Captains Flashcards
The Automatic aid system is a consortium of governments that agree to act as ___?
-One entity for purpose of improved fire/rescue/ems.
What will we provide on every call?
-Excellent customer service on each and every call.
What does the SOP define as a customer?
-Any person who receives our services and anyone with who our members have dealings (including our own members).
What is every interaction an opportunity for?
-To solve their problem and leave a positive, lasting impression.
What questions allow a member to determine if they are empowered to provide exceptional customer service without asking for permission?
-Is it right for the customer? Is it right for the department? Is it legal, ethical, and nice? Is it safe? Is it on your organizational level? Is it something you are willing to be accountable for? Is it consistent with our departments values and policies?
CALSSRC delegates official authority and trusts its members with the power to provide customer service to_____?
-Their level of ability and imagination.
What are company officers and command officers responsible for, with relation to customer service?
-Provide a work environment in which exceptional customer service and added value are the result of a refined system where members are empowered to operate between the lines. Basic organizational behavior must be customer oriented. Invest in human resource by keeping customer service a part of an ongoing development process. Take responsibility for themselves and their subordinates and expand authority in others. Sustain and enhance regional commitment and consistency in the execution of professional services and customer satisfaction.
What system will we always operate under at the incident scene?
-The incident command system.
What system do we take components from to operate our system?
What are command procedures designed to do?
-Fix the responsibility for command on a certain individual through a standard identification system dependent upon the arrival sequence of members and companies. Ensure a strong, direct and visible command will be established from the onset of the incident. Establish an effective incident organization defining the activities and responsibilities assigned to the IC and other individuals operating within the ICS. Provide as sytem to process information to support incident management, planning, and decision-making. Provide a system for the orderly transfer of command to subsequent arriving officers. Ensure a seamless transition from Type 5/4 incident to type 3/2/1.
What are the roles/responsibilities of Shift Commanders in
the ICS?
-Manage battalions and supervise BCs, occupy position of senior advisor on the command team at greater alarm incidents.
What are the roles/responsibilities of Battalion Chiefs in the
-Manage companies and supervise company officers. Occupy position of IC. Occupy position of Sector Officer. Occupy position of IC on command team during first and greater alarms.
What are the roles/responsibilities of Captains in the ICS?
-Occupy position of IC. Occupy position of sector officer. Manage task level activities and supervise firefighters.
Who is responsible for the completion of tactical objectives
at an incident?
-Incident Commander is responsible.
What are the tactical objectives?
-Rescue (primary all clear), Fire control, Property Conservation (loss stop).
What are the standard activities that are performed by the IC to achieve the tactical objectives?
-the functions of command.
What are the 8 functions of command?
-1. Assume and announce command – establish effective initial command position (post).
2. Rapidly evaluate the situation (size up).
3. Initiate, maintain, and control effective incident communications.
4. Provide and manage a steady, adequate, and timely stream of appropriate resources.
5. Identify the incident strategy, develop an IAP, and assigned companies and personnel consistent with plans and standard operating procedures.
6. Develop an effective incident organization using sectors/divisions/groups to decentralize and delegate geographical and functional responsibility.
7. Review, and revise the strategy to keep the IAP current.
8. Provide for the continuity, transfer, and termination of command.
Who is responsible for all the functions of command?
What about the responsibility for these functions?
-Incident commander is responsible, as well as the responsibility of these functions when command is transferred.
Which functions must be addressed immediately from the initial assumption of command?
-The first 6 functions of command.
Which model greatly increases effectiveness of the command team?
-Strategic decision making model.
Who establishes command?
-the first fire department member or unit to arrive at the scene of a multiple unit response shall assume command.
How long does this person stay in command for?
-They shall remain in command until command is transferred or the incident is stabilized and command is terminated.
What responses do not require assumption of command?
-One or two company responses that are not going to escalate beyond the commitment of those companies.
What is the first arriving unit or officer responsible for, even though they don’t assume command?
-Responsible for any needed command functions. Example: single unit response, check hazard, any ems call requiring only one or two companies.
How does the first arriving unit initiate command?
-On scene report.
1. Clear alarm.
2. Unity designation/on the scene
3. building area/description (size, occupancy, height)
4. Obvious problems/conditions (nothing showing – out checking, smoke showing – amount and location, fire showing – amount and location, working fire, fully involved).
5. Action taken (assume command, laying line, attacking
6. Declaration of strategy (offensive or defensive)
7. Command confirmation with name
What can be used after the initial on scene report?
