Capital Taxation Flashcards
What is the RICS Guidance Note in regards to Capital Taxation?
UK National Supplement
Which section of the UK National Supplement relates to Capital Taxation?
Where is the MV definition for SDLT Purposes defined?
S118 of the Finance Act 2003.
Where can I find the MV definition for CGT Purposes?
S272 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992
What is ATED?
Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings
Main legislation for IHT?
Inheritance Tax Act 1984
What is the IHT threshold?
£325,000 or £650,000 with the transferable nil rate.
What is the definition of MV for IHT and where can I find this?
Market Value – defined in s160 IHTA
.. The market value of any property at any time for the purposes of this Act shall be the price which the property might reasonably be expected to fetch if sold in the open market at that time but that price shall not be assumed to be reduced on the ground that the whole of the property is to be placed on the market at one and the same time’
What are some valuation factors to consider when approaching an IHT Valuation?
Damaged property – valuers report? Tenanted property – rent? On the market? – higher price? Large garden – planning? Improvements by 3rd party Special purchaser – has it sold? Undivided shares - % deduction?
Primary legislation for CGT?
Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992,
What is PRR? Example of a PRR Case you’ve dealt with?
s222 of Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act.
Legislation allows permitted area of up to 0.5ha (1.23 acres) of garden and grounds OR larger if required for reasonable enjoyment of it as a residence
Explain case process; identify permitted area, what is reasonable in the locality, apportion slaes price between permitted and non-permitted area.
Lead case re apportionment?
Salts vs Battersby 1910
Lead case regarding teh valuation of undivided shares?
Wight v Moss.
10% if property co-owned but not in common occupation, 15% if in common occupation - reflects the risk of selling the property on the market with a co-owner.
Calculate the MV, deduct for 50% share then deduct further, say 10% to reflect occupancy.
What can you tell me about Palliser v HMRC?
Reasonable valuer should take into consideration development potential when approaching valuation for capital taxation purposes if it is clear the property would received some form of benefit from development - Hale Barnes corner plot bungalow.
How did you value the HMO in Huddersfield / Rusholme?
Investment method.
Gathered comp rent and yield evidence determined MR then capitalised by YP taken from the yield inversion to calculate a MV figure.
What is a special purchaser?
Purchaser known to the market, stands to gain a benefit through the purchase of property and land therefore have a special interest in purchasing the property.
What is prudent lotting?
If you need to make a valuation of an asset or collection of assets which can be broken up and sold in lots you should value the whole on the assumption that it will be lotted in such a way as to maximise the proceeds of sale.
In some cases the value of the whole may be greater than the total values of each item if sold separately. For example, the value of a complete antique porcelain dinner service may be greater than the sum of the values of each piece sold separately. If so, it should be valued as a whole.
Conversely, in some cases the value of the whole would be increased by the asset being broken up into appropriate lots, in which case this is the basis to adopt. For example, in the Estate Duty case of Duke of Buccleuch and another v CIR [1966] I All ER 129, the House of Lords held that a large Estate was to be subdivided into its natural units for valuation purposes.
What is the difference between joint tenancy and tenancy in common?
Joint tenants have the same ownership share in the property e.g. 50/50.
Tenants in common have different share interest in the property e.g. 75%/25% between parties.
What IHT exemptions are there?
Gifts to charities.
Lifetime transfer to spouse.
Transfer to family within 7 years of death.
What do you understand by agricultural relief?
Not dealt with but;
Agricultural property is defined as agricultural land or pasture but also specifically includes:
Woodland, so long as it is occupied with and ancillary to the land and pasture;
Farm buildings, again, they must be occupied with and ancillary to the land or pasture;
Farmhouses and cottages but only if they are of a character appropriate to the land or pasture that is in the same occupation (this is discussed in greater detail below); and
It is important to note that the grazing of land by horses that are not connected with agriculture would render that land non-agricultural.
What is a HMO, what is the minimum number of beds required to be classed as a HMO?
House in multi occupation - 3 people living in a property not from the same household.
What is probate?
In property terms, the administering of a decesased persons estate.
What yield did you adopt in the investment valuation of the HMO?
All risk yield.
What is the IHT computation?
Value of estate @ D.O.D
- nil rate band
- any further feliefs
= IHT owed
Taxable amount @ 40%
What is the CGT computation?
Disposal price
- Acquisition Price
- Allowable costs (improvements if added value)
- Tax Free allowance
= Chargeable gain
What are purchasers costs made up of?
legal fees, agent fees and stamp duty
recent budget change that property value under £500,000 will pay 0% SDLT until 31 March 2020
Any other PRR case law you are aware if regarding permitted areas?
Longson v Baker - challenged permitted area stating grazing land was needed for the reasonable enjoyment of the dwelling-house as a residence. DV agreed to a larger permitted areas just over a hectare regarding locality, VO decision upheld