Capsule - Mixed Flashcards
What is included in a baby septic screen?
Bloods, LP, urine dipstick
What bacteria level is a UTI confirmed?
> 10^5 colony of urine
What is the most common UTI bacteria?
E. coli
When is a DMSA scan required in children with UTI?
Klebsiella UTI <6 months old - atypical UTI
Ix for UTI in under 6 months old
USS urinary tract
Ix for atypical UTI
USS urinary tract acutely
DMSA scan after 4-6 months if under 3
MCUG if under 6 months old
Features of atypical UTI
Seriously I’ll
Poor urine flow
Abdo or bladder mass
Raised serum creatinine
Non E. coli
Ix recurrent UTI
USS urinary tract
DMSA 4 to 6 months later
MCUG if under 6 months
What is vesicouretic reflux?
Incompetent valve at vesicouretic junction allowing reflux of infected urine to kidneys
How common is vesicouretic reflux?
Complication of vesicouretic reflux
Pyelonephritis and renal scaring
How do you confirm vesicouretic reflux?
Micturating cystourethrogram following uti
Mx of vesicouretic reflux
Long term abx and surveillance
Age peak of pyloric stenosis
4-6 weeks
What is pyloric stenosis
Hypertrophy of pylorus
Sx of pyloric stenosis
Projectile vomiting during or just after feeding
Hungry immediately after vomiting
Sex preference in pyloric stenosis
Male 7:1
Physical examination findings of pyloric stenosis
USS prior to Sx
Weight loss, dehydration
Visible peristalsis of stomach
Olive sized tumour in RUQ
What blood features are found in pyloric stenosis
Hypocholoraemic alkalosis with low K and Na
Mx of pyloric stenosis
Surgical correction
What surgery is done in pyloric stenosis s
Ramstedt procedure - slice through pyloric muscle
What is the most important thing to remember in testicular torsion Mx?
The other testicle has an increased risk of torsion
Ix for testicular torsion?
NONE - do it clinically as quick as possible
Can have USS but do not wait for this
Causes of undescended testes?
Incompetent descent of testes