Carbohydrates Flashcards
What are the physiological roles of carbohydrates?
-Energy production in cells
-Enery storage in cells
-Structural roles in cells
-Cellular roles in cells
-Cellular identity and cell-cell interaction or signaling
-Information transfer (DNA and RNA)
What are the two major classes of carbohydrates?
-Aldoses (which have an aldehyde group)
-Ketoses (which have a ketone group)
How do you designate a sugar as D or L?
-The chiral carbon most distant from the carbonyl atom (ketone or aldehyde)
-The designation of D or L is relative to the reference molecule (OH)
How can you determine the number of stereoisomers in monosaccharides?
-Molecules with n chiral centers will have 2^n stereoisomers
-4 chiral centers will have 16 isomers
-3 chiral centers will have 8 isomers
What are epimers?
How are hemiacetal and hemiketal cyclic structures formed?
What are anomers?
What are the configurations of anomeric carbons?
What are pyran and furan ring structure?
Describe the cyclization of glucose to glucopyranose
What is mutarotation?
Draw the structure of D-Ribose
Draw the structure of D-Deoxyribose
Draw the structure of D-Glucose
Draw the structure of D-Mannose
Draw the structure of D-Galactose