you delay defibrillation to intubate or do you use defibrillation first?
Endotracheal intubation should not delay delivery of defibrillation in patients with a shockable rhythm
Does a chest x-ray ensure intubation?
Several medications can be given via the endotracheal (ET) tube as well, if IV or IO access has not been established. The optimal dosing of drugs administered endotracheally has not been established, but ***
2-2 1/2 times the IV route is generally accepted.
!!!NAVEL: ACLS Drugs Safe for Endotrachael Administration
Naloxone Atropine Vasopressin Epinephrine Lidocaine
Successful resuscitation is dependent on ***
Successful resuscitation is dependent on rapid defibrillation. Improved survival is related to witnessed arrest with initiation of bystander CPR, initial shockable rhythm, and rapid defibrillation and initiation of ACLS by a trained professional within 10 minutes of onset.
Once pulseless VT or VF is identified, the patient should be immediately defibrillated using *** J
Once pulseless VT or VF is identified, the patient should be immediately defibrillated using 200J on a biphasic defibrillator or 360J on a monophasic defibrillator.
How many shocks?
ACLS currently recommends that only 1 shock is delivered which changed from their previous recommendations of 3 shocks. CPR starting with compressions should be immediately initiated after the shock without performing a pulse or rhythm check for 2 minutes (5 cycles) of CPR. In patients without an advanced airway, each cycle consists of 30 compressions and 2 ventilations. After 2 minutes of CPR, the rhythm should be rechecked, but the interruption in CPR should not exceed 10 seconds.
What drug do you give for Torsades de Pointes
When do you give Atropine during ACLS
Atropine 1mg IV/IO should be considered for asystole or slow PEA and may be repeated every 3 to 5 minutes for a total of 3 doses
At what time do you cease resuscitation efforts?
Studies have shown that resuscitation efforts are unlikely to be successful after 20 minutes of combined BLS and ACLS. It is appropriate to consider cessation of resuscitation efforts at that time.
How effective is induced Hypothermia?
Initiation of mild hypothermia (cooling to 32-34 C) has been demonstrated to decrease the 6 month mortality rate and lead to improved functional recovery at hospital discharge
How long should patients with spontaneous return of circulation be cooled to 32-34 C for?
unconscious patients with return of spontaneous circulation should be cooled to 32-34 C for 12-24 hours when VF was the initial rhythm.
Inclusion criteria for Therapeutic Hypothermia
Patients resuscitated after out-of-hospital witnessed arrest with VT/VF as initial rhythm
Resuscitation initiated by EMS within 5-15 minutes of arrest
No more than 60 minutes from collapse to return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC)
Persistent coma after ROSC
Adult age
Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation
Contraindications for Therapeutic Hypothermia
Severe cardiogenic shock (SBP<90 mmHg) despite fluids and inotropes Cause of coma other than cardiac arrest (overdose, CVA) Pregnancy Known coagulopathy Life-threatening arrhythmias Initial temperature <30 C Preexisting DNR status Pediatric patients