Capacity Plannng and Location Analysis / Process Selection and Layout Flashcards
What are the 2 types of information for capacity?
- Amount of available capacity.
- Effectiveness of capacity use.
2 types of capacity
- Effective capacity - maximum out rate that can be sustained under normal conditions
- Design Capacity - maximum output rate that can be achieved by the faclity under ideal conditions.
Capacity Utilization
Measures how much of the available capacity (%) is actually being used.
What are the steps involved in capacity planning?
- Identify Capacity Requirements
- Develop Capacity Alternatives
- Evaluate Capacity Alternatives
Factrs involved in selecting an ideal location
- Proximity to sources of supply
- Proximity to customers
- Proximity to source of labor
- Community Considerations
- Site Considerations
- Quality of Life issues
Factor Rating
Can be used to evaluate multiple alternatives based on a number of selected factors.
Load-Distance model
A procedure for evaluatig location alternatives based on distance.
Rectangular distance
The shortest distance between 2 points measured by using only north-south and east-west movements.
Center of Gravity Approach
Requires the analyst to find the center of gravity of the geographic area being considered for an alternative site.
Transporation Method
- solve specific location problems
- evaluate the cost impact of adding potential location sites to the network of existing facilities
- evaluate adding multiple new sites or completely redesigning the network
Repetitive Operations vs Intermittent Operations
- Repetitive Operations - used to produce one or a few standardized products in high volume
- Intermittent Operations - used to produce a variety of products with different processing requirements in lower volumes.
Batch Process
Used to make small quantities based on product specifications.
Project Process
Used to make one-of-a-kind products exactly to customer specifications.
Line Process
Produce a large volume of standardized products to mass production.
Continuous Process
Operates continuously to produce a high volume of a fully standardized product.
Process Performance Metrics
Throughput Time: Average amount of time product takes to move through the system
Process Velocity: A measure of wasted time in the system
Productivity: A measure of how well a company uses its resources
Utilization: The proportion of time a resource is actually used
Efficiency: Measures performance relative to a standard
4 Facility Layouts
- Process Layouts - Layouts the group resources based on similar processes or functions
- Product Layouts - arrange resources in sequence to allow for an effective buildup of the product.
- Hybrid Layouts - combination of process and product layouts.
- Groug Technology - hybri layouts that create groups based on similar processing requirements.