cardiac 2 Flashcards
Evaluation of heart function
1) echo
2) Pr/pr-volume
3) histology
fractional shortening
healthy FS=35-45%
ejection fraction
classification of HF
1) just @ risk– no limitations
2) fatigue, dyspnea with normal activity (comfortable at rest)– slight exercise intolerance
3) fatigue, dyspnea with less than normal activity but comfortable at rest – more exercise intolerant
4) cardiac insufficiency at rest and increased discomfort with any activity– exercise intolerant at rest
dP/dt (mmHg/s)
rate change of pressure in the left ventricle
positive dP/dtmax
max rate of contraction = intropy
negative dP/dtmin
max rate of relaxation = illustropy
effects of decreases in preload and increases in after load on dP/dt max and dP/dt at LVP @40
dP/dt max increases because its affected by after load and preload
dP/dt@40 LVP independent of after load (aortic valve hasn’t opened at LVP 40)
- increasing preload see increase in dP/dt until LVP of 120
contractile reserve
ability to increase cardiac output (graph with dopamine to increase HR response)
exercise training and dP/dt
trained individual can maintain CO they have greater CR and maintain higher CO at a lower dP/dt ,ax
in vitro measure :measures pressure feeding heart (perfusion pressure) and also measures how well heart is able to produce force (control preload, after load and HR)
effect of isoproterenol on cardiac function
increase contractility, LVP and perfusion pressure and increase positive and negative dP/dt