Specimens for carbohydrate analysis:
Whole blood, plasma, serum, urine, CSF, synovial, serious fluid
standard clinical specimen
fasting venous plasma
T or F: Serum is appropriate for glucose analysis if it is separated from the cells immediately after centrifugation
(approximately 60 minutes after blood collection)
F; approximately 30 mins
Bacteria, WBC, RBCs might consume the glucose present in the sample which can ____ the glucose results
What should be used if processing will be delayed for more than 30 minutes?
sodium fluoride
Mechanism of action of fluoride in preventing glycolysis
Fluoride binds to magnesium, inhibiting enolase which is necessary for glycolysis
If whole blood is refrigerated, ______/mL of whole blood prevents glycolysis for up to ____hours
2 mg of NaF; 48
Fasting blood sugar should be obtained after ____ of fasting (but not >16hrs)
8-10 hours
CSF glucose concentration is approximately ______that of plasma concentrations.
How many hours should blood glucose be obtained before spinal tap?
1-2 hours
T or F: Peritoneal fluid glucose is the same as plasma glucose
Whole blood gives approximately ____LOWER glucose levels than serum or plasma.
Venous blood glucose is 7mg/dL ____ than capillary blood glucose due to tissue metabolism
T or F: Capillary blood glucose is not the same with arterial blood glucose
F; it is the same
Rate of glucose metabolism at RT
7 mg/dl/hr
At ___, glucose decreases by approximately 2mg/dl/hr.*
4 deg. Celsius
T of F: The rate of metabolism is lower with bacterial contamination or leukocytosis.
False; higher
In serum specimens without bacterial contamination or leukocytosis, results are clinically acceptable up to ______
90 minutes before separation of serum from cells.
Glucose methodologies can be categorized into:
Chemical and Enzymatic methods
Methodologies under Chemical method
Copper reduction, Ferric reduction, condensation method
Principle of copper reduction method
glucose and other reducing sugars convert cupric to cuprous ions in the presence of heat and alkali
Why is Folin Wu method sensitive but NOT SPECIFIC?
Because non-glucose reducing substances also react with the test
End color of Folin Wu
Phosphomolybdenum BLUE
Why is Nelson Somogyi method BOTH sensitive and specific
Because after PFF preparation, non- glucose reducing substances are adsorbed by BARIUM SULFATE
end color of Nelson Somogyi method
Arsenomolybdenum BLUE
end color of neocuproine method
Cuprous-Neocuproine Complex (YELLOW or YELLOW-ORANGE)
Which method is a modification of the Folin Wu?
Benedict’s method
stabilizing agents used in Benedict’s
citrate and tartrate
Positive and negative result for Benedict’s
(+) Green - yellow - brick red ppt
(-) blue
It is the modern version of Benedict’s method
Clinitest tablet
What sample is used in clinitest tablet
Phenomenon that occurs in clinitest tablet test when there is increased glucose level
Other term for Ferric Reduction method
Hagedorn jensen method
Principle of ferric reduction method
Inverse Colorimetry (reduction of yellow ferricyanide to colorless ferrocyanide)
Disappearance of color is measured at which wavelength
400 nm