-Follow Up report
1. Immediate safety concerns.
2. Accountability started (announce the initial accountability location)
3. Disposition of resources (hold/add/return)
4. Disposition of IRIC (only required if IRIC will not be
What radio designation will be used for the IC throughout the entire incident?
-radio designation COMMAND along with the occupancy or address of incident (7th street command, Metro Center command).
What command options define the company officers direct involvement in tactical activities?
-The MODES of command that may be utilized.
What are the three Modes?
-Investigative mode, Fast Attack, Command Mode – Stationary command post.
What defines an “investigative mode?”
-Mobile IC on a portable radio, moving around and evaluating conditions while looking for the incident problem.
Company officer goes with crew to investigate while utilizing portable radio.
What defines a “Fast Attack?”
-There is a visible working fire in a house or commercial occupancy and IC #1’s direct participation in the attack will make a positive difference in the outcome (search, rescue, fire control and crew safety).
Who does the IC quickly assign during their fast attack?
-They quickly assign an attack team (2 engines, ladder). Next arriving units all stage.
What are examples of when Fast Attack is appropriate?
-Visible working fire in house or small commercial occupancy. Critical life safety situations (rescue in compressed amount of time). Any incident where the safety and welfare of firefighters is of major concern. Obvious working incidents that require further investigation by the company officer. Combined crew experience level.
What are the responsibilities of the next arriving companies behind the fast attack IC?
-Understand the IC is inside the hazard zone trying to quickly solve problems. You must listen to radio traffic, update, review and reinforce the initial size up, verify the safety, welfare and accountability of the fast attackers, and back up the basic attack.
When does the fast attack command mode end?
-1. Situation is stabilized.
2. Command is transferred from the fast attack company officer IC to later arriving command officer.
3. If situation is not stabilized, fast attack company officer IC must move to an exterior (stationary) command.
What defines a “Command mode, stationary command?”
-From the start of the incident, the IC stays out of the hazard zone in a stationary command post.
What are the options for remaining crew members during stationary command mode?
-1. Move up an acting officer within the company.
2. Assign the crew members to perform staff functions.
3. Assign company personnel to another company.
What does the transfer of command provide for the incident?
-Strengthens and continues command and the IAP from an upgraded command post outside the hazard zone.
What are the benefits of an upgraded command post?
-1. Provides IC #2 with a support officer.
2. Establishes an incident safety officer.
3. IC#2 has a wider view of fireground.
4. Improves communication.
5. Creates a lighted, warm and dry environment
What is the process for transfer of command?
-1. First arriving FD member assumes command
2. First arriving command officer assumes command through transfer of command process.
3. Subsequent command officers report to IC for assignment.
4. Shift commander advises the IC and helps transfer into CRV.
5. Senior advisor, IC and support officer become command team.
6. Assumption of command is discretionary for assistant chief and fire chief.
7. Longer incidents may require liasons, PIO, planning, Etc.
8. May require IMT when incident is very long (several days).
When can initial IC pass command to second due company officer?
-When initial company operations requires full commitment to task (rescue, hi-rise).
Who will command NOT be passed to?
-not be passed to officer not on scene.
Why will command NOT be passed to these individuals?
-it creates a gap in the command process.
When will someone assume command without talking to the IC?
-When they are unable to reach command upon arrival
What is their next course of action?
-Confirm the status of the missing crew.
What is the procedure for transfer of command?
-1. The officer assuming command will communicate with IC#1 (radio or face to face, face to face preferred).
2. The person being relieved will brief the officer on
a. General situations
1. Incident conditions (fire location and extension, hazmat spill, number of pts).
2. Incident management plan, completion of tactical objectives.
3. Safety considerations.
b. Deployment and assignment of operating
c. appraisals of need for additional resources.
3. if IMT is needed to size of incident, command will not transfer to IMT unless written delegation of authority has been signed.
Does arrival of higher ranking officer constitute transfer of command?
-No, only after transfer of command process has taken place.
When can a ranking officer elect to keep IC#1 as command?
-When they are effectively managing command and satisfactory progress is taking place.
In order to strengthen command, when can IC#2 add command officers to sectors?
-When any sector has 3 or more companies operating in it
What are the benefits of adding command officers?
-Improve safety, decreases span of control, improves communication, improves accountability, improves management and supervision of the sector.
What type of command post is a priority at all incidents?
-A vehicle designed to be a command post for work space, lighting, communications equipment, reference materials, protects from distractions.
How do command officers park?
-In a manner that doesn’t block access to the scene.
Who is responsible for managing the incident?
-the IC. Fire department empowers the IC to turn his plan into IAP and assign companies.
Who does the IC outrank?
How does a ranking officer affect change on the fire ground?
