Captain Upgrade - GOM Flashcards
When is a 17347 (formerly 3585) second alternate required?
- When either the destination or first alternate has remarks below mins(but not less than 50% of published mins)
- A second alternate will be used when dispatched under 3585
What is sterile cockpit?
- Critical phases of flight when crewmembers cannot engage in activity not essential to safe flight
- Begins when cockpit door is secure until reaching cruise altitude
- Starts again on descent below 10,000 until parking brakes set at the gate
By how far should thunderstorms be avoided?
20 NM
What is a pre-takeoff check? When is it done? Can it be done from the cockpit?
Pre-takeoff check in an inspection of the wings and representative surfaces for frost, ice, or snow. It should be done within the holdover time and should be done from the cabin where adequate visual reference to the surfaces is allowed, but can be done from the cockpit if it can be safely determined
Which MX categories can be extended?
How long?
- Category B - 3 days
- Category C - 10 days
How much additional runway length is required for IMC approaches and what are the weather minimums for this situation?
- 15%
- Any time the weather is below 3/4 mile or RVR 4000
- Aerodata low visibility data ensures compliance
How does Mesa define Marginal?
Marginal is the lowest approach mins expected plus 500 + 1 at both the destination and alternate
What are the PICs responsibilities during an emergency?
(GOM pg 13.4)
- Consider making an emergency descent
- Consider burning excess fuel
- Consider Crew duties (assign as necessary)
- Use the ABCs of Emergencies and Emergeny Procedures - EPC, QRH, A, B, C
How is a crew member SARA qualified?
- One or both pilots did a takeoff and landing from the SARA field within 12 months
- Pictorial Jepps for Captains only (Exemption 4416)
*** GOM 4.13 ***
What are the lower than standard Takeoff Minima for operations at or above RVR 1600?
- If TDZ (touchdown zone) RVR report is available it is controlling.
- The mid RVR may substitute for unavailable TDZ.
When must carry on baggage be stowed?
Prior to door closure
What happens when a destination WX report
shows deteriorating WX requiring an alternate enroute to the airfield?
(GOM pg 7.35)
PIC and dispatcher will consider (through discussion with ACARS) based on level and rate of deterioration- selecting an alternate to which the flight may proceed considering available fuel supply and reserve requirements.
What are the IFR takeoff minimums?
- Standard takeoff mins are 1 statue mile
- RVR, when available will be used
- Lower than standard mins are authorized when published in the Jepps
- Lower than standard mins require runway centerline lights and markings and/or adequate visual reference
- When using lower than standard RVR mins, TDZ RVR is controlling
- In no case will lower than published mins be used
What factors determine effectiveness of fluid?
Concentration and type of fluid
A First Officer has flown a total of 70 hours under Part 121 in Mesa aircraft. What limitations must this First Officer comply with?
- No pairings with Captains with less than 75 hours
- unless a check airman, captain does takeoffs and landings
- SARA airports
- Visibility < 3/4 mile or RVR 4000
- Contaminated runways
- Braking action < good
- X-wind > 15 knots
- Windshear
- CA discretion
What are the four pillars of safety?
(GOM pg 1.21)
- Safety Policy
- Safety Risk Management (SRM)
- Safety Assurance (SA)
- Safety Promotion
What does an “M” MEL indicate?
Procedures in the remarks section require specific training.
(MX personnel)
What are the derived alternate weather minimums?
- One NAVAID rule:
- Add 400 + 1 to the lowest Category 1 minimums
- Two NAVAID rule:
- Add 200 + 1/2 to the lowest Category 1 minimums of the two approaches
- Must be straight in approach
- Must use different runways
- Must be suitable runways
- Must have different NAVAID identifiers
Who cannot sit in an emergency exit row?
- Persons without sufficient balance, mobility, or strength to exit or assist
- Less than 15 years old
- Unable to read or understand English
- Unable to see w/out contacts or glasses
- Unable to hear w/out hearing aid
- Unable to communicate instructions to others
- Having conditions in which performing duties would harm them
- Passengers with animals
- Passengers caring for small children or infants
- Prisoners under escort
- Unwilling
What are disqualified passengers?
- Infants < 7 days without accompanying medical person
- Infants requiring incubators or life support
- UMs < 5 online, < 8 off line
- Pregnant and due w/in 7 days
- Pregnant and without Dr.note w/in 72 hours
- Pax req Oxygen
- Pax unable to sit upright
- barefoot, except infants
- Intoxicated
- High risk prisoners
- Firearms without authorization
- Pax unable to use seatbelt with one extension
What are the requirements for High Mins Captains (HMC)?
(GOM pg 7.40)
- Takeoff: can apply lower than standard mins for T/O. However, T/O alternate is predicated on HMC landing mins.
- Landing: Landing mins may be determined by adding 100 ft to DH/MDA and 1/2 statute mile to min visibility or RVR equivalent.
