Capital Structure Flashcards
Business risk
~ determined by general business and economic condiions
~ variability in EBIT in industry
Financial risk
risk due to having a fixed-interest debt in the capital structure
Operational gearing
Total contribution : EBIT
~ extent which operating costs are fixed vs variable
Gearing (formula)
= D / E
= D / (E + D)
Interest Cover (formula)
= EBIT / Interest
M+M Theory
~ NO TAX: the WACC is constant, independent of gearing = no optimal lvl of gearing
~ TAX: advantageous to gear up, as pay less tax (thro paying interest)
M+M Theory: Limitations in Real World
~ assumes perfect capital markets
~ bankruptcy risk from high gearing
~ restrictive loan covenants
~ tax exhaustion ( no taxable income so no need for tax shield)
Adjusted present value
- calc base case value using Keu = value of ungeared project
- calc PV of tax shield
- sum two figures
DECISION: +ve value = increase in S/H wealth so proceed
Base case value (Keu)
Keu = Rf + (Rm - Rf) x betaA
BetaA (Ba)
a.k.a. asset beta
systemic business risk of the assets in a business
Ungeared co: Be = Ba
Geared increases: Be > Ba
Risk-adjusted discount rate
~ uses Be, Ba and gearing lvl
(formula given
Pricing issue of new shares
Too high: not fully taken up
Too low: detriment of current S/Hs
~ problem bypassed by a rights issue
Pecking order of equity finance
- Retained earnings: cheapest source, no issue costs
- Rights issues + placing
- New issues: most expensive
issuing shares to few large co, not general public
Types of dividend policy
~ M+M irrelevance ~ traditional theory ~ signaling ~ clientele ~ cash availablility ~ agency issues
Dividend policies: M+M Irrelevance
~ pattern of divs is irrelevant in determining S/H wealth
~ paying or not paying doesn’t matter as long as +ve NPV projects undertaken to maximise S/H wealth (increase value of shares)
Dividend policies: Traditional Theory
~ greater value is put on dividend now compared to retention
~ money now mroe valuable than money later as more certain
Dividend policies: Signalling
~ pattern of div payments needed for investors to predict performance of co
~ a stable (and rising) div payout maintains investor confidence
Dividend policies: Clientele
~ high payouts attract those who prefer current income
~ low payouts attract those who prefer capital gains income
Dividend policies: Cash availability
if no cash available to pay div, borrow or reduce investment to avoid adverse signalling effects
Dividend policies: Agency issues
~ mgt do not necessarily have S/H interests at heart
~ S/H’s can maintain control by insisting on high div payouts