-They must be on scene, then follow transfer of command process.
When can others affect change on an incident?
-Anyone can effect change in incident management in extreme situations relating to safety by notifying command and initiating corrective action
What does the ICS never do?
-It never sleeps. It is in a constant state of readiness.
What two “teams” have identical roles and responsibilities?
-The Command Team and the Incident advisory team.
What do these two teams consist of?
-The Command Team consists of IC, support officer and senior advisor. The incident advisory team consist of the IC, support advisor and the incident advisor.
The incident scene is often ______ and ______?
-Dynamic and Intense.
What is the usual, immediate need for command as an incident grows into greater alarms?
-The primary need for the IC is support. This can be the BSO/ISO or next arriving command officer.
How is the command team generally built?
-It starts with the initial arriving company officer (IC#1), then transfers to the first arriving command officer (IC#2) with his BSO filling the ISO or support officer role.
Who are the first and second members of the command team?
-First arriving command officer and their BSO/FIT.
What are the roles and responsibilities of the command team?
-To perform the functions of command, as previously noted in this guide.
What is the role and responsibility of the support officer, specifically?
-1. Define, evaluate and recommend changes to the IAP.
2. Provide direction relating to the tactical objectives and
the specific fire ground factors.
3. Become an incident safety officer.
4. Evaluate the need for additional resources.
5. Assign logistics responsibilities.
6. Assist with tactical worksheet for control and
7. Evaluate the fireground organization and span of control.
8. Other duties as necessary.
Who is the third member of the command team and how does he rank?
-The senior advisor, they are the highest ranking member of the command team.
What is the main focus of the IC and the support officer, compared to that of the senior advisor?
-IC/ISO focus on completion of the tactical objectives, strategic and tactical plan. Senior advisor focuses on the entire incident and its impact form a broader perspective (provide guidance and advice to the IC/ISO.
The IC/ISO and senior advisor work as a _______ and make the _______ effective.
-they work as a 3 man team and make the functions of command more effective.
How is the command structure built to stay ahead of the needs of an incident?
-Large scale and complex incidents = Big Command Structure
Small scale and Simple incidents = little command structure
What are the 3 levels of command configuration?
-Strategic level – overall direction of the incidents.
Tactical level – Objectives assigned to sectors (divisions or groups)
Task Level – Task objectives assigned to companies.
What takes place at the Strategic Level?
-designed around the IC and command team, operating in command mode at a stationary command post. Provide initial size up and critical fireground factors. Define the Incident action based on risk management profile. Determine the strategy (offensive/defensive). Establish IAP. Obtain and allocate resources. Deploy the appropriate resources. Predict outcomes and planning. Assign specific assignments and objectives.
What takes place at the Tactical level?
-First management “subdivision” of scene organization and is assigning sector responsibilities. These sector officers are assigned by the IC and responsible for the tactical deployment of resources, evaluate and communicate with the IC.
What takes place at the Task Level?
-The organizational level where the work is performed by assigned companies. The strategic and tactical levels are in place to support the task level. The accumulation of task level activities accomplish tactical objectives.
What are the tactical objectives for a fire?
-Rescue, Fire control, property conservation, customer stabilization.
What is a sector defined as?
-a smaller, more manageable unit of incident scene organization. Sectoring is a standard of dividing incident scene command into smaller pieces.
When should an IC assign a BC or ISO as sector office?
-When there are 3 or more units operating in that sector
Define span of control.
-The maximum number of sectors an IC can effectively manage.
What is the span of control for the IC?
-Usually 5 but should never exceed 7.
How can sectors be assigned?
-By geographical location or function.
How are divisions and groups assigned?
-Divisions are assigned geographical location, Groups are assigned by function.
Who manages the sector?
-Sector officers.
How is the incident broken down when span of control is exceeded?
-The IC will begin assigning Branches. These branches are responsible for multiple sectors and given a separate radio channel.
What advantages do sectors bring to the command structure?
-1. Reduces the IC span of control.
2. Creates more effective incident scene communications.
3. Provides a standard and logical system to divide large geographical incidents into effectively sized units.
4. Provides an array of major support functions
5. Improves firefighter safety.
Command should assign sectors based on the what factors?
How is “in transit” defined?
-The time it takes for a company to reach their assignment area after receiving an order.
What causes in transit time to vary?
-Distance between staging and the incident, size of the incident perimeter, amount of equipment the company needed to assemble.
Who loses accountability during transit?
-The IC loses accountability during company transit
What is the responsibility of the company officer during
-The company officer is responsible for monitoring the tactical radio channel.
What is the company officer to do when arrival at their assignment?
