What is the cheapest source of calories providing 50% or more of calories in most diets?
What is the general elemental composition of carbohydrates?
What is the recommended daily carbohydrate intake for males and females?
Males: 220-330 g/day, Females: 180-230 g/day
What are the principal dietary carbohydrates?
Polysaccharides, disaccharides, and monosaccharides
Which polysaccharides are primarily digested in the gastrointestinal tract?
Starches (glucose polymers) and their derivatives
What is the structure of amylopectin?
A branched molecule
What is the structure of amylose?
A straight chain with only α1,4 linkages
What are the common dietary disaccharides?
Lactose (milk sugar) and sucrose (table sugar)
What are the common dietary monosaccharides?
Fructose and glucose
What is sorbitol, and how does it affect blood sugar?
Sorbitol is formed when the aldehyde group of glucose is hydrogenated to an alcohol group, slowing its absorption and diminishing its effect on blood sugar concentration.
What is the major storage form of polysaccharides in animals?
What is the structural similarity between glycogen and amylose?
Both are straight-chain polymers.
What are examples of non-starch polysaccharides?
Cellulose, hemicellulose, pectins, gums, alginates
What makes cellulose indigestible by humans?
It is composed of beta-1,4-linked glucose molecules in straight chains.
What is the primary enzyme responsible for carbohydrate digestion in the mouth?
Salivary alpha-amylase
At what pH is salivary alpha-amylase deactivated?
pH of 4 or lower
Which enzyme is more efficient at digesting carbohydrates in the small intestine?
Pancreatic alpha-amylase
What are the end products of alpha-amylase digestion?
Maltose, maltotriose, and α-limit dextrins
What enzymes hydrolyze disaccharides and small glucose polymers into monosaccharides?
Lactase, sucrase, maltase, and α-dextrinase
What are the monosaccharide products of lactose digestion?
Glucose and galactose
What are the monosaccharide products of sucrose digestion?
Glucose and fructose
What is the enzyme responsible for breaking down maltose?
Maltase (glucoamylase)
What is the substrate and product of trehalase?
Substrate: Trehalose, Product: Glucose
What is the glycemic index range for ‘good’ carbohydrates?
≤ 55
What glycemic index value is considered ‘bad’?
> 70
What is the clinical importance of butyrate produced by dietary fiber fermentation?
Butyrate serves as a fuel for colonocytes and supports their development.
What receptors are involved in the transport of short-chain fatty acids in the colon?
GPR43, SLC5A8, SLC16A1, and GPR109A
What is the significance of receptors SLC5A8 and GPR109A?
They are critical in the development of colonocytes.
What is the preferred energy substrate of colonocytes?
What is the role of butyrate in gene transcription?
Inhibits histone deacetylases, modulating the epigenetic profile and transcription of selective genes in the colon
What is the carbon source for ketone body generation in colonocytes?
What is the function of dietary fiber in fecal bulk?
Increases mass of fecal flora, leading to increased fecal bulk
How does fiber affect absorption of sugars and fats?
Delays absorption of sugars and fats
What component of fiber lowers serum cholesterol by binding bile salts?
What type of carbohydrate transport depends on sodium concentration?
Glucose and galactose transport via SGLT1
What transporter is responsible for glucose and galactose uptake from the gut?
SGLT1 (sodium-glucose cotransporter-1)
What transporter facilitates fructose entry into enterocytes?