Caput II - First Decl. Nouns and Adjectives, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Interjections Flashcards
fama, famae
f., rumor, report; fame, reputation
forma, formae
f., form, shape; beauty
fortuna, fortunae
f., fortune, luck
ira, irae
f., ire, anger
nauta, nautae
m., sailor
patria, patriae
f., fatherland, native land, country
pecunia, pecuniae
f., money
philosophia, philosophiae
f., philosophy
poena, poenae
f., penalty, punishment
poenas dare
to pay the penalty
poeta, poetae
m., poet
porta, portae
f., gate, entrance
puella, puellae
f., girl
rosa, rosae
f., rose
sententia, sententiae
f., feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence
vita, vitae
f., life; mode of life
antiquus, antiqua, antiquum
adj., ancient, old-time
magnus, magna, mangum
adj., large, great, important
meus, -a, -um
adj., my
multus, -a, -um
adj., much, many
tuus, tua, tuum
adj., your (sg.)
conj., and; even
et… et
both… and
conj., but
prep. + abl., without