-Provide a radio announcement to the IC or report face to face with the sector officer that the company is intact and in
the assigned area.
What is “On Deck” defined as?
-A forward staging position located just outside the immediate hazard zone, safely distanced from the entrance of a tactical position/sector.
Who supervises the on deck crews?
-Their sector officer or company officer, remaining on deck until assigned by sector officer or IC.
What are the most likely assignments to an on deck crew?
-Reinforce a position within a sector, cew relief within an assigned sector, any other tactical position assigned by the
How does the IC provide for tactical reserves around the fireground?
-By layering on deck crews in order to manage work cycles or unexpected events.
How does a crew get assigned on deck?
-Contacting staged company and directing them to go On Deck in a specific geographic location or sector.
How does an on deck crew park?
-In a manner that doesn’t block access to the scene.
What must On Deck crews have upon arrival?
-Intact crew, Full PPE, forecast the need for and collect all the necessary tools and report directly to their assigned
What should the On Deck crew assemble for arrival?
-Contact sector officer or IC and inform them they are ready for work.
What must on deck crews DO upon arrival?
- Remain intact in a ready state and monitor the tactical channel at all times. Then size up their area:
a. Locate structure entrance/exit ponts
b. Interior and exterior conditions
c. Unit ID of crews operating inside the structure d. Approximate location of interior crews
e. Identify which crews are operating each hose line
How and What information is transferred when on deck is
used as relief?
- Information should be done face to face with officer exiting the structure.
a. Interior conditions
b. Routing instructions to the work area c. Interior obstructions
d. Additional tools/resources required
e. Sector objectives
What should command establish at large scale incidents?
-At least 1 Rehab Sector for company recycle.
What is there potential for when rehab sector is long distance from work area?
-Command losing direct accountability of companies in transit to rehab, difficulty reassembling and reassigning
crews in a timely manner from rehab.
What is recycling defined as?
-A timely and efficient means of air replacement and re-hydration of companies while maintaining their sector assignment.
What is expected of recycling crews?
-Remain in their sector, Refill air, re-hydrate and report back to sector officer or IC they are ready for work.
What can help expedite recycle of companies?
-Placing utility companies in geographical areas/sectors on the fire ground.
What should company officers forecast?
-They should forecast their length of time they will be working and bring spare air cylinders if necessary.
Who is responsible to monitor the welfare of their personel?
-Sector and company officers; determine if sector recycling or a formal rehab is appropriate.
Definition of a mayday situation?
-Any situation where a firefighter is unable to safely exit the hazard zone or an event that cannot be resolved by that individual within 30 seconds.
Who is empowered to call a mayday?
-Any member working on duty.
What point of an incident may a Mayday be called?
-During response, on scene or any time when a member becomes in trouble and a portable radio is available.
What is critical during a mayday?
-Early identification of a mayday.
How is a mayday initiated?
-Any member communicating “mayday, mayday, mayday.”
What is the “rule of mayday readiness?”
-It is every individual firefighters responsibility to maintain
a high level of mayday readiness at all times. This includes everyday preparation and prevention as well as the practiced ability to communicate and respond to a mayday scenario.
What are mayday procedures and actions considered?
-They are considered perishable.
What is the definition of mayday readiness?
- A firefighter must adopt an attitude and preparation to look at every incident from the standpoint of “what if I or another firefighter gets in trouble” prior to the development of a bad scenario or outcome.
a. NFPA 1500 standard defines mayday readiness as the ability to “don, doff and manipulate the SCBA in zero visibility while wearing firefighting gloves.”
What are the most important factors for mayday prevention?
-Working within an incident command system/Risk management system, working within the IAP, always being accountable to someone within the ICS (no freelance), Maintaining individual and crew air management, management of work cycles, monitor distance traveled into buildings, layering of resources and providing for a tactical reserve, planning and acting out an exit plan.
What are the 2 main components for mayday readiness?
-Prevention and Response.
What are the individual responsibilities (task level) of mayday readiness?
- a. Maintain SCBA proficiency.
b. Practice individual air management
c. Use and care of PPE
d. Portable radio proficiency and use
e. Practiced crew communications
f. Roving/replacement firefighter integration into crew (individual firefighters have responsibility to ask if no initiated by the company officer.
Who is responsible for crew development and practice of
mayday readiness?
-The company officer
What needs to be established by the crew for mayday readiness and who needs to participate?
-Set a consistent attitude and expectation for all crew members. Company officer needs to participate.
What are the company officer responsibilities of mayday readiness?
