Carbon - Major Stores Flashcards
Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere, Atmosphere
What is the transfer (flux) of carbon meausred in?
Gigatonnes of carbon per year.
What is 1 gigatonne equivalent to in tonnes?
1 billion tonnes.
Who measures the amount of carbon in various stores?
The UN Climate Change Panel:
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (IPCC).
What is anthropogenic carbon dioxide?
Carbon dioxide which is generated by human activity.
What is the biosphere?
The total sum of all living matter.
What is a carbon sink?
A store of carbon which absorbs more carbon than it releases.
What is the lithosphere?
The crust and the uppermost mantle; this constitutes the hard and rigid outer layer of the Earth.
What is a greenhouse gas?
Any gaseous compound in the atmosphere which is capable of absorbing infrared radiation, thereby trapping and holding heat in the atmosphere.
In which form is carbon stored in the lithosphere?
Both inorganic (fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas, and carbonate-based sedimentary deposits such as limestone) and organic (including litter, organic matter, and humic substances found in soils).
Which four stores is carbon in the lithosphere distributed between?
Marine sediments and sedimentary rocks - up to 100 million GtC.
Soil organic matter - between 1,500 and 1,600 GtC.
Fossil fuel deposits of coal, oil and gas - around 4,100 GtC.
Peat - around 250 GtC.
Which of the four lithosphere stores contains the most carbon and how much?
Marine sediments and sedimentary rocks, containing up to 100 million GtC.
Which of the four lithosphere stores contains the least amount of carbon and how much?
Peat containing around 250 GtC.
Which three stores can hydrospheric carbon be distributed between?
The surface layer (euphotic zone).
The intermediate layer (twilight zone).
Living organic matter.
What is the euphotic zone?
The surface layer of the water where sunlight penetrates so that photosynthesis can occur.
How much carbon is stored in the euphotic zone?
Around 900 GtC.
What is the twilight zone?
The intermediate layer and the deep layer of the water where sunlight does not penetrate and photosynthesis does not occur.
How much carbon is stored in the twilight zone?
Around 37,100 GtC.
What types of living organic matter in the hydrosphere store carbon?
Fish, plankton, bacteria, mammals etc.
How much carbon is stored in living organic matter in the hydrosphere?
Around 30 GtC.
How much carbon is stored in dissolved organic matter in the hydrosphere?
Around 700 GtC.
What is the total amount of carbon in oceanic carbon?
Between 37,000 GtC - 40,000 GtC.
What kinds of decayed organic matter contains carbon in the hydrosphere?
Shells, cells, carcases.
What happens to decayed organic matter in the hydrosphere?
Some of it releases the CO2 into the water, and some material sinks to the bottom where it forms layers of carbon-rich sediments.
What happens to decayed material that sinks to the bottom of the ocean?
Over millions of years, chemical and physical processes may turn these sediments into rock, where it can lock up carbon for millions of years.