- Althernates: Landing mins for HMCs are not increased to applicable mins at alternate airports, and lower than standard rules may be applied but no less than 300/1.
- HMCs will be designated with a “Y” on the realease next to their names until 100 hrs are achieved.
(GOM pg 7.40). (FAR 121.652)
How does a First Officer maintain currency for Part 121 ground training, proficiency check, landings?
- Annual RGS
- Line checks not required
- Annual PC/PT
- 3 takeoffs/landings within 90 days
If you cannot land within 60% of the most suitable runway at your destination, can you takeoff?
No, but Aerodata should ensure compliance
How intoxicated must a passenger be to be denied?
Enough to be helpless, objectionable, or dangerous
Can you continue to an airport when the weather for your alternate drops below the derived alternate minimums?
Yes, as long as the weather reporting at the destination is adequate, otherwise you need to contact dispatch for a revised alternate
What are the requirements for takeoff with less than 1 mile vis down to ¼ or 1600 RVR?
- TDZ RVR, if available, is controlling
- At least one of the following:
- CL
- Adequate visual reference
What are the lowest remarks for the first alternate?
Not less than 1/2 the derived minimums for the ceiling and visibility
How does a Captain maintain currency under Part 121 operations for ground training, proficiency check, line check, and landings?
- Annual RGS
- Semi-annual PC/PT
- Annual Line Check
- 3 takeoffs and landings in 90 days
*** Any recurrent event has a base month, early, and late grace month***
What HAZMAT can we take onboard?
- Gas cylinders (Empty and demonstrated depleated)
- Dry Ice (5lbs or 4.4 off line per container - 50lbs max, vented)
- Ammo (11 lbs/person, 110lbs/plane)
- Sealed oil
- Serviceable tires or unserviceable and depleted tires
- Wheelchair batteries
- Toiletries ?
What are the expiration times
for each MX category?
(FAR 121.363) (GOM pg 9.8)
- Category A: Repaired within the interval specified in the Remarks column of the MEL
- Category B: 72 hrs (3 days-excluding day of writeup)
- Category C: 240 hrs (10 days-excluding the day of the writeup
- Category D: 120 days (excluding the day of the writeup)
- Category M: NEFs have specific timer frames specific to eash individual NEF.
What is consolidation?
- 100 hours within 120 days of initial check ride
- Can have a line check to extend 30 days
- IOE counts towards everything except high mins captains
What is the policy regarding disabled passengers?
Mesa does not discriminate against disabled passengers
What kinds of flying are First Officers prohibited from performing?
- Takeoffs with prevailing visibility less than 1 mile or 5000 rvr
- FO’s are not trained to takeoff with < 1 mile or 5000 RVR
What are the FOs functions during an emergency?
(GOM pg 13.4)
- Make sure flashlights and fire extinguisher are available
- Secure loose items in the cockpit
- Assist PIC with any additional requests
- Exit aircraft with flashlight and fire extinguisher
- Assist once outside in assembling passengers away from the aircraft
When can you cancel IFR?
Preferably on the ground with ATC, but just prior to landing is acceptable
How do de-ice/anti ice fluids work?
- Type I heated - Lowers freezing point and the heat melts snow and ice
- Type II S/A but provides coating to prevent accumulation
- Type IV - Same as Type II with better holdover times
What does an “O” MEL indicate?
Procedures in the remarks section do not require special training (pilots)
Does the marginal rule apply to the remarks section?
How is a write-up properly cleared or deferred?
- Cleared by Mx (Corrective action performed and signed off)
- Deferred by MEL procedures and transcribed to the DDL
What should you do for severe icing condition?
- Ensure wing/cowl de-icers are on
- Exit immediately
- Request priority handling from ATC as required
- Avoid abrupt maneuvering
- Do not engage auto pilot
- Reduce angle of attack
Can the doors be closed prior to exit row seat verification?
Yes, during cold or noisy conditions
When must a departure alternate be filed?
- When the visibility at the departure airport is less than the lowest category 1 minimums for the runway in use
- High mins captains add 100 + 1/2
What are the conditions for severe icing?
Freezing rain, SLD icing, or freezing drizzle
What are the MEL time limits by category?
- A - Per the remarks
- B - 72 hours
- C - 240 hours
- D - 120 days
- M - 30 days
What Takeoff limitations exist for high mins Captains?
Lower than standard minimums can be used, but the requirement for a takeoff alternate is predicated on the category minimums +100 and 1/2
*** GOM 6.20 *** *** Op specs C054 ***
Can aircraft be de-iced with engines running?
- Yes, use extreme caution. Avoid spraying fluid into intakes
- GOM prefers that APU be off and engines running
When does holdover time begin?
At the start of the final application
Must the PIC be made aware for the reason of the test flight?
What is the procedure for making changes to the release
- Pen and ink changes are authorized for anything except the Captains name
- Record the new information, the dispatchers initials, and Zulu time of the change