Capital Fund Flashcards
JE To Record Bond Ordinance
Debit: Funding (CIF, Down payments on improvements deferred charges to future taxation
Credit: Improvement Authorization Funded, Improvement Authorization Unfunded
JE Memo Entry
Debit: Estimated Proceeds of Bonds or Notes Authorized but not issued
Credit: Proceeds of Bonds or Notes Authorized but not issued
JE Sale of Notes
Debit Cash
Credit: Bond Anticipation Notes Payable
Debit: Proceeds of Bonds and Notes Anticipated but not issued
Credit: Estimated Proceeds of Bonds and Notes Anticipated but not issued
JE: Set up Ordinance which is completely funded by Capital Improvement Fund
Debit: Capital Improvement Fund
Credit: Improvement Authorization Funded
JE: Cancel unexpended balance of fully funded improvement authorization
Debit: Improvement Authorization Funded
Credit: Capital Improvement Fund
JE: To set up ordinance fully funded but through various sources
Debit: Fund Balance and Capital Improvement Fund
Credit: Improvement Authorization Funded
JE: To cancel ordinance fully funded through various sources
Debit: Improvement Authorization Funded
Credit: Fund Balance (always goes back to Fund Balance if through mixed sources)
JE: Set up Ordinance which involved mixed financing (funded and unfunded)
Debit: Capital Improvement Fund, Deferred Charges to Future Taxation Unfunded, Fund Balance, Capital Reserve
Credit: Improvement Authorization Funded
Improvement Authorization Unfunded
Memo Entry for unfunded portion
Debit Estimated Proceeds of Bond and Notes Authorized but not issued
Credit: Proceeds for Bonds and Notes Authorized but not issued
JE: Cancel Ordinance which involved mixed financing (funded and unfunded)
Debit: Improvement Authorization Unfunded and Improvement Authorization Funded
Credit: Capital Improvement Fund, Deferred Charges Unfunded, Reserve, Fund Balance
Memo entry for unfunded portion - Reverse
Debit: Proceeds for Bonds and Notes Authorized but not issued
Credit: Estimated proceeds for bonds and notes authorized but not issued
JE: To set up contracts payable or accounts payable or retained percentage due to contractor
Debit: Improvement Authorization Funded & Unfunded
Credit: Contracts Payable / Accounts Payable / Retained percentage due to contractor
JE: Set up reserve for preliminary expenses
Debit: Capital Improvement Fund
Credit: Reserve for Preliminary Expenses
JE: To Set up over-expenditure of ordinance appropriations
Debit: Over-expenditures
Credit: Improvement Authorization Funded or Unfunded
JE: To set up interfund when budget appropriations have not been disbursed to the General Capital Fund
Debit: Due From Current Fund
Credit: Capital Improvement Fund, Down Payments on Improvements, Deferred charges to future taxation - unfunded
JE: Issuance of Bond Anticipation Notes
Debit: Cash
Credit: Bond Anticipation Notes
Debit: Proceeds of Bonds and Notes Authorized but not issued
Credit: Estimated proceeds of bonds and notes authorized but not issued
JE: Issuance of General Serial Bonds
Debit: Cash
Credit: General Serial Bonds
Accrued interest on Sale (due C/F MRNA)
Accrued interest on Sale - Reserve Interest Payable
Fund Balance (Premium on sale)
Debit: Proceeds of Bonds and Notes Authorized but not issued
Credit: Estimated Proceeds of Bonds and Notes Authorized but not issued
Debit: Deferred Charges to Future Taxation Funded
Credit: Deferred Charges to Future Taxation Unfunded
Debit: Improvement Authorization Unfunded
Credit: Improvement Authorization Funded
JE: Reflect Payment of General Serial Bonds by current Fund
Debit: General Serial Bonds Payable
Credit: Deferred Charged to Future Taxation Funded