Caput XXXVII Flashcards
Present Conjugation of eō
Eō, īs, it, īmus, ītis, eunt
Imperfect Conjugation of eō
Ībam, ībās, ībat…
Future Conjugation of eō
Ībō, ībis, ībit…
Perfect Conjugation of eō
Iī, īstī, iit, iimus, īstis, iērunt
Pluperfect Conjugation of eō
Ieram, ierās, ierat
Future perfect Conjugation of eō
Ierō, ieris, ierit…
Present Subjunctive Conjugation of eō
Eam, eās, eat…
Imperfect Subjunctive Conjugation of Eō
Īrem, īrēs, īret…
Perfect Subjunctive Conjugation of Eō
Ierīm, ierīs, ierit…
Pluperfect Subjunctive Conjugation of Eō
Īssem, īssēs, īsset…
Dōmī (locative)
At home
Domus, domūs (domī) (f)
House, home
Humus, humī (f)
Ground, earth; soil
Iter, itineris (n)
Journey; route, road
Rūs, rūris (n)
The country, countryside
Absēns, absentis
Absent, away
Grātus, -a, -um
Pleasing, agreeable; grateful
Idōneus, -a, -um
Suitable, fit, appropriate
Immōtus, -a, -um
Unmoved; unchanged; unrelenting
Out of doors, outside
Eō, īre, iī, itum
To go
Abeō, abīre, abiī, abitum
To go away, depart, leave
Adeō, adīre, adiī, aditum
To go to, approach
Exeō, exīre, exiī, exitum
To go out, exit
Ineō, inīre, iniī, initum
To go in, enter; enter into, begin
Obeō, obīre, obiī, obitum
To to up against, meet; die
Pereō, perīre, periī, peritum
To pass away, be destroyed
Redeō, redīre, rediī, reditum
To go back, return
Interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectum
To kill, murder
Licet, licēre, licuit
(+dat & inf) it is permitted, one may
Peregrīnor, peregrīnārī, peregrīnātus sum
To travel abroad, wander
Requiēscō, -ere, requiēvī, requiētum
To rest
Soleō, -ēre, solitus sum
To be accustomed