-a. Integrate a daily scba check into the crew routine.
b. Practice crew communication in the hazard zone.
c. Rover integration into the crew
d. Maintain knowledge of portable radios and practicing their use.
e. Ensure company officer responsibilities and
expectations are clear to the entire crew.
f. Practice and maintain crew integrity/accountability g. Instilling the standard that firefighters should always stay on the hoseline.
Where does development of mayday readiness skills begin?
-Recruit level and maintained throughout career
Where is response to an individual firefighters mayday initially managed?
-Initially managed at the company level.
What are the individual firefighter responsibilities for mayday response?
-a. Maintain preparation and reaction skills
b. Early communication of mayday situation utilizing the above standard.
c. Control an emotional response to the situation
d. Once the mayday situation is recognized and reported,each firefighter should remember to BREATH, ORGANIZE and ACT (BOA)
e. Utilize the IAFF Fire ground survival training
i. SCBA Familiarization
ii. High/Low all breach
iii. Disentanglement
iv. Ladder Bail
v. Window Hang
vi. GRAB LIVES (Gauge, Radio, Activate pass,
control Breathing, stay LOW, Illuminate, Volume-make nose, find an EXIT, SHIELD your airway.
Who best manages the tactical level mayday responsibilities?
-The Battalion Chief and FIT/ISO tandem best manages these responsibilities.
What are the tactical level responsibilities?
-a. Work within the overall IAP
b. Continual assessment of the decision making model within the sector assignments
c. Management of tactical objectives for the sector
through position and functions of crews working within this sector.
d. Sector level air management
i. Manage geographical work areas, work/rest
cycles, distances into buildings. e. Accountability
i. Maintain adequate resources assigned to the sector
ii. Layered resources in position to manage tactical objectives and prepared to respond in the event of a mayday.
f. Maintain effective and appropriate communications with Command
i. Sector CAN reports
ii. Requesting or de-committing resources
Who takes responsibility of the resolution of the mayday situation?
-Sector officer.
What does the IC due during the mayday?
-Gives appropriate resources to the mayday sector officer while reinforcing the surrounding geographical functional sectors.
What are other responsibilities during a mayday?
-a. Respond to the mayday from inside out.
b. Manage communications with down FF.
c. Manage the search and rescue efforts for the down FF
d. Increase and maintain resources assigned to the sector
e. Improve survivability and tenability (increase exterior access, utilize RIC bag, improve ventilation)
f. Recognize and support the help order of a mayday
(self rescue, down FF’s crew, Crews working in same sector, crews from other sectors, requesting additional staged resources, communications with surrounding geographical or functional sectors.
g. Surrounding sectors not involved in the mayday
h. Maintain accountability of crews working to resolve the mayday.
i. Maintain awareness of fire and smoke conditions, as well as building conditions, as rescue efforts are initiated (no greater time for a clear and concise utilization or the risk management system than during mayday event, it is not acceptable to create further mayday situations when resolving an existing mayday, these conditions must be communicated to the IC as conditions deteriorate.
Who has the ultimate responsibility for prevention and response to mayday situation?
-Incident command team (Strategic Level readiness and response).
What are the responsibilities for the strategic level of an incident mayday?
-a. Continually reassess the incident through the strategic decision making model
i. Critical fireground factors, risk management, strategy, evaluation of the IAP, resources, plan and prepare for communications challenge.
b. Strategic level communications
i. Control incident communications (critical
messages only, manage pace and tone, incident and mayday stay on same tactical channel, accountability, tactical benchmarks, CAN and PAR reports).
c. Continue strategic level continuity
i. Ensure BCs are assigned to all critical tactical
level positions (sectors)
ii. Continue to manage remaining firefight (ensure
the overall incident actions match the overall
incident conditions).
What is the tactical benchmark for the end point of a mayday?
-“Mayday Resolved”
What has to be confirmed prior to a mayday being resolved?
- a. All individuals experiencing mayday are removed from hazard zone
b. All members involved in the rescue are accounted for an are out of the hazard zone
c. All members working all other sectors are accounted for
d. The IC can give a PAR for the entire hazard zone
Who notifies command of the completion of the rescue and that all members involved are out of the hazard zone?
-The officer of the individual sector in which the mayday occurred.
Who has the obligation to complete the accountability process for the entire incident?
-The IC has the obligation to complete accountability for benchmark “mayday resolved.”
Is mayday only a fireground term?
-No. it can be used in any hazard zone.
What does the TRO do when a mayday is transmitted?
- a. Transmits the emergency traffic tone
b. Voices on the tactical channel “we have a mayday, all units hold your traffic.”
c. Repeats the mayday message using the standard order model
d. Allows for the IC to speak to the mayday intiator.