CAPUT IX Flashcards
Locus, -ī (m)
place, passage in book
Loca, locōrum (n)
Places, regions
Locī, -ōrum (m)
Passages in literature
Morbus, -ī (m)
Disease, sickness
Studium, -iī (n)
Eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study
Hic, Haec, Hoc
This; the latter; pronoun
Ille, illa, illud
That; the former; the famous
Iste, ista, istud
That over there; such (as you have/speak of); that despicable/wicked
Alius, -a, -um
Other, another; (pl.) some…others
Alter, -a, -um
The other (of two), second
Neuter, neutra, -um
Not either, neither
Nūllus, -a, -um
Not any, no, none
Sōlus, -a, -um
Alone, only; the only
Tōtus, -a, -um
Whole, entire
ūllus, -a, -um
Ūnus, -a, -um
One, single, alone
Uter, utra, -um
Either, which (of two)
For, in fact, truly
(+acc) into, toward; against
Nimis, Nimium
Too much/excessively; exceedingly, very