Capital Punishment Flashcards
What is capital punishment?
The legal punishment of particular crimes by death
Arguments for capital punishment
ULTIMATE DETERRENCE - stops re offence of criminal and puts others off
RETRIBUTION - ultimate revenge: ‘a life for a life’
PROTECTION - society is safe from dangerous criminals
RELIGION (THE OLD TESTAMENT) - the Old Testament sounds in favour of capital punishment: ‘if a man kills anyone, he must be put to death’ from Leviticus 24
Arguments against capital punishment
DOES NOT DETER - Texas has capital punishment and more murders than states without capital punishment
HYPOCRITICAL/INHUMANE - cruel, unnecessary suffering in some forms of execution, killing a killer to show it’s bad
CONCESSION - ‘easy way out’ for criminals: they should be made to suffer in jail for the rest of their lives
HUMAN DIGNITY - everyone has a right to life: ‘imago dei’
Imago Dei
Christian teaching which means life is holy and we shouldn’t mess with it
Society needs to feel safe from harm
Consequences to crimes will put people off
Punishment for not upholding/respecting the law
Punishments should try to change criminals so they will not commit crimes again
Punishments should make criminals pay for what they have done
Countries with capital punishment
China, Iran, Bangladesh
Countries without capital punishment
France, Germany, UK
A process where the victim makes a conscious decision to not feel resentment towards someone who has wronged them
How might it be easier for someone to forgive?
They have been forgiven themselves
The crime was against property rather than a person
There are examples from their faith of forgiveness
The offender is apologetic
Issues with forgiveness
It is countercultural (uncommon) to forgive others today. Many want to get revenge instead (retribution)
Examples of forgiveness in the Bible
The prodigal son, the unmerciful servant, Jesus
Restorative justice
The problem-solving approach to justice; victim and offender being reconciled. 75% of people in the UK have found it helpful
Why might Christians support restorative justice
Christianity promotes forgiveness - sin is a part of human nature and criminals should be treated fairly
Restores the relationship between God and sinful people
“Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice” - Ephesians 4:31-32
Issues of restorative justice
Relies on voluntary cooperation
If both parties are unwilling they must go through formal justice in court
For some victims the crime committed has been too severe that they dont want to meet the offender
Some offenders are not sorry for their crimes and might not want to meet the victim
What is the Old Testament’s view on capital punishment?
AGREES - what someone has done to another will be done back to them
“Humans are made in God’s image so if you murder them then you life will be taken” - Genesis 9:6
What is the New Testament’s view on capital punishment?
DISAGREES - all people can be forgiven, we should love unconditionally and have empathy
“Do not take revenge on those you have wronged you” - Matthew 5:38-39
What is the Presbyterian Church’s view on capital punishment?
DISAGREES - in 2008 it was decided Christians from this church should work for a system of criminal rehabilitation based on restorative justice and an end to the death penalty
What is the Catholic Church’s view on capital punishment?
IF NECESSARY - if criminals can be punished by other means and is effective then capital punishment shouldn’t be used. It should only be used if it is the only way society can be protected from an unjust aggressor