Caravan phase 1s Flashcards
Engine failure takeoff roll
- Power lever Beta
- Brakes apply
- Flaps up
If unable to stop:
4. Secure (condition lever cutoff, fuel shutoff, selectors off, battery off).
Engine failure after takeoff below decision speed
- Power lever idle
- 85kts
- Full flap
- 80kts
- Touchdown tail low
- Brake heavily
- Flaps up
Engine failure after takeoff above decision below turn back
- Power level idle
- 85kts
- EPL up
- 80kts
No joy EPL stow:
5. Prop feather
6. Flaps full
7. Secure engine
Engine failure above turn back (700-1000)
- 95kts
- 10deg nose down, 45AOB, turn
- Power level idle
- EPL up
No joy EPL stow:
5. Prop feather
6. 85kts
Field in sight:
7. Flaps full
8. Secure engine
Turn back 1000-2000, and engine failure during flight
- Best glide/initiate turn
- Power lever idle
- Ignition on
- Standby vac on
- Ng check
Above 50% :
6. Power lever as req.
No joy:
7. Power lever idle
8. EPL up
No joy EPL stow:
9. 85kts
10. Prop feather
11. Flaps full
12. Engine secure
Engine flameout/FCU malfunction
Ng above 50% :
1. PIP
No joy:
3. Power lever idle
4. EPL up
Below 50% :
1. Prop feather
2. Condition lever cutoff
FCU runaway
- Power lever idle
- Flaps up
- Gauges check
If safe landing area exists:
4. Not below 85kts
5. Prop feather
6. Condition lever cutoff
NO landing area:
7. Prop 1600RPM
8. EPL up
No decrease from EPL, stow:
9. Power lever cycle
10. Not below 85kts
11. Prop feather
12. Condition lever cutoff
Engine fire in flight
- Gauges check
- Power lever idle
No sign of fire land ASAP
If signs of fire exist:
3. Prop feather
4. Condition lever cutoff
3. Fuel shutoff
4. Cabin air shutoff
Electrical/cabin fire in flight
- Battery off
- Generator trip
- Standby power off
- Vents close
- Bleed air off
- Fire extinguish
Wing fire in flight
- Pilot static heat off
- Stall heat off
- Strobes off
- Nav lights off
- Landing/taxi lights off
- Radar off
- Vent fans off
EFB fire
- EFB power off
- Charger disconnect
- Isolation kit retrieve
- Gloves on
- EFB in Lipo bag
- Consider dropping
Cabin fire ground ops
- Power lever idle
- Brakes apply
- Prop feather
- Condition lever cutoff
- Battery off
- Evacuate
Engine fire during start
- Condition lever cutoff
- Fuel boost off
- Starter motor
Inadvertent icing encounter
- Ignition on
- Separator bypass
- Pitot static/stall/windshield/prop heat on
- Consider exiting
Static source blockage
Alternate static on
Loss of fuel pressure
Fuel boost on
Fuel flow interruption to reservoir
Fuel selector off during start
Fuel level low with single tank selected
Both selectors on
Asymmetric flaps
- Aileron/rudder to stop roll
- Flaps selector up
- 100kts or less
Starter contactor does not disengage after start
- Battery off
- External power off
- Condition lever cutoff
Upper pax door open
- 100kts or less
- Flaps full
- If able have second crew member close door
- Normal landing
Lower pax door open
- 100kts or less
- Manœuvre for landing
- Flaps full
- Touchdown not nose high
Crew door open
- 125kts or less
- Close door