Carbonate Diagenisis Flashcards
What is percentage of carbonate rocks in the sedimentary record?
Around 13%
Epeiric platform is characterized by ……
Warm, shallow in land sea
What is a carbonate platform?
Term applied to any shallow marine environment where carbonates accumulate.
Facies boundaries !!!
One rock have different specifics characteristics related to the environment that was deposited.
In the fore reef talus we would find a pile of broken of corals, so we can infer that the …………and …………. will be different
Substrate and organisms
What structures can we find in a reef front?
Those are the …………of the reef
What structures can I find in the reef crest?
What structures can I find in the back reef?
What structures can I find in the sand apron part of the reef?
Rudstone and grainstone
What structures can I find in a lagoon environment?
Packstone and wakestone
Reefs have a major impact on the environment. They ……….waves, decreasing the energy of the environment.
Break or baffle
What structures can we expect to find on the fore reef talus and back reef?
Rudstone and grainstone
When tides move sediment in and out, little particles get coated with calcium carbonate and thus forming……………
A rock formed by ooids is called……..
Carbonate sand shoals:
Where ooids form, is a very specific environment, where shallow, warm and gently agitated waters make a perfect depositional setting for carbonates. Can we expect planar bedding in this setting?
No because we will have increase Bioturbation!!
Describe the environmental setting you would find in a lagoon?
Low energy environment
Increased nutrients
Very fine grained sediment
Increased Bioturbation
Lagoon- warm, shallow waters promote evaporation and concomitant increase in salinity- hyper-saline solution- precipitation of calcium carbonated
We can start altering the sediment as soon as it was deposited.
Eogenesis - immediately post deposition.
Diagenic processes:
Microbial micritization : transforms the original grains (recrystalization) or coats the grains with a micritic envelope, due to the action of……….
Cementation: process occurring when you have ………………..pore water.
Pore fluids are supersaturated with respect to cement phase
There are no kinectic factors inhibiting precipitation.
Supersaturated or hipersaline
How do we modify salinity?
Evaporate water
What is cement?
Crystals precipitated in a fluid-filled space, growing attached to a substrate; commonly aragonite, HMC, LMC, Dolomite ( others are less common)
!!!! Precipitated as opposed to deposited!!!!!!!
Diagenic processes:
What is Neomorphism?
Transformation between one mineral and itself or a polymorph. It is thought to be a “wet” process, meaning that it is occur across a thin, interstitial fluid film.
E.g., taking a calcite and growing a bigger calcite grain.
Replacement of aragonite shells or cement by calcite.
Recrystalization of a lime mud to produce coarser crystals.
Diagenic processes:
Dissolution: occurs when fluids are…………..with respect to a given mineral. Particularly important in meteoric settings; also related to Lysoclines in deeper marine settings.
What are Lysoclines?
Change in salinity wit depth in oceans!!!
What are the characteristics of meteoric water?
Acidic- low pH
Under saturated with carbonates.
What is the difference between precipitation and dissolution?
Precipitation happens when the pore space is supersaturated and dissolution happens when the pore water is undersaturated.
What is the difference between non-rimmed and rimmed carbonate platforms?
Decreased energy in rimmed shelf because energy is wasted in the corals (reef).
High energy in non-rimmed platform causing completely different types of organisms and sedimentary structures to be there. Consequently you will have different Bioturbation in each setting.
Diagenetic processes:
Mechanical compaction: processes occurring under increased overburden when grains are translocated for closer packing, fractured, crushed. It results in …………. unless you have…………….
Decreased porosity
Early cementation
Diagenetic processes:
Chemical compaction: produced by ………. Process results in a “ ……………..” Between the adjacent grains and, ultimately, dissolution seams and ………….., surfaces that are marked by the remaining, relatively insoluble materials (clay, oxides, organic matter)
Pressure-enhanced dissolution
Fitted fabric
What is Fitted fabric?
One grain intertwined to the other
As we increase mechanical and chemical compaction, with increase in pressure, water is pushed out of the porous, forming dewatering, flame, ball/pillow structures. It can happen in ……………settings too
Marine diagenesis:
Occurs on: …………
Shallow waters depth: where the carbonate is!!!!
The sea floor
Tidal flats
Marine diagenesis:
Shallow waters (to shelf (200m) and slope depths:
Good potential for cementation depending on:
Deep waters:
High pressure, low water temperature and high partial pressure of CO2 lead to dissolution Because seawater becomes more …………..
Shallow waters: decreased porosity
Deep waters: Increase porosity
Undersaturated (1st with respect to aragonite then HMC, then LMC. Acidity breaks things up increasing porosity.
Isopachous cement?
Is a cement of precipitated minerals that form rims of nearly equal thickness around the grains in a sedimentary rock during diagenesis. Common in sub aqueous environment.
The interesting is what happens to pore water. When we have waves in a high energy environment, we are not just moving water at the surface, we are moving water in and out of the……..
Pore spaces
Marine diagenetic setting:
Active shallow marine setting: wave/ tides pumping pore waters through reefs and shoals, producing: Aragonite And HMC cements forming ……………..’coats’ composed of needles,fibers, blades on grains/ skeletons
Intragranular cements, that is, within shells such as gastropods and forams.
Marine diagenenic:
Less active (stagnant) marine setting: modern muddy sands in relatively protected settings, characterized by: Early more localized Cementation of grains into aggregates, intragranular cements. Intense microbial...................
Microbes don’t live in places with high energy.
Marine diagenesis:
Marine phreatic settings as in intertidal- supratidal zones such as:…….., ………., producing:
………… Cement in lower intertidal zones and meniscus cements in ……….. (Low/high) Intertidal zones ( vadose Zones)
Micrite coats
Beach rock and tidal flats