Carbohydrates Flashcards

Long Answe: How does the structure of cellulose relate to its function?

Long Answer:
How are the shapes of starch, glycogen and cellulose different?
What monomers are they made of?

Describe and Explain:
Describe the test for starch and (what would you see) and explain the science behind the test

Describe and Explain:
Describe the test for a NON-REDUCING sugar and explain the science behind it. Give an example of a non-reducing sugar

Describe and Explain:
Describe the SEMI-QUANTITATIVE Bendedicts test and explain the science behind it

Compare and Contrast:
Maltose and Lactose

Long Answer (and visualise the diagram):
Describe the formation of a disaccharide from two glucose molecules

Alpha glucos and Beta glucose are _________ of each other. Explain the difference between them…..

Compare and Contrast:
Glucose and Ribose

What is a carbohydrate?
What are the monomers?
What is the general formula?