Caput VII - 3rd Declension Nouns Flashcards
Amor, -is
M., love
Carmen, -is
N., song, poem
Civitas, -tatis
F., state, citizenship
Corpus, -oris
N., body
Homo, hominis
M., human being, man
Labor, -oris
N., labor, work, toil; a work, production
Littera, -ae
F., a letter of the alphabet
Litterae, -arum
A letter, epistle, literature
Mos, moris
M., habit, custom, manner
Mores, morum
Pl., habits, morals, character
Nomen, -minis
N., name
Pax, pacis
F., peace
Regina, -ae
Rex, regis
M., king
Tempus, -oris
N., time; occasion, opportunity
Terra, -ae
F., earth, ground, land, country
Uxor, -oris
F., wife
Virgo, virginis
F., maiden, Virginia
Virtus, -tutis
F., manliness, courage; excellence, character, worth, virtue
Novus, -a, -um
New, strange
Prep. + acc., after, behind
Prep. + abl. w/ verbs of rest, + acc. w/ verbs of motion, under, up under, close to; down to/into, to/at the foot of
Audeo, audere, August sum
To dare
Neco, necare, necavi, necatum
To murder, kill
To harm