Capabilities Framework - Knowledge/Skills Flashcards
Describe Written Communication
- Prepares complex briefs, letters, emails and reports using clear, concise and grammatically correct language
- Edits written communications to ensure they contain the information necessary to achieve their purpose and meet audience needs
- Ensures appropriate style and formats are used
Describe Verbal Communication
- Confidently conveys ideas and information in a clear and interesting way
- Clearly understands the target audience and the objectives of the communication
- Uses audience feedback to refine communication and ensure communications are understood
- Handles difficult and sensitive communications well
Describe Presentation Communication
- Prepares and delivers logical, sequential and succinct presentations
- Uses clear and concise language
- Answers queries and creates an understanding of the presentation topic
- Quickly makes a positive impression on others and comes across with credibility
- Communicates orally in a manner which is clear, fluent and holds the audience’s attention
- Deals well with difficult and sensitive topics and questions
Describe Interpersonal Skills
- Polite and considerate in dealing with others
- Aware of people’s moods and temperament
- Sees things from other’s point of view and confirms understanding
- Expresses own views in a constructive and diplomatic way
- Reflects on how own emotions impact on others
- Detects the underlying concerns, interests or emotions that lie behind what is being said and done
- Presents as genuine and sincere when dealing with others
- Projects an objective view of another’s position
- Uses understanding of individuals to get the best outcomes for the person and organisation
Describe Planning/Organising
- Identifies processes, tasks and resources required to achieve a goal
- Sets clearly defined objectives and priorities and operates accordingly, reviewing and adjusting as required
- Takes an organised, methodical approach to work
- Regularly plans and tracks progress on work tasks
- Develops and implements systems and procedures to guide work and track progress
- Recognises actual and potential barriers and finds effective ways to deal with them
- Addresses priority tasks first Identifies more and less critical activities and operates accordingly, reviewing and adjusting as required
Describe Self-Management
- Accepts responsibilities for own actions
- Focuses on the most important goals
- Has a realistic and balanced view of own strengths and weaknesses
- Recognises own feelings and personal prejudices and understands why they occur
- Plans and prioritises work to ensure outcomes are achieved
- Resists the temptation to react immediately without taking time to think things through
- Uses strengths to contribute constructively, and consciously manages the impact of own weaknesses
- Anticipates own reactions to situations and prepares accordingly
- Invites feedback on own behaviour and impact
- Uses new knowledge or information about self to build a broader understanding of own behaviour and the impact it has on others
- Understands strong emotional reactions and seeks ways to more effectively manage them
Describe Leadership
- Explains what needs to be done and ensures people have the necessary information
- Identifies information and resources required for others to work effectively and makes sure their practical needs are met
- Builds a cohesive team with clarity around goals and accountabilities
- Obtains needed personnel, resources and information for the team
- Supports individuals and the team, delegating responsibilities appropriately
- Brings together the best possible group to achieve objectives
- Builds team commitment by demonstrating personal conviction
- Translates organisational strategy into meaningful long-term plans and objectives for own area of responsibility
- Motivates others to deliver against goals
Describe Influencing/Negotiation
- Outlines the ‘pros and cons’ of a particular approach to influence the decision making of others
- Uses direct, logical persuasion in a discussion or presentation by appealing to reason and by using concrete examples, facts and figures
- Adapts the content, style, message or tone of a presentation to suit the audience and plans how to tackle objections
- Sells own ideas by linking them to others’ values, needs and goals
- Negotiates and implements a well -planned course of action to achieve a specific impact
- Gains agreement to proposals and ideas
- Builds behind-the-scenes support for ideas to ensure buy-in and ownership
- Uses chains of indirect influence to achieve outcomes (eg ‘Gets A to show B so B will tell C’)
- Involves experts or other third parties to strengthen a case
- Develops long-term, complex and multi-phased plans to influence others
- Implements complex strategies to build buy-in and support from key internal and external clients or stakeholders
- Uses a variety of different influencing approaches tailored to different clients
- Effectively negotiates with clients/ stakeholders to achieve desired outcomes
Describe Strategic Planning
- Thinks at the big picture level
- Entertains wide-ranging possibilities in developing a vision for the future
- Works across a number of timeframes
- Translates strategic direction into day-to-day activities
- Plans and reviews work based on what is important to achieve, rather than what tasks are usually done
- Identifies or develops overall team goals and links strategies and actions required to achieve these goals
Describe Organisational Awareness
- Uses formal and informal influencing relationships and decision making processes
- Appreciates the responsibilities, legal obligations and limits that apply to an organisation
- Actively seeks to understand the priorities and interests of various groups and key individuals
- Understands issues and pressures to which the organisation has to respond
- Understands the reasons behind the organisational climate and culture
Describe Environmental Scanning
- Monitors external sources and identifies underlying trends
- Develops, maintains and uses a variety of systems, processes, and sources to gather information and gain deeper understanding
- Uses a range of references and professional networks to conduct specific research
- Contacts others, not immediately involved, to obtain their perspective and expertise
- Consults experts to gain broader and deeper understanding of a specific issue
- Seeks underlying reasons for a presenting issue
Describe Systems thinking
- Diagnoses trends, obstacles and opportunities in the internal and external environment
- Understands the linkages between natural systems and communities to inform policy
- Conceptualises and defines the systems working within the organisation
- Identifies and understands the long-term impact of particular courses of action on the organisation’s objectives
- Understands how various processes within an organisation integrate
- Recognises components of a system and their interconnections
Describe Policy Skills
- Formulates and communicates public policy options and recommendations
- Keeps up-to-date with a broad range of contemporary issues
- Scans for links and potential implications of proposed policy options
- Liaises with stakeholders
- Aware of, interprets and applies policies
- Provides feedback on draft policies
- Drafts simple policies using research skills and consults with stakeholders
Describe Problem Solving
- Seeks all relevant information for problem-solving
- Liaises with stakeholders
- Analyses issues from different perspectives and draws sound inferences from information available
- Identifies and proposes workable solutions to problems
- Implements solutions, evaluates effectiveness and adjusts actions as required
- Anticipates potential problems and pre-empts required actions
- Continually liaises with key stakeholders to ensure full understanding of the issues
- Evaluates implemented courses of action and makes adjustments as required
Describe Project Management
- Consults, liaises with and influences key stakeholders
- Produces detailed project plans where objectives are clearly defined and action steps for achieving them are clearly specified
- Monitors performance against objectives and manages project risks and issues
- Ensures project objectives are met